Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 143: 143

Nameless desert island, safe area.

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In the inner edge of the array, three masters are far superior to the later strength level of the general soul level. At this time, it was in a triangle situation, and Wuchen was surrounded by one person.

In the rear, the chief disciples of Dongbo, Xibo, Nanbo, Beibo and the four dabiesyuan all watched the battle with a smile on their faces. Qianyu, the chief disciple of Xiqi bieyuan, is still indifferent.

Boom, boom

There was another violent roar, and the ground in the safe area shook violently. The war that is on the verge of breaking out suddenly stops, and everyone's eyes are not far away. They look at the two closely connected and blue covered small transmission arrays.

"Brush."“ Brush

Not far away, the breath of the two teleportation methods gradually dissipated, and the two indistinct bodies began to shine easily.

"Deng", "Deng", "Deng"

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Two gentle footsteps, one in front of the other and the other behind. Two white shadows flashed out at the same time. A handsome young man with a heavy sword on his back and an extremely cold complexion, together with a beautiful woman with a cold complexion, like a fairy coming down to earth, walked side by side, impressively reflected in the eyes of the public.

"Ha ha, nameless, like snow, I knew you two would be OK!" Seeing the two people coming out of the small transmission array, Wu trace's tense expression quickly eased down.

On the other side, the faces of the chief disciples of Chonghou, Yizhou, Qiantang and the three Dabie colleges sank at the same time. After all, the disciples who can break into the safe area are mostly at the level of the later cultivation state of the soul state. Moreover, a willow without a trace has made three people feel headache. Now I don't know where they suddenly come from, which will undoubtedly become their own difficult opponents.

"Brush!"“ Brush

A white awn, a chill, at the same time from the sword nameless, Ji Ruxue two people burst out. Yin cold Xuanli Qi, and pure Hunran sword Qi flash away at the same time, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people have appeared on both sides of no trace.

"What, trouble?" The sword nameless voice is extremely cold and cold, so he asks in public.

"Keep a few alive, or kill them all?" Ji Ruxue's face was full of chill. She glanced at the chief disciple of the seven major schools, and there was no doubt about Xiao Sha's intention in her tone.

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"Bah, arrogance!"

"Shit, hubris!"

"His grandmother's, you three guys, today all stay for me!"

Wen Yan, the chief disciple of Chonghou, Yizhou, Qiantang and the three Dabieshan, is furious, and has not yet made any response. Three people release the realm of authority on the body at the same time, facing the face of no trace and other three people to bully.

On one side, Qian Yu, the chief disciple of the four Dabie colleges and the chief disciple of the Xiqi college, all went back a hundred meters to avoid the three chief disciples of the three Dabie colleges suddenly changing their strategies and making a sneak attack on themselves and others.

"Hum!" There was only a sound of sword, loud and clear. The body back matchless Epee sword nameless body slightly trembles, a white awn impressively along the whole body around and out.

Xiao Sha's sword Qi is full of indifference, waves of sword Qi fluctuate layer upon layer. Will just put pressure on the other side of the pressure, Qi brush to block back.

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"Hum!" An extremely beautiful sound, like the sound of nature, reverberates quietly in the array. See Ji such as snow whole body blue awn big make, the temperature in the air of all around all in vain suddenly dropped a lot of. A light of the ice wall out of the ground, will be opposite the terror of the pressure mercilessly intercept down.

"Hoo A series of dull exhalations, at the same time, a strange ring. In the silent array, the atmosphere was very strange, and the air of Xuanli was divided into two sides.

"Gulu!" Qian Yu, the chief disciple of the four Dabie academies in the East, West, North and south, and Qian Yu, the chief disciple of the xiqibie academies, all flashed in front of their eyes at the same time, looking excitedly into the distant confrontation group.

"Kill, not one!" The little black fat man, the chief disciple of Chonghou farewell courtyard, had a fierce face and took the lead in flying forward to attack and kill without trace.

Smell speech, the five big and three rough men in the other courtyard of Yizhou, and the old looking young man in the other courtyard of Qiantang, all launched an offensive at the first time, one left and one right, respectively, to sword nameless, Ji Ruxue and their bodies.

"Ha ha, you are so unkind. Don't blame us for our injustice. Take the other way and give the other back! " There was a sneer on his handsome face, and the thick air of Xuanli burst out in an instant. All of a sudden, the whole person flew forward, his arms were covered with gold, and he waved them out."Oh! Ouch Two mysterious forces wrapped in golden awns turn into two golden dragons roaring up to the sky. Two golden dragons breathed the fury of Xuanli, and rushed to kill the little black fat man.

"Damn, black tiger has body!" Feeling the power of the fierce dragon chanting, the little black fat man suddenly stopped on the spot. With the strange black Xuanli's Qi rushing out of the sky, the dense black Qi becomes a big black net, which impressively envelops the little black fat man's body.

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"Boom!" Two fierce golden dragons swept the thick body, one left and one right, bombarded the dense black air mass. Then, the terrible Xuanli air burst out instantly, and the little black fat man wrapped in the black air was overturned 100 meters away on the spot.

"Dong!" A heavy dull sound reverberates coldly in the array. With the power of the two golden dragons gradually turned into smoke dispersion, the black air mass in the distance also turned into threads again. All of them turned into strips of black armor, interwoven and painted, winding around the little black fat man's body.

"Bah!" A mouthful of black blood spits out from the little fat man's mouth. At this time, the little black fat man's whole body was wrapped with black silk, and his blood red eyes blinked, which made him more strange.

"Cough, old demon, what's the situation of this guy? How can he burst out Xuanli's Qi? It's even more violent several times than before." No trace coughed a few times, just in vain to play two super dragon force, also caused a certain amount of load to the Xuanqi in the body. However, looking at the black silk entangled in front of him, like a little black fat man in black armor, Wu Chen felt extremely dangerous in his heart.

"Well, it's clearly the spirit of beasts. How can there be such a strange phenomenon! Is the martial spirit in this boy a very special variant Demon zunhuoxiao voice suddenly spread out, full of doubts reverberated in the mind without trace.

"Damn, mutated martial spirit!" Smell speech, no trace ruthlessly swallowed saliva, looking at the opposite little black fat man, can't help but hit the bottom of my heart a lot. After all, most of the common types of martial spirits are classified into three categories: the supernatural soldier, the plant, and the animal. And a series of ancient and mysterious spirits, such as twin spirits, Sansheng spirits, variant spirits and special spirits, have always been the most difficult and terrifying existence on the mainland of China< br>

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