Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1069: 1069

Daddada, dada, dada

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A gentle sound of footsteps came from the scattered light and shadow. There was a great threat of terror, which made all the people in the room surprised.

On the other side, the most intuitive feeling is the aftershock itself. The nine hell axe behind the aftershock flies out quickly and falls in the palm of the aftershock.

"Teng!" The terrible nine netherworld fire burst out with a black flame, covering the aftershock of the whole human body. The horror of the black flames continue to devour the aftershock body bound by the terror of the momentum, I shook the body, the whole person, this is in the heart secretly relieved.

"Ha ha, you can break my imposing power. Besides, you are really proud of yourself as a spiritual realm superior to the realm of Emperor Wu Huang!" The sound of a proud sermon rises, and Huang Fuyun's figure suddenly appears in front of the aftershock.

In the rear, Huang Fu Shou, Feng Ru and they sat down on the ground in panic, gasping for breath and calming their confused mood.

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"Boom!" A terrible explosion came from the aftershock's body. The aftershock's body quickly turned into a beast, and the big figure appeared in front of huangfuyun's body. Then he saw a black flame shining with cold light, and the light and shadow split out from the horizontal. The nine Youming axe cut off madly towards huangfuyun's body.

"Brush!" A remnant shadow passed away in a flash. As soon as huangfuyun was in the place, there was only a remnant shadow of Lei mang. The nine Youming axe would not hit the target with one blow. The aftershock made the whole person turn around quickly and hit him suddenly.

"Poof!" Another shadow dissipates the nothingness, and the remaining power of Lei Mang in the nothingness is engulfed and drowned by the nine netherworld fire released from the nine netherworld axe.

But even so, the aftershock face is still full of grim color, two attacks in a row failed, this is the first time since the aftershock. It seems that Huang Fuyun, the young leader of Qilin Taoist palace, is really worthy of his reputation. He really has the ability to become emperor Wu and the ability to fight against heaven.

"Ha ha, since you are so persistent, come and take a hit from me!" A voice of indifference resounded, as if from all directions at the same time out of the general strange incomparable. Then, the aftershock just felt a strange pressure coming from the top of his head. He was so surprised that he quickly waved his nine Youming axe and made a crazy attack on the top of his head.

Tear, tear, tear

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In the void, I can see the thunderbolt like power of leimang, which is suddenly collided with the heavy attack of the nine Youming axe. However, Daodao leimang's electric light attacked and fell down the body of jiuyouming's axe. It was like a unicorn fierce beast with lightning and thunder. It turned into a streamer of Daodao's intention to kill, and then mercilessly bombarded the aftershock body below.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of dull footsteps resounded, and the aftershock figure holding the nine Youming axe was shaken back tens of meters on the spot. There is still Lei Man's power on his big body, which constantly invades his body. A series of dark and bright nine netherworld fires quickly emerge from the aftershock body, and the remaining Lei Man's power on the aftershock body is completely eliminated.

"Bah!" An extremely not angry spit sound, cold from the aftershock's mouth. There are blood stains on both sides of the aftershock's mouth. It's obvious that the aftershock just suffered a dark loss. Similarly, this also shows that the fighting power of Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, is absolutely at the top of the ranks of the highest level of Huang Wu Huang realm in the land of Kyushu.

Otherwise, with the full strength of the aftershock beast, I'm afraid that the general spirit state of the emperor's peak cultivation state is not easy to touch. Huang Fuyun was not only safe, but also hit the aftershock and retreated tens of meters away. I'm afraid the difference between them is not only the gap in realm.

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"Ha ha, you are not my opponent! If you leave Shushan Taoist palace and enter my Qilin Taoist palace, I can promise you that you can get better resources to practice! " As soon as Huang Fuyun's figure flashed, he appeared not far from the aftershock. His words were full of the authority of the superior. It seemed that it was a rare blessing for the aftershock to be invited by him.

"Hum, don't talk nonsense. If you want to move the no trace boss, you should step on me first!" Aftershock cold hum, the whole person's momentum suddenly climbed to the extreme. Then, the aftershock's momentum suddenly merged with the nine Youming axe in his hand. It was like killing a God, and he went to the place where huangfuyun was.

"Ha ha, why not?" Huangfuyun's mouth turned up slightly, showing a touch of ridicule. The power of thunder and lightning on his body rose rapidly, and the whole person kept hiding in the empty space like lightning. The powerful attacks of aftershocks were even not hit.Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

At this moment, the ice in the void broke on the spot, and the three emperors of the endless Taoist palace shot out from three different directions at the same time, and went to kill the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng who was waiting for his sword in the void.

The terrible battle broke out in an instant. The ice sword on the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng's body was released madly. He fought against the three evil figures of the emperor alone, and the war situation began to evolve from a situation of equal strength to a situation of faint defeat.

On the other side of the void, the bright golden awn paper flying out of the sky, carrying the body of the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua, appeared in front of the body of the three evil emperors in Xuantian Taoist palace, blocking their way.

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"Cough, unless I die, you can't take any more steps!" A faint light cough came quietly from the mouth of the fifth elder martial brother Shi Fuhua. The fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua's face is very pale. It is obvious that he has just broken through the shackles of the three emperors' offensive, which also wastes a lot of strength.

On the other side, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the three great Wudi emperors of Xuantian Taoist palace. However, they did not stop there. Instead, they still stepped out together, spared no effort to release the power of the three strong wind rules that they were good at, and rushed to the body of the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua to force them to leave.

In the rear, traceless eyebrows in the state of Epiphany moved slightly, and the power of stars in the Seven Star array was more and more crazy, rushing towards his body.

On both sides, sword nameless and Epee are standing in front of no trace, constantly observing the situation changes of three battle groups in the void. Ji Ruxue's guard is beside no trace, and her eyes are full of cold, watching the trace of Huangfu Shou and Fengru in the distance

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