Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 122: 122

On the edge of the nameless desert island, in the continuous dense jungle.

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At this time, no trace is alone, carefully along the corridor in the jungle slowly forward. Dozens of meters behind Wu trace, the leading man named Daoge in Xinghuang other courtyard is following the other five men, four women and a group of youths with vigilance.

Suddenly, suddenly, the cold wind rustled in the dense jungle, and the branches and leaves rustled among the tree tops from time to time. In the distance, there were a few terrible howls of beasts, which were passed into people's ears.

"Cough, traceless boy, are you really going to find their way?" Shaking the burly fire red virtual shadow, has been following the demon zunhuoxiao beside no trace, the expression is quite confused to speak and ask.

"Ha ha, since you can't see the old demon any more, I'll try their strength first!" Traceless mouth slightly a Yang, toward the demon respect fire Xiao show a face harmless smile. Later, Wu trace secretly took back the spirit of exploration, turned around and ran to a fork in the road ahead.

"Hey, brother Dao, you are still tall! There is a boy leading the way, but it saves us a lot of trouble! "

"Ha ha, that's it. Brother Dao is very powerful! With him, our safety factor has been improved a lot! "

"Cluck, brother Dao, you are so handsome!"

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"Hee hee, brother Dao, I'll give you a monkey..."

One side, five men and four women, nine young people, all full of flattery, to the leader of the Taoist brother completely flatter up. Dawg obviously enjoyed the feeling, grinning and shaking his head.

At this time, walking in the front of traceless ears suddenly move, in front of a grass there is a faint sound. Immediately after that, a wave of mysterious force, which was suppressed and not easily detected, was immediately captured by the divine consciousness released from traceless.

"Hey, hey, that's it!" I felt the strange noise hidden in the grass in front of me. I had a bad smile on my face and ran up quickly.

"Ouch, hello..." I was about to walk to no trace in front of the grass, and my feet suddenly tilted. Body shape a stagger, a head then heavy hit in the grass.

"Ha ha, this fool, you can walk all the way

"Ha ha, a fool is a fool!"

"Haha, it's worthy of being a waste student taught by a waste tutor. This fool really didn't disgrace his name of Jiangnan other college!"

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A burst of laughter roared from tens of meters behind the traceless. Including brother Dao, all the people showed their disdain, and pointed to the no trace lying in the grass with disdain.

A head into the grass without trace, at this time has quietly released pure Xuanli gas. The continuous artistic conception of sword spreads out in an instant, locking a colorful leopard in the grass.

Four eyes opposite, Mianmian sword meaning is extremely fierce, colorful leopard fiercely hit a shiver, all over the body began to a strength of shaking.

"Ha ha, the medium level of fierce beast is equivalent to the medium level of soul state!" The demon zunhuoxiao shakes the red shadow and stares at the leopard's buttocks.

"Hey, Kitty, it's up to you!" A bad smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the artistic conception of sword was instantly absorbed in his body. Then, he quickly raised his hand, pretended to be angry and gently patted the hip of the leopard.

"Pa!" With a slight crisp sound, the trembling and unprepared leopard was firmly patted.

"Roar!" With a strange cry, the colorful leopard rushed out from the top of her head.

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"Suddenly There was a gust of wind, and the scream of the leopard was full of blood. In the middle stage of the fierce beast, the level of prestige was suddenly released and swept over the open space without any sign.


"Oh, my God!"

"Dao, brother Dao, help

Leopard suddenly burst out of the fierce momentum, the moment will be the presence of people down. In the rear, five men and four women didn't even have a chance to release Xuanli, so they were suppressed by the leopard's realm, and they were instantly frozen on the spot, unable to move.

"Boy, are you blind! There are fierce beasts here. Why don't you give a warning? " The elder brother's face was very gloomy and glared at the traceless one who struggled to get up in the grass. Immediately, a hot Xuanli gas in the body was released quickly to fight against the bloody and oppressive chamber of the leopard.

"Dao, brother Dao, it's up to you!" Traceless eye drops slip a turn, calm head, voice submissive spread out.

"Well, waste is waste! How come you don't have a bite, you idiot The way elder brother cold hum, no longer pay attention to the appearance of cowardly no trace in the grass. See only, the road elder brother's arms up in vain ignite two flames, the whole person's momentum becomes more burning up."Ha ha, it's bad luck for you to meet me! Today, I'll let you taste my martial arts skill, flame iron fist With a roar like courage, brother Dao's body suddenly turned into a line of fire. A strange iron man with flaming arms and petrified whole body attacked and killed the leopard on the ground in front of him.

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"Why, flame? petrifaction? Is this the legendary twin soul? " Seeing what happened to brother Dao, Wu trace was surprised.

"Oh, it's a twin soul. I didn't expect that such a miserable guy has such extraordinary talent!" Demon respect fire Xiao in front of a light in vain, staring at the mid air running Taoist brother can't help but sigh.

Those who awaken the spirit of martial arts can set foot on the path of cultivation, and most of them have only one spirit. There are exceptions. On the mainland of China, there are some martial arts people who inherit the two kinds of martial arts spirits from their parents at the same time. Therefore, twin martial arts spirits were born. However, this kind of warrior is extremely rare. It can be said that there is no one in ten thousand li. Of course, twin spirits are rare in mainland China, but they are not unique. On the contrary, among the young talents of demons, geniuses and big family forces, there will occasionally be Sansheng martial spirits, variant and special types of martial spirits, and even more rare types of martial spirits.

Boom, boom, boom

Brother Dao, who turns into a burning man and becomes petrified, collides with the leopard lying on the ground. At the moment when brother Dao's arms touch the body of the leopard, two flames ignite on the body of the leopard. Meanwhile, dawg didn't stop for half a minute. In a short time, the petrified hard arms bombarded the leopard's body with more than hundreds of times.

"Ouch!" A shrill scream roared from the mouth of the colorful leopard. At this time, half of the leopard's body was attacked by brother Dao's fierce fist and collapsed.

"Suddenly It's another wind rising out of thin air. The colorful leopard's whole body is full of wind and Xuanli breath. The collapsed body is like air blowing, and it is stirred up again and recovered as before.

"Ouch!" Colorful leopard a low roar, unwilling to stare in front of the momentum is prosperous brother a look. Immediately, fierce eyes inadvertently left behind the direction of the grass. The whole body wind attribute Xuanli gas suddenly spread, leopard body suddenly toward the side, with all the strength of a vertical. A gust of wind rustled, and the leopard turned into a beautiful light and shadow. It plunged into the dense forest on the side, and disappeared between the three leaps and two longitudinal directions< br>

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