Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1059: 1059


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A cold wind blowing up, almost silent on the cliff, a silence. No trace and huangfuyun confront each other in the same place, and the atmosphere in the air is oppressive for a moment.

On both sides, the rest of the young Tianjiao disciples of the great saint tunnel palace did not dare to breathe, staring at the two figures in front of them for a long time.

"Ha ha, in that case, I would like to thank the master of Liu palace here!" Huangfuyun smiles calmly, and his breath becomes elegant and extraordinary again.

"Ha ha, Mr. Huangfu, please go ahead." No trace is calm. He nods to huangfuyun without any modesty. Then, he makes a gesture to huangfuyun, indicating that he will go to the cliff for understanding and communication.

Daddada, dada, dada

In front of the silent cliff, two people and two figures step forward and backward. They come to the left and right sides of the cliff, and the whole body is filled with two majestic and mysterious forces at the same time.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa

Seeing this, all the other disciples of daotong retreated tens of meters behind and stood in front of the forces of daotong holy land. Even sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and others also retreated to the place of Shushan Taoist palace.

Click, click, click

Bursts of Qingmang light soared into the sky, and the thunder and lightning came from huangfuyun's whole body. The power of Qingmang's thunder was flashing, and it constantly swam around huangfuyun's whole body. And huangfuyun's momentum also began to make a frenzy, and in an instant, he climbed to the level of huahun realm and huangwuhuang's highest cultivation realm.

"Hum!" At the same time, with a loud sound of the sword, the body of no trace suddenly burst out and thick silver, the towering law of protection, the sword power wantonly and violently, no trace just like a god of killing standing in the same place.

Gulu, Gulu

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With the release of their breath and momentum, the young generation of disciples in the Taoist Holy Land of all parties on the scene were all inexplicably shaken. In an instant, two invisible forces swept through the whole cliff boundary, and the rest of the disciples of Tianjiao demons in the presence of the great saints retreated back a few steps.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The light and shadow of silvery white swords rose from the sky, and the sword power burst out of Wuchen's body quickly rushed into the bare cliff. At this time, the power of thunder on huangfuyun's body quickly turned into a shadow of unicorn's evil spirit. Then, with a roar, it turned into a light of thunder, and then it rushed into the cliff and disappeared out of thin air.

Boom, boom, boom

Bursts of intense roar of sound, bright golden light quickly emerged on the bare cliff. On the left and right sides of the cliff above the whole cliff, there is a smart and strong golden light at the same time. The big ancient words of gold and the small strange lines of gold are springing up like mushrooms. Under the golden light, they gradually emerge, and the speed and brightness of their shaping and depiction are extremely fast and dazzling.

"Suddenly Only a quarter of an hour later, the golden light gradually began to weaken on the left and right sides of the cliff. At this time, the poems engraved on the cliff began to emerge completely and clearly.

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Tear, tear, tear

The sound of intense friction will be heard. Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, is still calm as usual. On the cliff in front of him, there is the power of thunder.

"Gong He Li Huo Sheng Liang Yi, Shang Si Xu Guang man San Cai, Jiao Yi Tu's buried Si Xiang, Zi Chi Jin Zuo Gu Wu Fu, Wei Gong Mu Wu Ding, Shen Si dark death and injury Qi Xing, Shu Han Shui Bo Ying Ba men," seven big ancient characters and seven lines of dense golden small characters all appeared without reservation.

"Damn it, seven or seven stars all open, all open!"

"This, this is not only seven stars all bright, this is simply seven stars all in master!"

"Well, Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, really deserves his reputation. He broke the talent verification rules of the cliff with his own strength!"

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"Wow, this is a complete activation of the Seven Star sentiment. I'm afraid no one in Kyushu can do it any more! I believe that even the great powers of Emperor Wu in the holy land of Kyushu may not be able to form the power of perception"Hoo A mouthful of turbid air slowly spits out, and Huangpu cloud of Qilin Taoist palace is relieved. In the cliff in front of it, seven forces of law, light and shadow, which contain the power of stars, burst out at the same time. Qi Qi rushes into the body of Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, and disappears.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

The seven rules contain the power of the stars. The moment the power of the power enters the body, the power of thunder on the whole body of huangfuyun becomes more powerful. The power of the seven stars and the power of the law constantly washes the vitality in huangfuyun's body, which is suppressed by the thunder force released by the spirit of Qilin in his chest.

Huang Fuyun was proud of himself between heaven and earth. His mind and the light and shadow of the golden ancient characters on the cliff quickly melted into one. Huang Fuyun's breath began to dance wildly, and the power of the power law of the stars that he just understood also began to absorb income into his body.

"It's peerless Tianjiao and Kyushu. It seems that Huang Fuyun, the young master of kylin Taoist palace, is probably the evil person they have been looking for." The eyes of the seven stars in the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty all sparkled with intense brilliance at the same time. As if they had found a new world, their eyes fell on huangfuyun's figure. In addition, there are seven flickering light and shadow forces in the seven human bodies, which seem to be influenced by some mysterious force in the cliff, resulting in a strange communication resonance.

"Haha, peerless Tianjiao, unique in Kyushu?" A red man's face was filled with scorn, and the figure of a young man in a green robe standing next to him trembled in vain. Xiao's fierce intention of killing the sword rushed out of his body, just like destroying wood and pulling the decaying force like breaking through bamboo, and then all of them pierced into the cliff wall in front of his young man.... < br > all of them were killed by Xiao's sword

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