Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 1096: 1096

The Taoist temple of the Ming Dynasty, a period of three days.

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On the first day, all the powerful people of the daotong holy land had already left the Holy Land and rushed back to their respective areas of influence.

But in the category of forces belonging to the Ming Taoist temple, there are eyelid left by the strong people of all roads. Once there is any disturbance in the Taoist temple of the Ming Dynasty, the news will be immediately transmitted back to the powerful people in Kyushu.

On the second day, all the buildings in the area of influence of the Taoist palace were destroyed by the disciples of the Taoist palace. Even the last barrier of the Ming Taoist palace protects the mountains and is destroyed by the eyelid left by the sanctuary of all roads.

At the same time, the seven powerful emperors of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion led their seven star flag branch to leave at the same time on this day, and rushed to the seven different directions of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion. At that night, they melted into the vast mountains and disappeared.

On the third day, it was the morning of the morning when all the great sages left behind their eyes.

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The whole Mingjiao Taoist palace is like an empty city. Above the empty Guangmingding hall, there are only two old men in flaming red robes and light blue robes standing in the air. They are proud of the power of the whole Mingjiao Taoist palace and sigh with seclusion.

Boom, boom, boom

The fiery red sun rises, and the cold bright moon is also across the sky. The power of the two terrible emperors' will will soon cover the whole territory of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion, making the symbol of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion Guangmingding square, once destroyed by the terrible violent turbulence.

Gulu, Gulu

In the area of Taoist holy land, except that the buildings of the Taoist palace were almost destroyed, all the family forces and the common people were not affected by these two forces.

"From today on, the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty announced to Kyushu the official dissolution of the Holy Land orthodoxy. From then on, there will be no Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty in the holy land, and no Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty in the land of Kyushu!" The deafening voice will resound between the heaven and the earth. Many people in the area of influence of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty recognize the master of that voice. This person is not someone else. He is one of the two emperors of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, and also emperor Haoyue Wu, the second leader of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty!

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"Ha ha, our brothers have made a decision to join the Shushan Taoist palace in six states and officially become the elder of Shushan Taoist palace. In addition, the Seven Star emperor and the Seven Star flag leader of the former Mingjiao Daogong will join the Shushan Daogong and become the disciples of the Sun Moon Palace of the Shushan Daogong... "A burst of laughter, like thunder, will explode again in the area of influence of the Mingjiao Daogong. The king of the sun stood in the air and looked at the location of the six states in the far distance. Without any scruples, he would declare the imperial edict in front of the front line of the Holy Land in the holy land.

Brush, brush, brush

At the same time, the eyes from all directions flicker and meet, and the hearts of the powerful people of the main roads all tremble violently. Most of the strong people in the holy land thought that the Taoist palace of the Ming religion would announce that it would not unite with any Taoist forces, because according to the imperial power displayed by the sun and moon emperors before, it is likely that they have touched the second level of Emperor Wu in the soul refining realm. In this case, why join Shushan Taoist palace or Qilin Taoist palace? It's better to stay in Mingjiao Taoist palace to be at ease.

Today, the sun and moon emperors have destroyed the Guangmingding hall, the symbol of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty. In front of many forces in Shengzhou, they have announced that the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty has been completely reduced to history, and the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, including the sun and moon emperors, has all settled in Shushan Taoist palace, the holy land of Taoism in the six states. In addition, all the elders and disciples of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion were reduced to the subordinate halls of the Shushan Taoist palace. Obviously, this decision was the result that no one had expected.

"Cough, quick, quick, send the news back!"

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"Damn it, are the people in the Taoist palace of Ming religion crazy and merged into the Shushan Taoist palace?"

"Ha ha, even if the sun and moon emperors want to ignore the secular world and concentrate on closed door practice to seek breakthrough opportunities, they should be merged into the Qilin Taoist palace! After all, the Qilin Taoist palace is a giant of the four great Wudi! And Shushan Taoist palace only has a inferior emperor who just broke through the title of emperor! "

"My dear, it's difficult for the people in the Taoist palace of the Ming religion to take some ecstasy. How could they make such a ridiculous choice?"

With the sound of the imperial edicts of the sun and the moon spreading and surging out slowly, all the big and small forces within the influence scope of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty and the common people all know the news that is enough to shake Kyushu.

Among them, the eyelid left by the holy land of all roads was the first time to respond to all of them. All the strong men quickly sent people back to the forces of their respective orthodox holy places.From now on, the Taoist palace of Ming religion was dissolved, and the holy land of holy state was left with Lingbao Taoist palace. Of course, it is impossible for the big and small families who were originally attached to the Taoist palace of the Ming religion to accompany the people of the Taoist palace of the Ming religion to move into the Shushan Taoist palace, a place of six states. And these big and small family power masters began to move around quickly, and began to seek a backing for joining Lingbao Taoist palace and their respective family power, and immediately launched the action of seeking refuge and dredging.

Brush, brush, brush

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In the jittery of the various places, the lines of the Holy Land rushed back and went at a loss. Over the ruins of the Taoist palace of the Ming Dynasty, in vain, bursts of violent and terrifying imperial power came out.

The power of the four terrible imperial wills loomed up, and the calm void trembled and swayed violently. The four figures were dressed in four color robes, and they seemed to come out of the void. Behind them, the fragmented void quickly closed and melted together again.

In the void, four old men walked in the air, and in a flash they came to the ruins of the Taoist palace. The bright sun emperor and the bright moon emperor quickly flashed a playful color in their eyes, staring at the four old people who came from the opposite side with a smile.

"Ha ha, old friends, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. Are you here to see our martial brothers off?" The emperor swept the figure of the four old men in front of him, and his tone was full of ridicule.

"Hum, the four great Wudi in Lingbao Taoist Palace are coming out together. What a great posture!" On one side, Emperor Haoyue snorted coldly and glanced at the four domineering old men.

On the other side of Lingbao Road, the figures of emperor qingluan, Emperor skylark, Emperor Baimei, Emperor jinhou, and the four old men stood in the air at the same time, looking at the sun and the moon in front of them for a long time, and they wanted to say nothing

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