Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 166: 166

On this day, outside Chaoge City, the capital of the great Zhou Dynasty, there was the peripheral area of Buzhou Shenshan, one of the nine forbidden areas. Between the continuous hills, everywhere is full of people who come to see the excitement. In the peripheral area of Buzhou Shenshan, a well-equipped general with a sharp blade in his hand was wearing military uniform one after another and sitting on guard with a red face.

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In the center of the four sides of the hill, there is a wide open space of a hundred Li, standing at the bottom. The empty space is surrounded by Xuanshi array, which is completely isolated from the surrounding environment.

On the left and right boundaries around the open field, the academic teams of the six sides, each with its own banner, are rubbing their hands, waiting for the upcoming six colleges to fight for supremacy.

This time, the Dayan Dynasty in Dongzhou, Daliang Dynasty in Xizhou, tianque Dynasty in Nanzhou, Penglai Dynasty in beizhou, Dazhou Dynasty in Zhongzhou, and Jiuli Dynasty in Qingzhou were led by Yan Bajin, Dean of Dayan University, Zhu Feng, Dean of Daliang University, Zi Yuehua, Dean of tianque University, Jian Nantian, Dean of Penglai University, and Chi Tang, Dean of Jiuli University.

The six camps gathered here, and Wuchen, Jianming, Ji Ruxue and the three also all stood in the team of Dazhou college.

"Keke, the six colleges competition, now officially begins! Please enter the open space for the candidates from all sides. " Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, was still a gentle and elegant figure, and appeared in everyone's eyes.

Hearing the speech, there was a moment of silence in the noisy crowd outside the empty space. This time, all the students who came to participate in the competition of the six colleges came forward and swaggered into the empty space.

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There are five people in each of the six colleges, and a total of 30 talented people come together. The students who are able to stand here are all outstanding talents trained by various colleges. Now this battle is a great opportunity to become famous in mainland China. As a result, all the students in each college gathered their strength and waited for the fierce competition.

"Ha ha, we will divide 30 contestants into five groups and fight in pairs. After three matches, the winner will advance to the next round automatically. As for the opponents you will face, you need to draw lots randomly. Now, let's invite the dean of each college to come forward and draw their opponents. " With Ji GongDan's words falling, the other five college presidents stepped forward.

The presidents of the six colleges gathered in one place, one after another mobilized Xuanli's spirit and integrated into the 30 jade medals placed side by side in front of them.

When every breath of Xuanli is integrated into the jade card, the names of other college students will be automatically displayed on the jade card.

This repeated, several times later, the dean of each major college has all extracted the name of the opponent that the students of each college are about to face.

"Ha ha, the first round of competition for hegemony has officially started. Students from the six colleges, please enter as soon as possible!" With a call. Students who took part in the first round of the competition appeared one after another.

On such a big empty field, it was divided into five independent areas at this time. In the first round, ten students came out together.

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In terms of Dazhou college, two people were selected in the first round. Xibo other courtyard young women's porridge, Xiqi other courtyard indifferent youth Qianyu, two people both come out to the open field against their opponents.

Boom, boom, boom

Just between a few breath, the air of violent Xuanli sprang up one after another on such a big empty field. Fortunately, someone has isolated all five battlefields in the open area with array. Otherwise, just the fierce air of Xuanli would be enough to destroy this huge empty space for a hundred and eighty times.

The terrible Xuanli Qi is rising, and the turbulent momentum is rising one after another. Ten students in the five camps fought against each other in pairs, launching a soul stirring and fierce struggle.

In the rear, the dean of each college and the tutor in charge of the team were all dignified and focused on the students of their respective colleges.

In the open field, Huacong's competitors are the martial arts of tianque college. Two young girls are fighting one, which is very eye-catching.

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Qianyu's opponent is the martial arts of Dayan college. Dayan students, who are known as indomitable, are the best at using magic weapons. Fortunately, Qianyu's spirit can be turned into magic Qi, which can always make it out of danger.

In the open field, the smoke of gunfire rose in five regiments. For a time, the students from all sides were fighting with each other, and the onlookers were extremely excited.

Boom, boom

After about half an hour, the burning battle among the five regiments finally came to an end. Among them, Hua Cong lost the female martial arts of tianque college by one move. At the last moment of crisis, Qianyu was shot out of the regiment by the warriors of the Dayan Dynasty.

Among the other three regiments, Jiuli college, Penglai college, Daliang college and the three students won one battle respectively and declared their end.After a round of fighting, except for Dazhou college, one of the other five colleges entered the second round of competition, and Dazhou college lost both, which became the existence of the ground in this fight.

As a result, everyone in Dazhou college was dejected, and Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou college, looked a little bit ugly.

"Ha ha, do your best. If your opponent is too strong, just admit defeat!" In the team of Dazhou college, Yanyu, the tutor, seemed to be alone all his life. He told Wuhen and others with a smile.

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Brush, brush, brush

Around the rest of the other school teachers and students, all have their eyes focused on no trace and others. Sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people still a pair of indifferent appearance, toward the misty rain life slightly nodded. And the performance of one side without trace is more pompous, winking at misty rain's mysterious life.

"Well, if the three of you can't even get into the first round, then there's no need for your Jiangnan courtyard to exist!" Ji wubing, the dean of the inner courtyard, was angry and his voice was cold.

Smell speech, teacher misty rain life is still a face indifferent, as if nothing heard general free and easy. The sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, two people on the cold face, at this time more full of cold.

"Ha ha, I'm so scared!" No trace pretended to be cowardly, patted his chest and repeatedly retched.

"Ji Ruxue, sword nameless enter." Inner courtyard president Ji no disease mercilessly white no trace one eye, Lang Sheng to the side two people command to.

At the same time, Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou University, announced to the people around him: "the students of all colleges enter, fight for the second time, and prepare for war..." < br

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