Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 18: 18

On the high platform, the big fish once again opened its mouth. He spat out a series of bubbles, completely covering all of them.

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"Old demon, I'm afraid that I really can't handle it this time!" He swung the soft sword in his hand consecutively but to no avail, it became harder and harder to breathe.

"Ai!" As he watched Wu Hen's aura grow weaker and weaker, Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's heart was filled with melancholy and helplessness.

"Haha, kid, you dare to oppose me, I'll suffocate you to death today!" Yu Ding laughed loudly, his face full of viciousness as he leaned his body against a big fish.

"Brother Liu, I'm afraid it's going to be dangerous this time!" Below the stage, Shi Lei frowned as he secretly broke out in a cold sweat for Wu Hen.

"Shuang'er, hurry up and think of a way to save Hen'er …" In the crowd, Mrs Liu tightly held onto Liu Shuang'er as she pleaded with hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Aunt, don't worry. Brother Wu Hen will be fine, everything will be thanks to Grandfather! " Although Liu Shuang'er comforted her mother on the surface, she was not completely confident. His face was similarly anxious as he searched for Elder Liu's figure in the crowd.

Among the Liu Family, Liu Zong Li opened his mouth and asked Liu Zong Yi hesitantly: "Patriarch, how about we admit defeat?"

"Hmph, I gave him the slots." "We can either win or die. The Liu Family does not want trash!" Without waiting for Liu Zongyi to reply, Liu Zongzhi curled his lips in disgust.

"Hehe, life and death are up to fate. Wealth is up to the heavens!" It all depends on his luck! " Patriarch Liu Zongyi lightly smiled and said in a low voice without a care.

Seeing this, Liu Zong Li did not dare to say anything more. Many Liu Family disciples in the Liu Family's team sighed. Even Liu Wuzhi, Liu Wuwu, Liu Wujing, and the three heirs of the Liu Family couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in their hearts.

"Hehe, looks like Ding Yi's technique is still better than his!" City Lord Xu Jin's face was full of smiles. He was very satisfied with Yu Ding Yi's performance on the high platform.

"Haha, of course, Father!" The person I like, is a dragon among men! " The City Governor's daughter, Xu Yining, was beaming with joy, replying in a great mood.

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At this moment, a shadow flashed by. The tall and sturdy Shangguan Yun paused, silently floating above the high platform.

"Mr. Shangguan, this kid didn't personally admit defeat. You can't break the rules!" Yu Ding Yi, his face filled with vigilance, cupped his hands and bowed towards Shangguan Yun who was in the air.

"Do I need you to teach me how to do things?" Shangguan Yun'er frowned slightly, and a wave of killing intent rose to the sky.

Below, Yu Ding Yi, who had originally thought that he was smart, suddenly quivered. Cold sweat immediately poured out from all over his body as the aura of death firmly locked onto Ding Yi.

"Mr Shangguan, please calm your anger. This child is young and ignorant. If he offends you, my Yu Family will definitely pay you a visit and apologize for your offense!" However, we are still fighting. Sir, please forgive me and let this child go! " The head of the Yu Family, Yu Kui, hurriedly stood up and cupped his fists as he apologized to Shangguan Yun who was standing on the stage.

"Five hundred low-grade Xuan Stones are sent to the Spiritual Treasure sect today!" Shangguan Yun rolled his eyes at Yu Kui and withdrew the aura locked onto Ding Yi with a wave of his sleeve.

"Thank you Mister! Thank you Mister!" Below the stage, Yu Kui wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and responded with gritted teeth. Five hundred low grade Profound Stones was not a small sum to the Yu Family. However, this sum of money could be exchanged for Ding Yi's life. Yu Kui felt that all of this was worth it. After all, if Ding Yi were to win this battle, besides obtaining the qualifications to enter the Imperial City Academy, the Yu Clan would also receive more resources for the management of Tranquil East City. With this amount, five hundred low-grade mystical stones were nothing to be reckoned with!

