Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1084: 1084

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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In the void, a green robe figure walks in the air. The bright stars all over the sky turn into a long river of stars, and the storm rolls out, always guarding the figure's figure.

Click, click, click

Bursts of thunder and lightning, light and shadow flashing, into bursts of thunder, pouring into the rear of the unicorn beast body. Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist palace, dressed in white, is indifferent. He steps slightly on the giant body of the beast.

"Roar!" An earth shaking roar of wild beasts will ring in vain in the silent and strange virtual shadow. Then, he saw that the body of the unicorn beast quickly turned into a thunder like lightning and flint, and the light flashed out, straight across the sky, straight into the void, where the body belonged, and then he killed and trampled away crazily.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

At the same time, without the shackles of thunder, the flaming flames and the huge waves in the void once again merged into a strange giant's virtual image with half of his body pale blue and one side red. In this strange giant's eyes, there were two different strange lights, one red, one blue, and the other. They swept away the terrifying soul in the last two drops of his eyes. Wu Huang's face hesitated and stopped for a moment.

"Star River Falls!" A voice of extreme indifference came out, and the power storm of stars, which was escorted by traceless body, flew out in vain. All of a sudden, it turned into the bright light and shadow of stars, and went towards the body of the unicorn beast.

Boom, boom, boom

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There were many terrible blasts one after another, and the endless sound and void above, the bright star storm whirlpool and the power of thunder crazy collision bombardment in one place. The stars scattered all over the sky, scattered all over the ground. In the center of the star storm vortex, where the power of star rules is the most violent, there is a unicorn beast's body trapped on the spot.

"Suddenly The seven laws of the stars burst out at the same time, making the whirlpool storm of the stars full of the force of confinement and bondage. At this moment, even every star light and shadow in this star storm whirlpool contains the power of Seven Star rules. And in the whole star storm, it was like a violent vanishing place full of murderous ideas, smashing all the remnants in the whirlpool of star storm.

Click, click, click

A steady stream of thunder power is released from the body of the unicorn beast, frantically resisting the bombardment of the surrounding star whirlpool storm. The whole body of the unicorn beast is full of fury and wildness. It seems to be the top existence of the absolute king among all animals. The whole body reveals the noble and sacred breath of the superior, which makes its huge and bulky body intact in the terrible star whirlpool storm.

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Gulu, Gulu

In the sun moon array, the power of the bright stars collides with the violent thunder and lightning. Outside the array, all the powerful people of Tongsheng tunnel palace stepped back and flew out to make way for the space of Guangmingding square. In addition, the emperor's strongmen at the top of the daotong holy land all joined hands to release their own power of law, and formed a terrible and strange defense Xuanli law array, which covered all the emperor's strongmen in the Daotong Holy Land camp, so as to avoid being attacked by the two forces of Qi and law of the terrible Xuanli in the sun moon array, The resulting battle aftereffects affect and damage.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Gonghe, ShangXu, Jiaotu, zichi, Weimu, Shenshang, Shuhan, the Seven Star emperors of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty all flew out, and in a flash they returned to the square array of the camp of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty. Meanwhile, the flag owners of the Seven Star flag line in the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty and the strong men under them all gathered around the body of the Seven Star emperor and the seven strong men.

"Brush!" In the void, you can see a young man in a green robe step out of the void, and his whole figure suddenly appears on the spot in the void 100 meters away. In front of the figure of the young man in green robe was the strange figure of nihilistic giant, half red and half light blue.

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"Suddenly A fierce and hot breath flew out of the air, and the figure of the nihilistic giant suddenly flew out. The power of the fierce ice and the power of the hot flame came at the same time. In an instant, all of them bombarded and shrouded the traceless figure that just appeared in front of him.

"Hoo A mouthful of heavy turbid gas slowly spits out, and the eternal Heaven and earth skill in Wuchen's body runs wildly. The burning flame and the cold ice force that bombard his body disappear instantly, and they are all absorbed by his body, and no trace is found.

"Roar!" When he saw no trace, he immediately absorbed and dissolved the power of the fire and ice on his body. The nihilistic giant roared wildly from his mouth in vain. Then, the sun, the moon, and the power of the sun and the moon in the array rush towards the giant's body. The giant's eyes are always staring at no trace. The whole person's strange body quickly turns into a raging fire and a huge wave of cold, It turns into two terrible red and light blue air, which flash from the two sides of the ground, and turns into two strange and terrible lights. With the momentum of quick and quick, they will be impartial, accurate and bombarded on the traceless body with a green robe.Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

With the power of two terrible lights quickly enveloped in the traceless body, the whole sun moon array collapsed instantly. The red and light blue lights in the void are like the scorching sun and the ice moon. They all appear above the traceless head. The continuous breath of fire and ice completely covers the whole person, which makes the strong people in the far-off orthodox Holy Land dare not look directly at the void, From this, we can see how terrible and huge the fury of Xuanli that Wuchen has to bear in the void at the moment.

"Ha ha, the falian is broken. It seems that the examination should be over!" A indifferent laughter, in the turbulent void appears extremely weak. Then, a figure in white came out of the void quickly. The whole figure disappeared into the void on the spot, and disappeared in the terrible and violent whirlpool of stars< br>

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