Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 132: 132

The rough water is flowing. At one end of the river, on the edge of the shore, a huge crane's wings are covered with gold.

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The glittering wings are like a thousand pieces of gold, which makes the whole body of the crane drop. And the Xuan beast flying crane's expression at this time is obviously extremely painful, struggling for several times, but in vain. The flying crane's face was full of mourning, and its golden wings could not be waved.

"Goo, quack!" A slight sound, strange echo on the edge of the open valley. I saw a small Golden Toad, quietly appeared in front of the bound crane. The little toads opened their mouths and sped out golden saliva like waterlines.

Puff, puff, puff

In the blink of an eye, there was golden saliva all over the flying crane's abdomen. In addition, the golden saliva spread quickly, and immediately wrapped the lower body of the crane with a layer of gold dust. The hustle and bustle of the Jinsha condenses into pieces of gold and stone again, which completely binds the body shape of the flying crane and makes it unable to move at all, so it is rigidly imprisoned on the spot.

"Damn it, old demon, it's probably useless! I think we'd better hurry, or I can't resist the saliva of the Golden Toad for a while... "No trace looked at the strange scene in front of him and swallowed his saliva unconsciously. Thinking of the golden saliva in the mouth of the Golden Toad, Wu trace's goose bumps all over his body immediately fell to the ground again.

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, these two mysterious beasts have cultivated their natural attack ability, although they only have the ability level of the initial cultivation of Dan soul realm. But after all, the animal elixir has been melted in the body. If you can get these two animal elixirs at the same time, I believe it will play a significant role in the recovery of xiaodilong's injury! " The illusory shadow flashed, and the demon zunhuoxiao shook his burly body. He grinned at Wu trace, and his tone was full of temptation.

"Eh, animal pill!" Smell speech, have no trace in the eyes of handsome Lang suddenly flash out two Jing Guang. Once this beast reaches the level of xuanbeast, it will be like a warrior stepping into the realm of danhun. In the body of the Dagan cultivation, the knot of Dan is condensed, and the knot of Dan in every warrior is the essence of this warrior's whole life. The efficacy of this inner pill is no less than that of the general elixir. Therefore, the vast majority of warriors prefer to detonate the spirit before death rather than let others take their inner elixir easily. Therefore, Nei Dan or animal Dan are extremely precious and rare in mainland China.

"Cough, old demon, do you have a way to get their two animal pills at the same time?" No trace cleared his throat and combed his confused thoughts. Then, he turned his head and looked at the confident demon zunhuoxiao, and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, don't worry. I've removed the key from the storage ring. Later, just wait until one of them is dead, and you will release the puppet to run. Even if you don't get two animal pills, you can easily grab one of them Demon respect fire Xiao full face bad smile, lying in no trace ear whisper up.

Ahead, hundreds of meters away.

At this time, the Golden Toad has stopped attacking, and the whole body of flying crane is covered with layers of gold and stone. Even the head and a pair of sharp mouths of the flying crane were all coated with a layer of gold and stone.

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The flying crane is like a golden statue standing on the edge of the river bank. Two bright eyes keep turning, as if to prove that they are still alive.

"Goo, melon!" There was another light cry, and the Golden Toad looked very happy. The short figure turned into a golden light, and then floated in the air in front of the flying crane Xuan beast.

Tick, tick

Drops of golden water flow quietly under the feet of Golden Toad. A golden water column came into being, tightly dragging the body of Golden Toad.

"Chirp!" A very unwilling but very weak sound came from the body of the Xuan beast flying crane which had been firmly rigid. Flying crane's sharp eyes suddenly shot out two earthly awns, which directly hit the small body of Golden Toad.

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"Quack!" With a cry of sadness, the body of Golden Toad suddenly trembled, and the water column at his feet suddenly splashed down. The Golden Toad, a mysterious beast, was covered with a light soil awn, and its body shape seemed to be slowed down several times. With the speed visible to the naked eye, it fell very slowly.

"Ha ha, good chance! Traceless boy, take advantage of now, quick Seeing the attack talent released by the flying crane, he successfully hit the Golden Toad. Demon respect fire Xiao full face excited, can't wait to no trace urge up.

"Go ahead, run to the head..." no trace heart read a move, big hand suddenly a wave. The influence of a strange creature named Pikachu was quickly recalled in his mind. This kind of feeling of X-ray makes it dark and cool.

"Suddenly A gust of sound and wind, rising from the ear of traceless Turks. No trace just felt a sudden black in front of him. A big and tall figure had appeared on the edge of the river bank hundreds of meters away without any sign."Hum!" A cold hum, a breath of terror instantly spread out. In the calm Valley, the ground suddenly trembled, and it seemed that it could not bear the violent momentum.

"Pa!" With a dull sound, I saw a big black figure in a hat, and a big hand tightly grasped the falling Golden Toad. The other hand suddenly grabbed the gold stone wrapped in the flying crane, and it creaked in an instant, turning into pieces of gold quietly scattered on the ground.

With the golden fragments breaking apart, the huge flying crane turned into powder. Even the Xuan beast flying crane didn't even have time to say a word, so he was killed on the spot by the black shadow in front of him.

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"Broken!" An astringent, dry and magnetic sound came out of the big black figure.

"Poof!" With a light sound, the mysterious beast Golden Toad in the puppet's hand was suddenly burst on the spot with his eyes staring and his body bulging. After the explosion, the Golden Toad turned into golden blood, and thunderbolt scattered all over the place.

Another terrible suction came. At this time, in the hands of the puppet, there were two more animal elixirs, one gray, one gold, only the size of the belly of a finger, which were full of mysterious animal breath.

"Ha ha, it's done!" The demon zunhuoxiao laughs loudly, and the ethereal figure floats to the front of the organ puppet.

"Master!" Running head son turned a blind eye to the arrival of demon zunhuoxiao. His figure flickered and his breath disappeared. His big figure quietly fell to the side of no trace.

"Ha ha, it's hard for you to run! You have to endure for a while. When you get out of this nameless desert island, I will find a chance to let you out for a breath of fresh air! " No trace lightly took over the two animal pills in the hand of run head son, heart read a move, then again run head son income into the storage ring. Then he let go of his divine consciousness and kept alert. His eyes were shining and his face was full of excitement. He stared at the ashes, the gold, the two animal pills in his hand and couldn't put them down< br>

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