As for turning hostile with Shangguan Yun, Yu Kui would never do that even if he was beaten to death. Firstly, no one knew of Shangguan Yunton's cultivation base. In short, he was much stronger than Yu Kui. Secondly, the Spiritual Treasure sect was spread all over the Divine Continent, and they didn't interfere with the wars between the big empires. They were a neutral force that was independent of the big empires. Not to mention a small patriarch, even the major empires would not choose to get into conflict with the Spiritual Treasure sect.

"Thank you, mister!" On the high platform, the hatred in Yu Ding's eyes deepened as he unwillingly bowed to the void!

"Humph!" Shangguan Yun didn't even look at Ding Yi. His gaze once again fell on Wu Hen, who was surrounded by layers of bubbles.

At this moment, Wu Hen was completely unaware of what was happening in the outside world. His consciousness had already started to blur, and everything before his eyes started to become blurry. An aura of death enveloped his entire body, and that sort of stifling feeling made Wu Hen feel extremely unhappy.

"Pfft!" Just as Traceless Aftermaths was about to lose his consciousness, he felt a scorching sensation on his chest. Soon after, a tiny, weak shadow shot out from Wu Hen's chest.

Pah pah pah, pah pah pah …

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Without any warning, that weak and tiny figure turned into a stream of blood and directly collided with the innermost layer of the bubble in front of him.

A seemingly insignificant stream of blood spurted onto the air bubble, and the unbreakable blood bubble burst apart in an instant.

Soon after, a series of shattering sounds could be heard, and all the bubbles surrounding Wu Hen were completely destroyed.

"Hu hu hu hu!" The moment the bubble shattered, the Sky and Earth Mystical Qi gushed in. Wu Hen felt his body lighten as he started to fall uncontrollably.

With a swoosh, an afterimage drew a line of blood as if it had never appeared before. It plunged into Wu Hen's body and disappeared without a trace.

"Yi, what happened? What just happened?" With the sword in his hand, Wu Hen knelt on one knee and greedily sucked in a breath of fresh air. The scorching heat around his chest gradually dissipated, and his blurry consciousness also gradually became clearer.

"Hehe, let's see!" I have already said it before, this little fellow in your body is definitely not an ordinary being. Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao secretly let out a breath of relief as he jokingly replied to Wu Hen.

"Old demon, are you saying that the little earthworm saved me?" Wu Hen's face was filled with disbelief as he sighed repeatedly while rubbing his chest.

"Bastard, how did you do that?" A furious roar interrupted Wu Hen's thoughts. Not far away, Yu Ding Yi waved his hand once more. The big fish in front of him quickly opened its mouth, and one strange bubble after another appeared, trapping Wu Hen, who had just escaped.

"Damn, there's no need for this, it's coming …" Wu Hen rolled his eyes as the suffocating feeling spread throughout his body once again.

"Pfft!" Another afterimage flashed by, and an almost imperceptible stream of blood spurted out from the afterimage's mouth. A series of explosions sounded out, and Traceless Aftermaths, who was trapped in the bubble, once again landed firmly on the high platform.

"Haha, good little fellow. From today onwards, I will call you Earth Dragon!" In the future, if anyone dares to say that you are useless, I will be the first to fight with them! " He touched the little bug in his chest that was sticking its head out, and Wu Hen suddenly felt much better. The flexible sword in his hand shook again, and a sharp killing intent burst forth from Wu Hen.

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"This, this is impossible, no one can break my fish qi!" On the other side, Yu Ding Yi's face was full of panic as he was locked onto by the killing intent. He unconsciously took a few steps back.

Yu Ding's large fish, which was several meters long, was startled as well. It immediately dove into Yu Ding Yi's body and disappeared.

"Haha, what kind of master and what kind of slave are you? Yu Ding Yi, your martial soul and your martial soul are really compatible!" Below the stage, Shi Lei's mocking laughter came out loud, causing everyone below the stage to burst into laughter.

