Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1027: 1027

Daddada, dada, dada

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On the void, a green shadow strides out of thin air. Behind it, six dark and incomparable wings of the devil are in full bloom. The bright black light dances up and down, reflecting the handsome young man's bearing in green clothes, which is even more extraordinary and strange.

"Amitabha, Demon Lord, have you ever given me all these magic skills?" In the distance, master Qingchan, the master of MI Buddha sect, was full of doubts. He was quite puzzled and went to the devil building, the master of ghost devil sect.

"Ha ha, these magic skills are much higher than those of our ghost sect. If we can get this way to refine the magic wings, how could our demon sect be oppressed by your Buddhists for thousands of years? " The leader of the ghost clan, the magic building, burst out laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. His face was calm and incomparable. In his words, he did not hide his admiration for the six winged magic feather, nor did he hide his true feelings from others.

"Amitabha, since the demon lord says no, it is no more. It seems that I am being rude!" Master Qingchan, the master of the secret Buddha sect, smiles lightly and speaks to the devil building, the master of the demon sect. Although he is the leader of the demon sect, his temperament is often moody, but his character, words and deeds are always reliable and true. Since he himself denied the origin of the traceless attack, the attack skill will never be handed down by the demon sect.

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In this way, including master Qingchan, the leader of the Tantric Buddhism sect, all the powerful masters of all the major sects present felt more afraid of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Don't, don't come here, you are not a person!" Just at this time, in the void, which was just calming down, there was an urgent cry again, which made the hearts of the powerful people of the major sects in the distance surprised again. All of them had an incredible look in their eyes, staring at the place where the handsome young man in green robe was walking slowly in the void.

"Ha ha, why, are you willing to surrender?" No trace, who was striding in the void, steadied himself in vain, and saw the wary retreating master Mo Qiyu, who was tens of meters away in front of him, asked with a sneer.

"Cough, boy, don't deceive people too much. We will cease fighting here. We are willing to withdraw from tianyunzong! From now on, the well between us will not cross the river. What do you think? " See no trace no longer step forward, array Baozhai master Mo Qiyu whole body, this just forced and empty steady. The power of the weapons on his body was released quickly and unreservedly, and his eyes were full of vigilance and vigilance.

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"Ha ha, master Mo, don't you think it's funny for you to say these words now?" No trace burst out laughing, like looking at an idiot, he looked at the leader of the array treasure house, Mo Qiyu.

In the past, the three major forces joined hands to attack tianyunzong at night, but they gave tianyunzong people a chance to negotiate and settle. Later, in two words or three, the death of the old hall of the astrological hall, the main body of Zhen Zhen, died. The blood debt could be allowed to be destructed opium by Mo Qiyu.

"Well, boy, what do you want?" The defense power of magic weapons and treasures rose up, and Mo Qiyu, the leader of Baozhai, was completely covered on the spot. Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, is full of fierce color in her eyes. She stares at Wu Chen and asks him coldly again.

"Ha ha, if you choose to live with your life, maybe I can consider letting go of all the disciples in your treasure house!" Traceless handsome face is full of indifferent color, can't deny to array treasure Zhai suzerain moqiyu shrugged. His eyes were even more undisguised. He glanced at the corpses in the hinterland of tianyunzong and gave a cold smile.

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"Ha ha, boy, don't push people too hard. If you really dare to hurt me, I will make you regret all your life!" See no trace attitude so tough, array treasure Zhai suzerain Mo Qiyu unexpectedly burst out laughing on the spot. His ferocious face is full of madness and mania. It is obvious that at the moment of his death, even if he is the leader of Yizong, the land of six states, which is the highest cultivation realm of the emperor, his mood also has a great shock and shake at this moment.

"Why, is there anything else this guy can do? No trace boy, you should be more careful! " No trace heard the warning of demon zunhuoxiao in his mind. It is obvious that the abnormal behavior of Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, also caused the doubt of demon zunhuoxiao.

"Ha ha, master Mo, what do you mean? If it's a mystery, I think you'd better get rid of it completely! " With a cold smile without trace, there was a touch of uneasiness on his handsome face. His voice was full of coldness and censure, and his body was full of endless killing spirit.

"Ha ha, I heard that the Holy Land Shushan and Liu Wuhen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, came from a remote town of the great Zhou Dynasty in Zhongzhou. There is still a mother and a younger sister in the family. It's a pity that although the Shang and Tang dynasties had strong guardians, plus the existence of hunting soul Pavilion, which is a killer organization in the market, they can indeed protect their integrity all their lives. " Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, had a bigger smile on his ferocious face, as if he was really telling a trivial matter. He slowly opened his mouth to Wuhen and talked about it."Hum!" There was a loud roar of sword meaning. The power of killing sword meaning on Wuchen suddenly made a frenzy. Behind him, six dark and bright wings of the devil rolled and waved out at the same time, sliding around the space, and there were dark and strange cracks in the space.

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"Haha, I heard that young master Liu has become the leader of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. From then on, there will be a new leader in the holy land! Although the Shang Tang Dynasty in Zhongzhou belongs to the upper class, it is still as humble as a mole ant for our larger forces. "

"Ha ha, this time, our three major forces came to tianyunzong at night. How could they not be fully prepared! I have already secretly sent someone to Shangtang Dynasty to capture your mother and sister. If we and others return safely today, we will naturally let our mother and her sister go back. If we and others unfortunately can't go back all over, then your Liu family will always be left with you Liu no trace from now on! " On the void, Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, burst out laughing with a ferocious face. His voice came out and fell in the ears of the leaders of all powerful forces in the surrounding void. He was so surprised that all the leaders of the forces in the presence were shocked.

On the void, the masters of the major sects, the masters of the major demon and beast families, and the public all have a sharp cold feeling of killing and cutting. In the practice world, it's an unwritten rule that the strong can't do anything to each other's family and friends.

Otherwise, once someone violates the rules regardless of morality and justice, the stability of the practice world will be forcibly disrupted. Therefore, these major events are the common responsibility of all the forces. That's why the leader of the powerful forces on the scene is so changed. Looking at the eyes of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, there is a touch of anger and coldness in his eyes

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