Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1025: 1025


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The cold wind of yin and Han kept blowing, which made the quiet hinterland of Tianyun clan seem more strange for a moment.


"Elder martial brother!"


At the same time, the cries of panic came out of the mouths of all the people in the sword Pavilion, the remnant forces of the three major sects. All the people in the sword peaks of the sword Pavilion rushed forward frantically, running to the place where the people on Tianshu fell and died.

"Brush!" A figure flashed out, and the sword appeared in the place where the human body fell on Tianshu. Then, there was only a dull sound, and the Epee stood in the front of the unknown body of the sword.

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"Hum!" The fierce and fierce killing intention was released from the body of the Epee matchless sword. The body shape of the remnant strong men in the sword pavilion was so astonished that they were all stunned. In the eyes of the Jianxiu of each peak, there was a deep color of fear. Staring at the sword like a sharp sword, they were speechless for a while.

"Brush!" The sword is nameless, and its face is extremely cold. He took out a rusty broken sword from his arms. His eyes coldly glanced at all the people in Jianfeng, and his voice was extremely cold. He said in a cold voice without any emotion: "the master of Tianshu peak in Jiange has a bad mind, which has been passed on for thousands of years. Today, there is the master of Yaoguang peak in the sword Pavilion. All my disciples will not die! "

Gulu, Gulu

The hearts of the remaining strong men in the sword Pavilion all trembled, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces. All the people looked at the shabby Yaoguang broken sword in the hand of sword nameless, and the amiable voice and smile of Yaoguang master appeared in their mind.

"Hum, boy, don't bewitch people there. My sword pavilion has been handed down for thousands of years. When do you say that you're a quitter

"Ha ha, even if younger martial brother Yaoguang himself once again, I'm afraid he won't dare to say such treacherous things!"

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The rest of the chieftains in the pavilion all had a sneer on their faces. They criticized the chieftains in public. After hearing the words of the chieftains, all the strong ones who had some active thoughts had temporarily dispelled their heart palpitation.

"Fall, or die!" The matchless Epee flies up and falls into the nameless palm of the sword. Six strange virtual scenes appear on the bloody handle of the matchless epee. The matchless epee and the matchless Epee take care of each other and form the Qifeng sword array. The sword power is released madly.

"Kill the rebel!"

"Take revenge for the Lord!"

The powerful swordsmen of all peaks flash out at the same time and turn into sword lights. They fight to the place where the sword is nameless like crazy. The terrible light and shadow of the sword fly in the air wantonly. The seven peaks sword array formed by the unparalleled Epee in the hands of the nameless sword quickly turns out. The seven bright seven color scene light and shadow protect the nameless sword, Formed a seven peak defense sword array, the invasion of the void from the road of terror streamer sword all resist and block down.

At the same time, Baozhai, gangshadao, and a group of powerful remnants of the field were also chasing out. Aftershock, Ji Ruxue, and the leaders of the inner gates of tianyunzong, as well as the leaders of the eighteen outer gates, all rushed out to kill them. All of a sudden, they stopped the three powerful remnants of tianyunzong.

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Boom, boom, boom

The war between Wu and Huang broke out again. Although the three remaining forces were weak, they could barely survive for a while, so that they would not be defeated immediately.

In the void, Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect, and Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai sect, both look blue and white at the moment.

After all, master Tianshu, the leader of the sword Pavilion, who is known as the most powerful of the three major forces, unexpectedly died in the duel just now. If the two of them had just played the sword power of Wuchen, they would not be able to surpass the Tianshu master and do better.

As a result, the two people's eyes had obviously some hesitation and fear, and even their hearts began to sprout strange ideas and thoughts of withdrawing from the war.

"Keke, sixth younger martial brother, I didn't expect that your cultivation has reached the highest level of the realm of transforming soul. It seems that you have left us behind!" The fourth elder martial brother, Xifeng, swallowed his saliva and gave a thumbs up to Wuchen. It seems that when the master handed over the inheritance of the Sutra pavilion to Wuhen before he became a monk, he must have taken a fancy to Wuhen's evil talent and his own fortune.

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"Ha ha, no big or small, Holy Land book mountain is famous in Kyushu. In the future, you have to call our sixth elder martial brother Holy Lord..." the fifth elder martial brother's poem belly Hua Lang laughs, white eyes, and the fourth elder martial brother's west wind laughs. Obviously, they are very convinced that Wu Chen is the master of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. Even if he talks, he doesn't have too much restraint. After all, Wu Chen is not the one who is restrained. For his own brothers, his free speech is more comfortable and natural."The master of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy?"

"The inheritor of Holy Land book mountain?"

In the void, Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, and Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist school, both flash a look of amazement in their eyes. They stare at the handsome young man in green robe standing in front of them. They can't help but take a cold breath in their heart.

It is well known that the Holy Land book mountain, the elder martial brother Hua Buyu, took charge of the affairs of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the Third Elder martial brother Shui merciless, and this pair of golden children and beautiful girls followed them. However, from the words of the two, we can clearly judge that there has been a great change in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, Liu Wuhen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, has become the leader of the holy land for no reason. Moreover, it seems that the rest of the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy do not have any dissatisfaction or objection. Even Hua Buyu, the elder martial brother of the National People's Congress who actually steers the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, is obedient to Liu Wuhen, Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, has some magic power to charm his mind. It's really confusing and confusing.

"Fall, or die..." a cold voice floated out. In the void, the nine character sword power, light and shadow bloomed together again, and the dazzling nine color light came out. The silver scene in Wuchen's hand trembles in vain, and an inexplicable sword power quickly covers the empty space in front of him.

On the other side, Mo Qiyu and Wan Canghai, the two masters of zhenbaozhai and JIANGSHA Taoism, were surprised at the same time. They could not help but step back a few steps out of thin air and looked at the young man in qingpao not far away. They felt a sense of horror in their hearts

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