"[Willow Form Nine Swords]!" A loud sword cry rang out, and in the midst of the sword rain that filled the sky, Traceless Heaven was as relaxed as heaven. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Yu Ding Yi with the flexible sword.

He stabbed out with his sword, and the flexible sword, wrapped in a fierce killing intent, shot towards Yu Ding Yi's neck mercilessly.

"Puchi!" A strange sound rang out, and the flexible sword in Wu Hen's hand bounced back. In the middle of the field, a red and yellow colored bubble tightly wrapped around Yu Ding Yi.

"Father, father save me!" Yu Ding Yi, who was in the two-colored bubble, seemed to have found a savior and started shouting in panic.

"Huh?" Wu Hen was slightly startled, but quickly retreated a few meters back. As he held the flexible sword horizontally in front of his chest, he looked down at the stage with a face full of indignation.

"My Yu Clan admits defeat in this battle!" The head of the Yu Family, Yu Kui, had a gloomy expression as he coldly spoke while staring at Wu Hen, who was on the stage. Shortly afterwards, with a wave of his big hand, the two-colored bubble wrapped around Ding Yi miraculously floated up and quickly flew towards the bottom of the high platform.

"Pah!" A crisp sound rang out. No one could have imagined that the two colored bubble that was suspended in mid-air would suddenly explode. Yu Ding Yi, who had suddenly lost his balance, fell from the platform that was tens of meters high.

Ah!" With a blood-curdling screech, Yu Ding Yi, who was already severely injured, spat out a mouthful of blood. His entire body fell to the ground, fainting on the spot!

"If there's a next time, I'll annihilate your Yu Clan as well!" A high-pitched female voice rang out and a large and thick Shangguan Yun suddenly appeared on the stage.

"Thank you for showing mercy, Mister. I, the Yu Family, will remember this day's matter!" Anger was written all over Yu Kui's face as he lightly clasped his hands at the high platform.

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"Humph!" Shangguan Yun snorted coldly and turned around. His gaze landed on Wu Hen, who was on the stage. "Little guy, the surprise you gave me was really not small at all!"

"Thank you senior, for your righteousness!" When he felt the unblemished gaze of Shangguan Yunge, Wu Hen felt goosebumps all over his body. He quickly lowered his head and averted his gaze, bowing respectfully to Shangguan Yunton!

"Haha, good good good!" Shangguan Yun shook his body bashfully, turning around and looking around the stage.

"The competition among the young generation of Tranquil East City's Liu Family, Liu Wuhen won!" With a loud shout from Shangguan Yun, the crowd below the stage burst into an uproar.

"Humph!" With a cold snort, the City Lord's daughter, Xu Yining, got up and ran off the stage towards Yu Ding's direction.

"Liu Family … Liu Wuhen?" City Lord Xu Jin's face was gloomy as he secretly memorized Wu Hen who was on the stage.

"Shuang'er, Scar has won, Scar has won!" Her eyes brimming with tears, Mrs Liu held Liu Shuang'er's small hand and kept mumbling to herself.

"Hehe, don't worry Aunt, Brother Wu Hen is the best!" Liu Shuang'er's smile became even happier as she shouted excitedly at Wu Hen, who was on the stage.

Below, the citizens surrounding the military training grounds were in an uproar. The name Liu Wuhen instantly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Tranquil East City.

Amidst the Liu Family's formation, the Liu Family warriors, including the Family Head, Liu Zongyi, all wore looks of disbelief. They were all stunned and at a loss for words.

On the side, Shi Lei was smiling as he stared at the stage. The rest of the Shi family members looked like they were watching a good show. They were happy to see the Yu family be humiliated.

The head of the Yu Family, Yu Kui, had a dark and uncertain expression on his face. He picked up the unconscious Yu Ding Yi and quickly flew out of the military training grounds.

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