Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 177: 177

Eight young students stood in a row not far apart in the open space. Everyone holds a piece of inferior Xuanshi at the same time and injects their own Xuanli Qi into the Xuanshi in their hands.

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Brush, brush, brush

At the same time, eight rays of different brilliance soared to the sky. In the eight shimmering lower grade Xuanshi, the Qi of Xuanli, which can't be found in the eight Taoist systems, sprang up quickly.

These eight breath repel each other, but they attract each other. In the twinkling of an eye, they were divided into two groups. Among them, four groups of Xuanli Qi form a line, forming two completely different camps.

"Xuanli's Qi is a group of four people who attract each other. Two places of interest can be decided among you. You can fight each other, or you can unite to retreat the enemy. This round is an irregular scuffle. We do not look at the process, as long as the results! Four of the two groups have a chance to win. As for who they are, it depends on your own means! "

"Brush!" With the words of Ji GongDan, the dean of Dazhou college, falling, the air of six terrible mysterious forces quickly rose up in the open space.

The six breath of terror quickly separated the huge empty space, as if there was an invisible prohibition that divided the empty space into two areas.

And in the two regions full of Xuanli's Qi, the players who are attracted by four inferior Xuanshi are strangely divided into one region.

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"Gee, it sounds like a little interesting to have an irregular scuffle!" No trace side surprised at the surrounding climb up the power of prohibition, while vigilant observation of the opponent around.

The contestants who are divided together with Wuhen are Bao Dayan college, Jiuli college and tianque college.

Jian Mingming and Ji Ruxue were lucky enough to be divided into two groups: Penglai college sword carrying youth and Dayan college young man with a steel gun.

"Tianque college, Meizhu girl!" Within the scope of no trace's area, a woman Taoist dressed up as a student of tianque college took the lead in speaking coldly.

"Dayan college, recruit younger brothers!" The young man of Dayan college shook his steel gun in his hand and scanned the crowd coldly.

"Hehe, Jiuli college, Gongye Li" the strong man with a strong back shook the serrated mace in his hand and cried out with a wild smile on his face.

"Dazhou college, Liu Wuchen!" No trace hugged fist arched hand, heart read a move, then will waist wear jade belt to lift in the hand.

At the same time, in another battle group, the momentum of the later cultivation of the four spirit realms rises at the same time. Jian Mingming and Ji Ruxue have already confronted with Dayan college, Penglai college and the other two.

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"Ha ha, how about killing them after we win or lose?" As soon as the young people of the Dayan Dynasty shook the steel gun in their hands, a sharp sense of killing came out along the tip of the gun. Fierce momentum, straight to the opposite sword nameless, the whole body will run away.

"Hum!" The sound of a sword sounded slightly. Next to Dayan, the young man in white of Penglai university raised his eyebrows and suddenly saw the sword in his hand. A sword swept up and broke the spear of Dayan youth.

"What do you mean?" The young man of Dayan is armed with a steel gun, and his brows are frowning. There was a little coldness in the words, and there was anger in the heart.

"His opponent is me, the rest is up to you!" After that, the young man in White's figure suddenly flashed, and a cold light rushed to the sword.

"Hum, the sword is nameless, please teach me!" Sword nameless, the whole body up and down Xuanli gas, suddenly burst out. Behind him, the Epee quickly flew out, turned into a virtual shadow of Epee, and circled around the unknown body of the sword.

"Boom!" Two terrible mysterious forces burst out above the empty space. The sword of Taoism soars up and drowns the nameless sword and the figure of Penglai college students in the shadow of the sword of Taoism, which makes people feel dizzy and dare not approach wantonly.

"Ha ha, since you are so elegant, why don't I! Come on, girl, let me accompany you for several rounds! " The young man of Dayan burst out laughing. With a steel gun pointing to Ji Ruxue not far in front, he turned into a golden awn and rushed away with a sharp attack.

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"Well, I hope you don't regret your choice!" The cold air in Ji Ruxue's cold face suddenly comes out, and the temperature in the surrounding forbidden space cools down instantly. The endless chill turns into a mixture of cold air, which forms a natural barrier to protect Ji Ruxue's body.

And Ji Ruxue's step is also a slide, and she takes a strange step. A cold ice array of Qi gathering power of yin and cold Qi gradually rises from Ji Ruxue's feet.

"Click!" On the tip of the steel gun full of golden awns, the cold light kept flashing. A pure air of Xuanli gathered at one point and burst out in front of Ji Ruxue.The air of Yin cold ice suddenly blue awn, endless cold as if from the extremely cold place as abnormal cold terror. After a flash of blue light, the terrible killing intention from the tip of the steel gun was quickly frozen by the chill in the air.

Bursts of subtle broken sound, one after another like resounding. The air of cold ice rose rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye, and the package seemed to move towards the steel gun made by Jin mang.

Seeing this, the young man of Dayan was obviously surprised. He quickly withdrew the steel gun in his hand and retreated like a runaway figure.

"Hum, it seems that Dayan college is just like this Ji Ruxue snorted coldly, and the cold voice rang out impolitely.

Apart from the empty space, many students and tutors of Dayan College changed their faces at the same time and were beaten in the face by a woman on the spot. This is definitely the first time for Dayan college.

"Wow, you little girl, you want to die!" The Dayan students, who are retreating one after another, are obviously angered by Ji Ruxue's words. He suddenly stopped his body and turned his steel gun into a golden snake. The terrible and fierce golden awn soared into the sky, and a golden spear, like a rainbow, attacked Ji Ruxue.

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"Ice, kill!" Ji Ruxue in the cold ice array is not in a hurry, and her arms suddenly and quickly wave. A blue awn turns into a waterline and rushes out. In a flash, it freezes into ice, forming a powerful ice dragon figure.

"Poof!"“ Boom

The figure of ice dragon and the Golden Snake collided with each other. All over the sky, the golden awn froze into ice flowers, and with the disappearance of the ice dragon's body shape, it turned into raindrops, dropping on the ground.

The water drops scattered on the ground quickly turned into water lines, which were unconsciously absorbed by the power of the ice array.

In the cold ice array, Ji Ruxue's face doesn't change, her heart doesn't jump, and a smile of disdain appears on her cold and gorgeous face.

On the other side, the young man of Dayan, holding a golden steel gun, looks very dignified. At this time, the tiger's mouth was numb, and the tiny blood lines were revealed.

A student of the Dayan Dynasty, who has always been invincible with sharp weapons, is facing a girl. After a move, he did not take any advantage of it, but was still in a weak position. This made all the forces and people around watching the excitement all surprised at the same time. They looked at Ji Ruxue again, and there was no contempt. Instead, it is incomparably positive and dignified< br>

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