Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1092: 1092

"Suddenly A breeze was blowing slowly. On the spot, all the powerful people around Guangmingding looked up into the void.

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The fiery red flame blots out the sky and makes the sky above the place where everyone belongs fiery red, while the thick ice layer is like a silver jade bridge, crystal clear and shining with cold light, which blocks everyone's vision on the spot.

Above the void, the emperor of the sun, the emperor of the moon, and the two stood in suspension. Not far from them, Wuchen and huangfuyun converged the power of the law of fury released from their bodies at the same time, and they both stood in a row.

"Ha ha, if both of you have the chance to inherit the legacy of our brothers, what will you do to the Taoist palace of Ming religion in the future?" Haoyue Emperor Wu's face was very stern. He gently glanced at the no trace standing on both sides of his eyes and asked Huang Fuyun indifferently.

The solemn voice of emperor Haoyue passed down from the void, which made all the powerful people in the holy land of daotong tremble. Emperor Haoyue's personal questioning is definitely not as simple as it seems. Maybe this is the last test for them. If you handle it properly, you will get the inheritance of sun and moon, and all the things in the palace of Ming religion, one of the holy places in Kyushu.

Similarly, if two people on the spot one answer is not good, it is likely to face unpredictable unknown risks and results. Although the Lord of China once stipulated that all roads should be controlled to unify the holy land, and that Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm could not fight against the powerful Emperor Wu in the soul transforming realm, which has naturally become a conventional rule for thousands of years, when the time of the sun and the moon is approaching, who knows if they will go mad in vain and kill Wuchen or one of huangfuyun on the spot.

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Therefore, this seemingly common problem was thrown out of emperor Haoyue '. In particular, a group of powerful people in Shushan Taoist palace and Qilin Taoist palace, who were at the peak of their cultivation, raised their hearts to their throats and became nervous enough to suffocate.

"Ha ha, why, you two little guys, don't you have anything to say?" In the void, the voice of Emperor Wu of the burning sun came out again, and a powerful upper power spread between the heaven and the earth.

Although the powerful people in the lower and the main roads did not face the flame emperor, they all felt an invisible momentum and pressure at the same time, which seemed to permeate all the people's bodies, making the people who were worried even more trembling.

"Ha ha, the two emperors are joking. If you are lucky enough to inherit the two emperors, you will be honored. However, with regard to the future of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, I can only say that as long as huangfuyun is still one day old, the existence of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty will be guaranteed! " In the silence of the void, the voice of Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist palace, rises quietly. The warm voice like the spring breeze seems to make people feel very comfortable after listening to it. Unexpectedly, many strong people in the holy land of the main roads below can't help but feel good for Huang Fuyun, the young master of the Qilin Taoist Palace at this moment.

Even the middle emperor, the lower emperor, and the younger generation of Tianjiao disciples in the holy land of daotong had a strange idea at the same time. They wanted to follow the voice coming from the wave in front of them. The master had a strange feeling that they wanted to surrender and worship.

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Brush, brush, brush

With huangfuyun's voice quietly spreading away, many powerful people in the highest cultivation realm of Emperor Wu in the holy land of Taoism are aware of the differences of Tianjiao disciples in the holy land of Taoism. Then, we can see that each daotong holy land has a strong Wuhuang peak cultivation realm who is good at spiritual power magic attack. At the same time, the strong one puts forward the forbidden border, which makes the voice of huangfuyun in the daotong holy land become inexplicably weak, so as to prevent the fluctuation of the spiritual power in his voice, Manipulation has affected the minds and beliefs of Tianjiao disciples in the holy land.


"Cough, it's dangerous. It's really dangerous just now. Even I almost hit him!" In the square array of Xuantian Taoist temple camp, the faces of three inheritors, Tai Enyu, Shang Keshu, Fei Xu, and all of them were extremely ugly. Obviously, the fluctuation of their spiritual power had a deep impact on their minds.

"Ha ha, it seems that huangfuyun is really a dangerous guy! I thought that as the emperor of the orthodox holy land, we would have a chance to compete with one of them. We can see from the current situation that the gap between us and huangfuyun is just beyond comparison! " The three emperors of endless Taoist palace, including Burton, Haimo, Shuiwu and the three, breathed a hard breath. They quickly looked at each other and whispered and talked to each other. Their faces began to become more dignified than ever before.

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"That boy was able to fight against huangfuyun. No wonder emperor Skylark ordered me not to move him!" In the square array of Lingbao Daogong camp, Xia Qingyang, Yin Feng, Jin Kuang, and all of them look very pale.After all, Shangguan Wan'er had already told the three people that they were not allowed to interfere in the siege. However, the three did not pay attention to it. Instead, they all attacked Wuhen at the most critical moment. As a result, they were unexpectedly beaten out of the game by Wuhen at the same time. Even if Wuhen didn't keep his hand, they were afraid that even if they didn't die, they would end up with a serious injury on the spot.

"Hum, I'll have a chance later. I'll negotiate with Master Liu! If you don't want to die, go back and take the initiative to admit your mistake! I will intercede for you, maybe the result is not as bad as you think Shangguan Wan'er's eyes are full of emotion and melancholy. She coldly glances at the other three families' inheritors, and whispers to them.

"Brush!" Hearing this, Xia Qingyang, Yin Feng, Jin Kuang and the other three inheritors of Lingbao Taoist palace quietly relaxed in their hearts, and cast their grateful eyes on Shangguan Waner's figure!

"Ha ha, as the young master of Qilin Taoist Palace said, my martial brothers are naturally trustworthy! It's a blessing that we can pass on the legacy of our two brothers and make our Taoist temple survive! " Emperor Haoyue's voice resounded brightly in the void, as if he was extremely satisfied and appreciated with the reply of Huang Fuyun, the young master of Qilin Taoist palace.

Gulu, Gulu

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Bursts of intense breathing sound, instantly spread throughout the entire Guangmingding square around the main road to unite the ranks of the Holy Land strongmen camp. In the eyes of those who are strong in Taoist holy places, there is a look of solemnity and fear. Qilin Taoist palace and Fengming Taoist Palace are married. Now if a Ming Taoist palace is added, then all the Taoist holy places in Kyushu can't compete with Qilin Taoist palace.

On the other side, a group of strong people in Qilin Taoist palace were full of excitement and joy on the spot. Even the faces of the strong people in Fengming Taoist Palace on one side also showed a faint smile.

It's not necessarily a good thing for other Taoist holy places that one branch dominates. The only way to survive is for all Taoist holy places to compete with each other.

Therefore, at this moment, in the minds of those who are strong in the daotong holy land, there is a strange idea rising at the same time. People even place their hope on Liu Wuchen, the leader of Shushan Daogong palace. If Shushan Daogong is inherited from the Mingjiao Daogong palace, it may be the final result and situation that other daotong holy places are most happy to see

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