Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1075: 1075

Boom, boom, boom

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On the void, the seven bright long swords burst out at the same time with endless power to kill the sword. The terrible sword light and flying shadow flew out of the sky. Together with the thunderous force of the unicorn beast virtual shadow, they collided with each other crazily.

Click, click, click

Strange sounds are heard all the time, and the seven star sword array's power is broken in the void on the spot. And the shadow of the unicorn beast was destroyed by the terrible attack power of the seven star sword array, and it turned into the power of thunder, which scattered wantonly between the general and the empty ground below.


The power of thunder and the power of the seven star sword array will fall into the clear area on the left and right sides, while the power of the array on the whole Guangmingding square will fluctuate in vain, He absorbed the sense of terror and the Qi of Xuanli all around him into the array.

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Brush, brush, brush

The power of the array is greatly increased, and the power of the sun and the full moon is even more terrible. However, the array has not been fully activated at the moment, so people in the array have not felt any power of the array.

"Sword three!" A cold low roar resounded from the void again. The sword's nameless body moves, and then he carries the matchless epee. In a jump, he appears beside the body of Huang Fuyun, the young palace leader of the Qilin Taoist palace. Then, the long shadow of a blood red sword in the void flashed out, which turned into three sharp and sharp sword, the power of the law of will, and the light came out from the upper, middle, lower and three directions at the same time.

"Eh!" On the other side, Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, whose face had been indifferent on the void, changed his face in vain, and his Xuanli Qi fluctuated wildly. A thunder shadow turned into a thunder mask, which quickly protected his body completely in the air. In addition, huangfushou and Fengru on both sides of him were also covered in the thunder mask.

Boom, boom, boom

The third strike of the sword hits the target, and the three red awn sword lights burst into the void at the same time. The power of thunder in the sky is wantonly scattered again. However, huangfuyun and other three people in the thunder light shield are not threatened and affected by any sword attack.

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"Ha ha, the battle here is not what you two can handle. Leave quickly and get out of the battle!" Huangfuyun had a faint smile on his mouth and a playful look on his face. Then he saw two whispers coming out secretly. Behind him, Huang Fu Shou, Feng Ru and their bodies all trembled. Their faces looked rather ugly and unnatural.

On the other side, the third move of the sword came out, but it didn't have any effect. For the first time, the sword's nameless and cold face showed a grim color. It seems that those who can repel the aftershocks can't be treated and recognized according to common sense.

"Go On the void, huangfushu pulled the Phoenix into the sky, and they flew away like the sun and the moon.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, Ji Ruxue's body suddenly leaps into the sky, and her feet quickly step out of the air. The cold ice array is formed out of thin air. A force of cold ice spreads and spreads out of the void, locking huangfushu, Fengru and their bodies on the spot.

"Whoosh", "whoosh", "feel the killing intention contained in the biting ice force. Huangfushou, fengjinru and the two quickly stop their galloping bodies. They have no doubt that if they dare to step forward, they will be attacked by the biting ice array on the spot.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, just in the middle of the day. Among them, qingluan Wudi, Jinhao Wudi, Baimei Wudi, three inheritors of Wudi, Xia Qingyang, Yin Feng and jinkuang all came out at the same time, turning them into three murderous lights and shadows, from left, right, middle and right Three directions of the ground Qi, oblique stab out, always eyes closed, the power of the stars around the body covered by the traceless body, then kill will be destroyed.

"Stop it In the rear, the skylark emperor inherits a line, and the emperor Shangguan Wan'er's face is in vain. When she is in court, she blurts out to stop. But the other three inheritors, like their colleagues who had discussed with each other first, didn't worry about Shangguan Waner's obstruction. They still tried their best to show their fighting power, and ran to the body without any trace.

"No trace!" Feeling the horror of killing from the rear, the sword with no name in the void flies away. In front of him, Huangfu Yun shows a sneer. He moves and intercepts the unknown way of the sword in court."If you dare, I'll kill both of them now!" Ji Ruxue's voice is extremely cold. In the void, huangfushou, fengjinru and their faces suddenly become unbearably defeated. The piercing force of ice covers their bodies and forces them to live. Ji Ruxue's body flashes out again, restricting them to the void on the spot.

"Hum!" A cold hum of extreme disdain spits out from huangfuyun's mouth. Huangfuyun resolutely abandons the unknown sword in front of him, turns around and runs to the place where Ji Ruxue belongs, then flies away quickly.

"Go A sound is transmitted to the sword's nameless ear. Ji Ruxue's body quickly turns into a white awn. The sword nameless on one side understands it. They fly down with the matchless epee. Both of them face down one by one. The three figures without trace are chasing them.

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"Hey, I'm sorry, Lord of Shushan road palace!"

"Ha ha, boy, it's your turn to be out this time!"

"Ha ha, if you are out, even if you are Skylark Emperor Wu, you will not blame us!"

Three voices full of sarcasm mixed in the void, echoing and rising in the sun moon array. A fierce white browed goshawk, a huge qingluan bird with blue flame, an ugly and extremely fierce golden fur roar beast, and three fierce beasts flashed out at the same time. The extremely crazy face showed a ferocious color, and at the same time, they roared and killed on the traceless body< br>

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