Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 134: 134

"Suddenly A cold wind, wet on the body without trace. The whole body has already been soaked in sweat without trace body shape suddenly trembled, a sense of fear from the bottom of my heart to rise.

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"Ha ha, how about traceless boy. What does it feel like to delay a talent attack? " Demon respect fire Xiao full face bad smile, in a flash body came to no trace side pondering asked.

"Hoo, it's so powerful! Not only is the speed slow, but also my five senses become slow. If I had been in a hostile war, I would have been in a different place! " No trace heavily breathed a breath, in the heart still a strength of beating non-stop. When I think back to the situation when I was attacked by delay talent, I'm scared.

"Sa Sa!" At this time, the little earthworm gave out a light cry again. Then, the thick and long body suddenly shakes, turns into a golden light, and rushes into the traceless body.

On the elixir field of traceless body, a golden awn is winding into a ball. On the one hand, he wound around the place of no trace's elixir field, and on the other hand, he absorbed the surging air of chaos in no trace's body.

"Ha ha, I devoured two Xuan animal pills in succession. It seems that the little guy must be exhausted! Now it's obviously very weak. I'm afraid I can't help you in a short time! " Demon respect fire Xiao light smile, to no trace soft voice words.

"Old demon, when I get out of this nameless desert island, I must practice well! Strive for an early breakthrough in the spirit of Dan, but also a lot of security No trace all over the face is normal color, surprisingly didn't with demon respect fire Xiao bicker. After feeling the talent attack, traceless deeply felt his weakness. After all, in the world of martial arts, everything has to be said with strength. What benevolence, righteousness and morality, integrity and shame, no strong strength of the guard, then all these will be reduced to a laughing stock.

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"Ha ha, I wish you knew! Let's get out of here, or someone will be in trouble soon! And I've already lost some time before. I'm afraid I have to hurry up! " Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong's figure was slightly stunned, and he couldn't help but look more at traceless eyes from his heart. Then, a red virtual shadow flashed away, and the demon zunhuoxiao disappeared out of thin air.

"Ha ha, I don't know if they are in danger, but with their strength, I believe they will be safe." Traceless Junlang's face showed a confident smile, body movement will float away from the original place.

A green shadow flashed away, and there was no wave on the rough water. No trace tries his best to show the misty power of catkins. The whole person is light and swift, and is far away from the silent valley without hindrance.

In the distance, on the flat grass. From time to time, we can hear the roar of beasts in the dense jungle, which is very strange under the fog.

At this time, right behind the no trace, the edge of the other end of the silent valley.

The gray purple mist was spreading and rising rapidly at the speed that the naked eye could see. In the blink of an eye, what was clearly visible in the rear was covered by this strange fog.

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"Damn, old demon, what the hell is that?" Traceless looked at the strange purple mist that had moved quickly into the valley, and was stunned.

"Eh, everything in the world is purple. Is this purple fog poison? " The voice of demon zunhuoxiao rings out again, and Wuchen is suddenly surprised. In the valley below, where the purple mist passed, all the plants in the dense jungle withered rapidly. Even the waterfall, which had been surging before, turned into black water in a flash.

"Damn, this thing is really poisonous!" A exclamation, no trace quickly in the body from the eternal world. The surging and surging air of Hongmeng is flowing, and the whole body of no trace is in the soul state, and the cultivation of the later state is bursting out with all one's strength.

"Brush!" A shadow quickly disappeared on the top of one side of the silent valley.

In the silent Valley, it was completely covered by purple poison at this time. The spread scope and spread speed of purple poison had doubled. Just a moment, it overflowed from the valley. Along the flat broad grassland around the open space, unbridled spread spread.

"No trace boy, hurry up, hurry up A rush of anxiety, in the mind of traceless like one after another sounded. Originally already the purple fog is far behind of no trace, at this time is dare not have half cent slack.

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Traceless is as light as a swallow, and the figure is like catkins. With the help of the surging wind around, the speed released by traceless is even faster.

After nearly a hundred miles, the direction of the identity token in Wuhen's hand became more and more bright. Then the purple fog, which was rising and spreading, was approaching the direction of no trace more and more quickly and slowly.

In front of no trace, a dense jungle blocked the way. On the other end of the dark dense jungle, the air of the FA formation is more and more intense. In addition, in this dark and dense jungle, you can still vaguely feel the breath of falian's fluctuating flow."Hoo, the sense of FA formation is getting stronger and stronger. I believe we will be able to reach the safe area soon!" Long breath, no trace quickly put the identity token in his arms. Then, a silver light flashed out, and the jade belt on his waist turned into a soft silver sword.

"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!" The swords vaporized into a little bit of light, forming an invisible light shield to protect the whole body. No trace holding the soft silver sword in his hand, without hesitation, he plunged into the dark forest.


No trace only felt the wind whistling in his ears, and his body was flying in the woods. In the rear, the purple gas and poisonous fog rising and spreading has spread rapidly to the front of the dark dense forest.

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Brush, brush, brush

On the edge of the dense jungle, a faint breath of Falun trembled in vain. Then, a road of cold blue awn quickly rose to the ground, into a road if there is no light wall standing. He completely blocked the purple fog poison gas, which was pervasive in the rear and spread extremely fast, out of the light wall array.

"Damn, this array is so powerful that even this strange fog can completely block it!" Wu Chen, who is running away quickly, feels the power of the Dharma array behind him, and then suddenly stabilizes himself. Looking at the faint power of Dharma array sent out by the invisible light wall, the mind in traceless heart will be stabilized for no reason.

"Cough, traceless boy, the atmosphere of the forest's array is still very weak. Obviously you haven't entered the safe area yet. Don't be careless. In my opinion, you'd better enter the safe area quickly! " As the purple fog at the end of the dense forest gathered more and more intense, the invisible light wall in the void obviously began to become a little shaky. Just like a boat swaying in the wind and rain, it may be overturned by the rough waves at any time.

"The wind is tight, the wind is blowing!" No trace nodded his head in silence, holding the silver soft sword in his hand, his body suddenly turned, and he flew away at the end of the other side of the dense forest without looking back

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