Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 136: 136

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

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A series of dull sound resounded at the end of the dark forest. The boundless purple fog poison gas is coming from all over the world.

"Brush!" The blue awns soar into the sky, and the power of the array soars a hundred times in an instant. A natural barrier has sprung up, spreading and linking one after another. A semicircular light shield, like a magic weapon, shrouds a safety zone at the end of the dense forest.

"Ah" seamless extremely comfortable exhort a, lazily stretched out his arms stretched a lazy waist. Then, as if to think of something in general. Suddenly quickly opened his eyes, look alert toward the four observation up. The sword Qi of the whole body rises again, and the body quietly moves towards the edge of the square array.

Poop, poop, poop

The gathering sword Qi just released by Wuhen just disappeared after a few breath. No trace can only feel the Xuanli Qi in the body running by itself. The pure Xuanli Qi in the world seems to rush into the body like money free.

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"Well, is this the safety zone?" Without trace, he frowned doubtfully and released a little sword Qi again. However, only a moment later, the gathered sword Qi dissipated between heaven and earth again.

"Don't waste your time, traceless boy. You are now in a small array within the Dharma array. It seems that you can't use any attack magic power in this small array. " The voice of demon zunhuoxiao is rough and thick, and it echoes quietly in traceless mind.

"Ha ha, since that's the case, let's settle down as we come." Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace and look at the hazy and indistinct surroundings. We have to calm down and meditate. We have to make decisions for the future. On the one hand, he crazily absorbed the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth in the small Dharma array, and on the other hand, he secretly replenished the deficiency of Xuanli consumed before in his body.

I don't know how long it took, but Wuchen felt that the Qi of Xuanli, which was in deficit in his body, had become extremely exuberant and full. It was still foggy and traceless, as if trapped in a small array. If you want to get out, you can't get out. It's even more difficult to see the things around you.

"Boom!"“ Boom

On both sides of the no trace area, it was obvious that there was a wave of turbulence. No trace can't remember clearly how many times he has been trapped in the Dharma array.

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"Ha ha, martial arts practitioners often have a dream of a hundred years, even a thousand years is just a flick of a finger. How long have I been trapped? Maybe it's one of the items in the assessment No trace helpless trapped in the array, had to listen to fate, secretly practice. However, the only thing that makes no trace feel at ease is that the identity token in his hand can still start to transmit the array power. As soon as I think that I won't be trapped in this ghost place forever, traceless heart is inexplicably steadfast.

In the mist, time seemed to be gone. If it wasn't for Yao zunhuoxiao's occasional words, no trace would have doubted whether he was dead or not. Danger, death, fear, sometimes not terrible, when the real loneliness comes. As if the whole world is left only their own person, static, dead general static, that is really terrible!

Boom, boom

I don't know how long after that, there was a terrible roar in the array. The mist around him trembled slightly, and began to float strangely towards the light shield of the surrounding array.

"Eh, is this small array going to break its seal at last?" See, practice into the state of no trace quickly wake up. Two rays of light burst out from his bright eyes, pointing out of the fog, trying to see it.

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The fog slowly cleared away, and everything around began to become clearer. At this time, Wu trace suddenly found that he was in a mask surrounded by the breath of Dharma array. And outside this invisible light shield, there are strange purple fog everywhere.

As the fog of the Dharma array dissipated, a boundless empty field came into sight. At the edge of the mask, there is a small transmission array every few hundred meters. At this time, even traceless itself is deep in a small transmission array.

At a glance, hundreds of small arrays are densely arranged around the inner edge of the mask.

In the distance, with the mist all dissipated. Most of the small arrays are empty. However, there are still a few small Dharma arrays on top of which there are sporadic Taoist figures who are as vigilant as traceless figures.

"Boom!" With a clear sound, the array fluctuation in the small array is completely eliminated. At the same time, on several Dharma arrays in the distance, several breath of terror rose at the same time. In terms of momentum, there are no less than 40 or 50 Ways of breath, and all the accomplishments have reached the cultivation level of the later stage of the soul state.

"Brush!" The sword Qi came out to protect the body, and the body shape of no trace suddenly stepped out of the small array. A small array, no trace all over the body will not consciously tremble. The sense of Xuanli Qi in the array is very low, and it is almost thin to the bottom of extinction. That is to say, at this time, within the array, no trace can only use the Xuanli Qi accumulated in his own body. If the Xuanli Qi in his body is exhausted, he will not be able to deal with others and even other unknown crises."Whoosh!" No trace heart read move, body quickly back and back. With a crisp sound of Dong, the small-scale FA formation turned away the whole person without trace.

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"Ha ha, traceless boy, don't waste your efforts! Now there are only two ways to choose, or fight to the end and win. Or trigger the transmission array on the identity token to send back to the college and give up the annual qualifying The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao is full of fun, and the magnetic echo is in traceless mind.

Brush, brush, brush

At the moment of no trace retreating and thinking, there are dozens of figures in the distance, galloping up from the left and right sides one after another, showing the trend of encircling, and moving towards the direction where no trace is.

"Hei hei, traceless boy, the students who can persist to the present must be the best in the inner school and the best in heaven. In the next test, you'd better take care of yourself! " After a burst of loud laughter, the voice of demon zunhuoxiao was silent, and there was no sound.

"Hehe, the best and the best, do you want to bully less with more? Then ask the sword in my hand first, and it will say yes or no! " No trace of a smile on the handsome face, waist jade belt into a silver flash. A little bit of essence turns into Dao Dao sword Qi, and the soft and feminine guard is around Wu trace< br>

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