Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 118: 118

In the silent room, an invisible pressure was slowly collected by a big black shadow. No trace, demon zunhuoxiao, two people all eyes dew pure light, straight gaze at in front of half kneeling black figure, silent.

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"Eh, old demon, is that it?" After a while, no trace came back from the shock. Excited incomparably opened mouth, inquired toward the side demon respect fire Xiao to look again.

"Hey, hey, if you can make it or not, you'll have a try." Demon respect fire Xiao full face bad smile, unexpectedly also jokingly toward no trace blinked.

"Cough, you get up first, get up and talk back!" No trace of the pseudo clear voice, some not used to the front of the organ puppet waved.

A hole, with the organ puppet tall body slowly stand up, no trace, only feel the room is a shake. Now, just the breath and aftereffect of the organ puppet will make Wu trace feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

"Well, what's your name?" No trace stares at the big guy in front of him and looks at him curiously.

"Back to the master, I'm a puppet of the organ. I don't have a name!" The puppet, dressed in a black raincoat and bamboo hat, is extremely mysterious and powerful.

"Ha ha, look at your running tile. I'll call you running in the future." Traceless laughter, in front of the organ puppet joking.

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"Running? Thank you for your name! In the future, I will do my best and wait for the master to send me! " Organ puppet kneels on one knee again, lowers his head and opens his mouth solemnly.

"Well, don't call me master, master. It sounds strange. I think you'll call me childe in the future. It doesn't sound like a child, but it's more comfortable! " With a smile on his face, Wu Chen waved his hand again to the puppet kneeling on the ground.

"Run ahead, please obey the instructions of the young master!" The puppet stood up again and poked into the room like a half black tower, which was extremely striking and uncoordinated.

"Ha ha, it's inconvenient to run. You can't just follow me, can you?" Traceless dry smile a few, some embarrassed looking at the head said.

"Young master, you don't need to practice in your daily life, just have the spirit of Xuanli! As for travel, if you find it inconvenient, you can put your head in the storage ring first. If you are in trouble that you can't solve, you can call me out at any time! " The puppet of the organ runs to the head, still has no expression on his face, and his voice is full of magnetism.

"Why, so good?" Smell speech, no trace heart obvious move. Then, tightly a thought, the storage ring in the hand then again suffused with a silver light.

The puppet standing quietly in the room suddenly trembled. A black shadow across the front of traceless, so big mechanism puppet quietly once again into the storage ring.

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"Haha, it's fun, it's fun!" Heart read a move, organ puppet burly figure appeared again in front of no trace. Mind move again, organ puppet again quietly disappeared in front of.

"Cough, traceless boy, have you had enough! If you have enough fun, practice well. First, stabilize your later cultivation in the soul state, and then talk about other things! " Demon respect fire Xiao a burst of dry cough, red face is full of black line. No good spirit of white eyes no trace, body red hair a strength of shaking.

"Ha ha, in less than half a month's time, it's the inner court qualifying! This war, even for the sake of other courtyards in the south of the Yangtze River, can not be lost! " No trace burst out laughing and threw a reassuring look at the demon zunhuoxiao. Immediately, see no trace astringent mind, cross a knee then meditate on the back bed. The eternal Heaven and earth in the body soared up and absorbed the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth that came from the empty air again.

"Well, compared with the demon master, the later cultivation of the soul realm is not as good as it was then, but it's barely enough! However, if I continue to practice and grow at this speed, I don't know how long I'll have to wait for my old enemies... "A sigh came quietly from the demon zunhuoxiao Xuying. Demon zunhuoxiao was full of positive color, looking at the no trace on the bed, he thought about it in a disorderly way.

For half a month, no trace locked himself firmly in the room. Every day and night crazy absorb the mysterious air of heaven and earth, completely rely on the eternal Heaven and earth will play life support.

Today, the first level of physical training of the eternal Heaven and earth has been completely cultivated to the peak of perfection. It is no exaggeration to say that no trace under the same realm can be proud of the world only by the body. What's more, Hongmeng's chaotic Qi has completely replaced the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth, which is deeply rooted in Wuhen's body and is integrated with Wuhen's whole blood.

Now, as long as the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth inhaled by Wu Chen's body, it will instantly turn into pure and profound Qi of Hongmeng chaos. Moreover, no trace has been detected. As long as one's self-cultivation goes further, one can reach the realm of Dan soul and have the inner courage, and believe that one can open the second level of skill cultivation key of eternal Heaven and earthIn the past half a month, a series of secret affairs happened among the Six Dynasties in mainland China.

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There were sudden changes in the state of the great Zhou Dynasty. This news, like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, spread all over the mainland of China in an instant.

A few days ago, Emperor Zixuan of tianque Dynasty, sword emperor of Penglai Dynasty, Zhu Wen of Daliang Dynasty, yanhuangyantuoba of Dayan Dynasty, manhuang Chiyou of Jiuli Dynasty, and soul emperor of Five Dynasties gathered in the forbidden area of the outskirts of Dazhou Dynasty. However, Huang Jifa, the imperial concubine of the Zhou Dynasty, never appeared.

With a secret order, the children of the eight families of the Zhou Dynasty, as well as the garrison military forces, all at the same time, quickly withdrew to Chaoge City, the capital of the king.

Outside Chaoge City, a forbidden area in the suburbs. The sky and the earth were in a turmoil, and the void turned pale.

The five spirit emperors joined hands to block the forbidden space. Then, the flames rising from the pit below automatically separated towards the two sides, and a black void appeared in front of the five spirits.

Without any hesitation, the five spirit emperors seemed to have discussed with each other for a long time. They urged the space to protect themselves and rushed to the dark void.

Boom, boom, boom

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One after another, countless thunders, lightning flashes and thunders were transported to the suburban forbidden area. The fiery flame closed again, and the burning breath of destruction rose more terrifying.

From the appearance of the five great spirits of the emperor Qi in the forbidden area outside the imperial capital Chaoge, heaven and earth turned pale. It took less than half an hour to calm down.

Only half a day later, a decree was issued again. The eight families and garrison generals of the Zhou Dynasty took over the suburban forbidden areas again. The forbidden area in the suburbs seems to have no change. It is still burning all day, making people unable to get close to it.

After that day, tianque, Penglai, Dayan, Daliang, Jiuli, and the five emperors simultaneously declared their closure. Everyone knows what they have met in the flame forbidden area. Is it to gain a treasure and practice? Or are you seriously injured and shut up?

In a word, the coming of a strange fire directly led to the closure of the six soul emperors of the Six Dynasties. For the people of the Six Dynasties in mainland China, this is undoubtedly great news. Because all the six dynasties have issued a truce at the same time, no royal soldier can privately stir up disputes with other dynasties, otherwise he will be attacked by the other dynasties.

In the Six Dynasties, there were six prefectures, nine prefectures and seventy-two prefectures, and the people were very happy. All the major forces and the children of their families were all silent, and their actions were even more low-key.

For a while, the Six Dynasties, which have been in constant dispute for thousands of years, have achieved a moment of peaceful habitat in this strange fire

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