Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 116: 116

"Hoo Out of the alchemist's Union, no trace was relieved. Traceless Junlang's face is full of doubts, and his brain is thinking about all kinds of possibilities. I thought that the alchemist's Union would send someone to stop me, but I let them go easily.

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it! As the saying goes, there must be a way for a car to get to the front of the mountain, and a boat to the bridge! " Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow close to no trace behind, like a shadow, rough voice laughing echoed.

"Damn, old demon, you give me a little quiet. If it goes on like this, I will have to be deaf and tinnitus in the future! " No trace mercilessly turned over white eyes, incomparably sad in the brain and demon respect fire Xiao ditch channel.

"Ah, brother Wuchen, let's go back! Every time you come out, Shuanger will make trouble for you! " A sigh, Liu frost son full face apologetically pull no trace arm to shake to say.

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth, it's time to fight!" No trace a face dislike, lightly knocked to knock the cerebellum bag melon of Liu Shuanger. Then, with an eager smile on his face, he spoke again and said gently, "Hey, what's the relationship between this and Shuanger? I want to come to the alchemist's Union to gain insight!"

"Hum, Shuanger, ignore him, let's go!" Cold Ji Ruxue cold hum a, a pull Liu Shuanger quickly walk toward the distance.

"Damn it, nameless, you've abandoned everything! This ice beauty, why is it so evil? " No trace a face to suppress to bend, swept an eye, the side complexion cold sword nameless suddenly tease a way.

"You're talking nonsense. Be careful if you don't have to do it!" Sword nameless complexion a sink, swept to sweep no trace cold voice say.

"Cough, you're kidding! Brother, don't take it seriously. I'll be with you for the worst! " No trace looks embarrassed. It seems that the words just now are really overdone. Immediately, quickly put up a pair of smiling face, to the sword nameless compensate not.

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"Ha ha, I'm kidding. Don't take it seriously, brother!" The sword, with a cold face, is nameless and laughs in vain. The tense muscles on his face twitched a few times symbolically, smiling back to the guilty traceless face. Then, sword nameless hands back in the back of the head, obviously in a good mood step away.

"Damn, I said no name, you are so naughty, do you know?" No trace a burst of speechless, dumbfounded on the spot.

"Ha ha, have a good time! Well, I didn't expect that you smelly boy would have today! " A rough voice, full of echoes of joy. Immediately, demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow into a streamer, a head then into no trace body disappeared.

Along the way, traceless heart is full of depression. Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, three people seem to be in a good mood. After a long stroll, everyone felt a little dull. Then, after discussion, he decided to go back to Dazhou college.

Unconsciously, a group of people cross the street. A tall and imposing attic is in front of everyone. It is the Dazhou branch of Lingbao company.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

A burst of rapid footsteps, in the complex crowd urgent ring. I saw a guy in Lingbao business run out quickly and ran straight to no trace and others.


A clear sound came, and the young man went straight around the sword nameless and other three people. At last, he seemed to aim at the target accurately, and bumped into no trace impartially.

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"Ouch, you killed me!" The boy wailed, covered his head and rolled on the spot in pain.

"Cough, it seems that you hit me!" No trace light cough twice, gently touched his strong chest. Leaving the miserable guy on the ground, he squatted down slowly and asked softly.

"Damn, why are you so hard? Are you made of stone?" He rubbed the big bag on his head and complained reluctantly. Then, the guy subconsciously reaches out his right hand and runs to Wuchen. It seems that he wants Wuchen to pull him.

"Ah, Lingbao business, why did you recruit such a bad guy?" Traceless turned his eyes and gently stretched out his hand to pull the boy.

"Brush!" There was some pain on the ground, so he stood up quickly. The corners of his mouth in vain with a smile, but also secretly toward the traceless blink.

No trace heart suddenly move, stretch out of the right palm suddenly a hard. It seems that something separated me for a while, no trace quickly responded, clenched his fist and took back his arm.

"Hey, guys, my Lord is sick now. Our Lingbao business has been studying abroad for a week. If you want to ask for treasure, please come back as soon as possible! " The young man pretended to be careless and said in a light voice. Immediately, Li also ignore to have not yet reacted of have no trace etc. one eye, in a hurry then again toward work properly treasure business inside walk.

"Old demon, what's the situation?" Looking at the emergence of the young man in a hurry, he quickly fled away. No trace clenched his right fist, slightly stupefied, and asked suspiciously."Ha ha, it seems that there must be deep meaning in this move. Maybe this Lingbao firm has other power lines around it, so it's also necessary to save you. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. You'd better go back to Dazhou college first to be safer! "

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"Cluck, brother traceless, he didn't crash you, did he?" A burst of light laughter, interrupted no trace and demon zunhuoxiao communication. Liu shuang'er's face is full of smile, and doesn't care about his words. But quickly step forward, looking at no trace, soft voice jokingly asked.

"Ha ha, with him, daydreaming!" Traceless loud laugh, toward Liu Shuanger proud raised head. Secretly throw his right hand, a humble storage ring was secretly put into his pocket.



Jian Mingming and Ji Ruxue are still cold and indifferent. They burst out a word from their mouths at the same time, and then they rush to the direction of Dazhou college without looking back.

"Haha, Shuanger, let's shake it too!" Traceless smile, a pull Liu Shuanger body movement. A green shadow quickly across the crowd, suddenly disappeared in front of Lingbao business, disappeared.

At night, it is in a humble room of Dazhou college, inner courtyard, Jiangnan other courtyard.

At this time, no trace is constantly pacing back and forth. It was a tall figure, several heads high, wearing a set of black hat and coir raincoat. There was not a trace of life around him. He was still poking in the room.

"I'll be a good boy. This is a puppet! Why is there no vitality at all, and you can't feel half of Xuanli? This kind of array has the strength of Dan soul realm in the later stage. Isn't it the Lingbao firm in the pit No trace grinned and sighed with a little shortness of breath.

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"Brush." A red awn slants out, and the shadow of demon zunhuoxiao flashes out. The demon zunhuoxiao shakes his fiery body and looks scornful. He turns a big white eye at no trace.

"Ha ha, there is no divine consciousness in the body. Now it is really a ownerless thing! I believe that after he has recognized the LORD with his blood, he will restore his due realm of cultivation. "

"Hey, hey, what a baby, what a baby! Don't you think it's hard to recognize the LORD by dripping blood? " No trace full face excited, rub hands repeatedly cheered to.

"Ha ha, there are two xuanjing and one hundred and ten thousand top grade Xuanshi at auction. I can give you a xuanjing and a half million top grade Xuanshi. It seems that this organ puppet, Lingbao business not only didn't charge you a cent, but also raised the price of super product Shendan to you a lot! " Demon zunhuoxiao sweeps the storage ring in traceless hand, and instantly sees through what it should be.

"Damn, old demon, this is my baby. Don't hit them No trace full face vigilant color, very chicken thief's guard said.

"Ha ha, demon, I'm in a state of soul body. What's the use of your xuanjing and Xuanshi? But you'd better be careful. If the Earth Dragon finds these Xuanshi, I promise you'll want to die! " Demon respect fire Xiao burst out laughing, I do not know whether intentionally or unintentionally, the rough voice even loud echo in the heart of no trace.

"Damn it, old demon, are you playing yin'er with me?" No trace a exclamation, quickly subconsciously clenched the hands of the storage ring.

"Sa Sa!" But at this time, no trace chest suddenly golden light. A sound that no trace wanted to hear at this time reverberated clearly in the silent room.... < br > at this time

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