Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1090: 1090

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The deafening sound of thunder exploded, and in vain in the turbulent void, the thunder was shining and interwoven. In the void, the shadow of the unicorn beast quickly stepped on the top of the sky, and the light of the thunder flashed out. In an instant, it rushed into the territory of traceless space.

"Nine character ancient sword, suppress all sides!" A very gentle and steady voice, quietly spit out from the traceless mouth. Then, in the void, nine crazy wandering ancient Chinese characters sword ideas rush out from all directions, and the power of each attribute of Xuanli law staggered down on the spot. Together with the strange and mysterious ancient simple sword spirit, all of them put pressure on the body of the fierce Unicorn beast, which is full of thunder and lightning.

Boom, boom, boom

For a moment, all over the sky, the thunder, light and shadow were released and diffused madly, and in the void, the power of the nine attribute laws came together. The nine ancient Chinese characters, sword, light and shadow, were separated from the control of traceless, and turned into a powerful force full of rustic flavor, completely covering and suppressing the fierce Unicorn beast full of thunder.

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"Roar!" A series of furious roars came out of the mouth of the unicorn beast. However, the repressive power of the nine ancient characters' sword spirit always keeps the thunder power of the unicorn fierce beast in the lingering category of the nine ancient characters' sword spirit. No matter how fierce the unicorn fierce beast is, it can't break through the repressive power of the nine ancient characters' sword spirit.

"Damn it, it's incredible. Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist palace, has been suppressed?"

"Well, my soul is limited. If you accidentally get hit and hurt, it's a fatal threat to practitioners!"

"No, I'm afraid that Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist palace, is going to be in big trouble this time!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that although Liu Wuhen, the leader of the mountain road palace, was young, his fighting power was so terrible. It seems that the next time the list of Kyushu emperors is updated, it will be the day when Liu Wuchen, the leader of the mountain road palace, is famous in Kyushu

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"Hum, the contest is not over yet. Huangfuyun still has a chance! Don't forget that he is the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, and he is the most promising young emperor in Kyushu to become the first one of the great power of Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm! "

"Ha ha, before the battle, almost everyone believed that Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace, would win easily with a crushing posture. But now it seems that if the war is not done well, maybe it will evolve into a number of five or five. "

Along with the empty space of Guangmingding square, various forces suppressed the heated discussion of the strong, and the strong of the main roads and holy land originally showed a one-sided attitude, at this time also began to waver and doubt.

"Hey, no trace boy, look at the boy's appearance, there must be a backhand! Don't be careless, be careful of being plotted against The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao came out again, and it sounded like thunder in traceless mind.

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In the void, the originally fierce looking traceless frowned slightly, and cursed the demon zunhuoxiao dozens of times in his heart. Then, Wu trace slowly moved his eyes to Huang Fuyun's body, which was full of meditation in the distance. He slowly opened his mouth and said: "ha ha, the spirit of Qilin, the spirit of thunder, and the combination of the two spirits really complement each other, and their power is naturally incomparable! But now your martial spirits are suppressed and controlled by my sword intention. I don't know how to solve the embarrassing situation in front of you, young palace master Huangfu? "

"Ha ha, since the master of Liu palace wants to see you so much, please have a good look..." a faint smile came out from Huangfu Yun's mouth. Then he saw that Huang Fuyun's right arm was slowly raised in vain. A more violent and terrifying force of thunder, which was mysterious and strange enough to tear the void, immediately crawled on his right arm.

"Why?" Looking at the faint, disordered and restless void around huangfuyun, it is the first time for Wuchen to feel a powerful Xuanli breath rising from his body. An extremely dangerous breath suddenly burst out from huangfuyun's right arm. Wuchen was so surprised that he quickly ran in his body and made a final decision, To the distant thunder like terror, thunder momentum desperately to block up to resist.

"Kylin steps on the thunder, and the whole world is in charge!" An extremely cold and indifferent voice seemed to ring through the sky. Then, he saw a flash of thunder in the void, tearing the whole turbulent void into dark and strange cracks.

Buzzing, buzzing, buzzingAt the same time, just as the thunder white awn crossed the sky, the nine character sword meaning, which exudes the power of the nine character sword meaning in the void, was attacked and attacked by the terrible thunder electric awn at the same time.

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There are many ancient Chinese characters with different attributes and laws. The integration of nine characters and ancient Chinese characters has become a nine color streamer of ancient Chinese characters. The sword meaning light and shadow of ancient Chinese characters collide with the thunder and white light.

"Roar!" A series of terrible sounds of turbulence continued, deafening. Only the roar and roar of the fierce Unicorn beast began to roar again. Then, the thunder white Mang and the light and shadow of the fierce Unicorn beast quickly merged into one. The terrible thunder light seemed to be as strange as from inside out and from outside to inside, and burst out at the same time, The force of repression released by the terrible nine character sword power in the void was smashed into the void on the spot.

"Back up!" A thick and rough voice explodes in Wu trace's mind, and Wu trace's whole body flies in the void and retreats to the rear. The ancient nine character sword in front of the sky is full of light and shadow, and the sword spirit is flying wildly away. The whole sky blocked by thunder and white mans is violently shocked and blasted, leaving bursts of fragmented shadows and clearly visible cracks

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The sword spirit of the terrible ancient word sword is splashed everywhere, It makes the expression on the faces of the powerful change greatly. The powerful people in the highest cultivation realm of the emperor in the Daohua soul realm all jump forward, exert all their strength to release the power of the law they are good at, and cover their respective Taoist Holy Land camp square array with blessing on the spot, which makes all the powerful people in the Taoist Holy Land feel a little relieved< br>

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