Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1067: 1067

Brush, brush, brush

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The cold light like a sharp blade flickers in the Seven Star array. All the evil children in the holy land are full of indignation. Qi's eyes are focused on the traceless body which is crazy to absorb the power of the stars.

"Suddenly All the power of the stars in the Seven Star array rushes towards the body without trace, which makes the power of the Seven Star rule in the Seven Star array begin to decline rapidly. However, the original enlightenment practice of the demons in the holy land of the other main roads was abruptly interrupted. No matter how they released the star enlightenment, they could not attract the power of the stars in the Seven Star array, as if the whole star belonged to no trace one at this time. Even the people in Shushan Taoist palace had to stop the power of the star law.

GA Zhi Zhi, GA Zhi Zhi

An extremely strange explosion came from the place where three people were located. The power of the Seven Star rule gathered in huangfuyun's body has not yet been fully formed, and it suddenly dissipates at this moment. The faint power of the stars re merged into his body, and the face of huangfuyun, who had always been light and cloudless, became gloomy in vain.

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For the powerful Wuhuang in the soul realm, the power of the law is something that can be met and cannot be sought. What's more, huangfuyun has the opportunity to condense into seven completely different powers of the Seven Star law. Once he loses this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even if he starts to practice again in the future, he doesn't know how many years to waste, And even if the power rules of the Seven Star rule are re condensed, there will never be the pure and powerful power of the Seven Star rule in the Seven Star array.

Therefore, even if huangfuyun is very elegant in front of outsiders, he hates Wuchen and others deeply in his heart at this time. In addition to the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and the Third Elder martial brother Shui's ruthlessness, Huang Fuyun has long drawn all the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy into the blacklist of death.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The power of the Seven Star array is becoming weaker and weaker. The power of the Seven Star rule on Wuchen's body condenses in court, and with the purple light of the stars in Wuchen's body still blooming, Even the whole seven star array contains the power of the stars are completely absorbed into its body.

"Hum, it's a taboo for practitioners to plunder others' cultivation resources in public! As the leader of Shushan Taoist palace, he used such despicable means to deceive me and the emperor. Since the people of Shushan Taoist Palace are so brazen, don't blame us for cheating more and asking for justice! " Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist palace, has a righteous look on his face. He stares at the scene and scolds him fiercely.

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"Elder brother, don't talk to him, just kill him. Maybe the power of the stars in the Seven Star array can be restored, and it's not too late for us to re comprehend the cultivation!" Huangfu Shou followed Huangfu cloud and stepped out. The emperor's power was released crazily, and his killing intention was not covered up at all. On the spot, he joined the Shushan Taoist palace and all of them tore their faces.

"The existence of such villains is an insult to the name of the palace. Fengming Taoist palace is willing to work with Qilin Taoist palace to punish evil and promote good. What do you think? " Fengming Taoist Gong Fengru followed Huangfu brothers closely, and his body was red and hot. His killing intention was no less than the momentum released by Huangfu hunting. It was obvious that he had an unspeakable great hatred for Wu trace and other people.

Daddada, dada, dada

With the little master of Qilin Taoist palace, huangfuyun starts, and with Fengming Taoist palace, Fengru agrees. Endless Tao palace, Xuantian Dao palace, and Lingbao Dao palace, many powerful people all stepped out together, presenting a situation of encirclement, and trapped Wuchen and others in the Seven Star array.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

As you can see, except for no trace who is absorbing the power of the stars in the Seven Star array. Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two quickly body shape a flash, a left and a right will be no trace of the whole person to guard on the spot.

At the same time, the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua and the only three generation disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy came into the aftershock. The three stepped out towards the surroundings in a triangular direction at the same time, and their breath of terror was released madly. The steps of the emperors who surrounded them were forced to stop on the spot.

"Hum, the mantis is too much for the cart! Shushan Taoist palace will pay a heavy price for your ignorance! " Huangfu ShouLeng snorted, and there was a bloody smile on the corner of his mouth. After that, he saw that Xuanli's spirit rose wildly, and the unique thunder Xuanli of Huangfu family in Qilin Taoist palace quickly lingered on his big body.

"According to the order of emperor Skylark Wu of Lingbao Taoist palace, the people of Lingbao Taoist Palace are not allowed to participate in this battle, otherwise, Emperor Skylark Wu will deal with it personally!" Shangguan Wan'er's voice rang quietly. Qingluan, jinhou, Baimei and the three disciples of Wudi trembled. They all looked at Shangguan Wan'er suspiciously, but their steps slowly stopped on the spot.Although the three are not the disciples of skylark Emperor Wu, for Lingbao Taoist palace as a whole, Skylark Emperor Wu is still the ancestor of the great emperor. Even with the courage of Shangguan Wan'er, I don't believe she dare to pass on the imperial edict of skylark Emperor Wu.

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But if it's really the order of skylark Emperor Wu himself, if everyone disobeys it in public, I'm afraid they won't be severely punished after they return to Lingbao Taoist palace. What's more, the power of the stars has lost the opportunity to realize the power of the laws of the stars. Even if they really force a bunch of people like Wu Chen to retreat, they may not be able to understand the power of the laws of the stars again.

Therefore, weighing the pros and cons, Xia Qingyang, Yin Feng, Jin Kuang and the other three inheritors of Lingbao Daogong looked at each other and chose to retreat one after another. They did not join in the encirclement and suppression of Shushan Daogong.

"Hoo A heavy exhalation slowly spit out, Shangguan Wan'er hanging a heart this just put down. As for the intention of skylark Emperor Wu, Shangguan Wan'er can only hope that Skylark Emperor Wu will not blame him when he goes back. In addition, Skylark Emperor Wu's previous attitude towards traceless care is that he will not punish himself.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful face showed a light smile, and once again swept her eyes to the other holy land orthodoxy camp< br>

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