Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 189: 189

"Whoosh."“ Whoosh. "

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It's a series of confrontations. No matter how fierce Wang Feihu attacks, he can't break the defense of Yanyu all his life.

Although Yanyu gives people a gentle and elegant appearance in his life, once he makes an attack, he doesn't procrastinate at all.

At this time of life, the whole person feels like an iron wall, no matter how Wang Feihu blows, he can't shake himself!

"Second your highness, this guy's strength is unpredictable. With my own strength, I'm afraid it's difficult to capture him in a short time! I hope your second highness will give me a hand! " After several unsuccessful attacks, Wang Feihu had to ask for help with embarrassment.

"Mr. xuanming, please do it!" Later, Ji Yun, the gloomy second prince, finally lost his temper. Then, the second prince Ji Yun waved his hand, followed by two old men who looked similar. One of them stepped forward slowly.

"I'm Youming, please give me some advice!"

As the old man's indifferent words fall, an invisible cold air will surge out of thin air. An extremely terrible pressure seemed invisible, which immediately enveloped the whole life of Yanyu and Wuhen.

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The surrounding space seems to be isolated in general, no trace just feel as if they are in another space. Everything outside is clearly visible, but at this time, all perception of the outside seems to have been cut off. Even the pure and vigorous air of Xuanli between heaven and earth, no trace can absorb the induction.

"Shit, what's going on?" No trace heart suddenly a surprised, unconsciously out of the way. On both sides, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, the same face ugly to the extreme, little girl Liu Shuanger is more scared speechless.

"The power of the field, this is the power of the field!" Su already, the mentor of Dan's medium-term cultivation realm, had a gloomy face, and his voice almost trembled.

"Woo Hoo!"“ Ouwu

The wind is blowing from Turk to Turk. In the isolated area of the territory space where Wuchen and others are located, a series of ghost shadows with green awn and ghostly fire, and eerie smiles, slowly gather in front of the crowd.

"Alas, the south of the Yangtze River is Su Su, who has no self in his life!" With, a faint sigh came, a ghost fire skeleton body shape all at the same time a Zheng. Then, it seemed that there was a continuous and dense drizzle between heaven and earth. In a moment, the ban on Wu Chen and others was completely removed.

The continuous drizzle was thick, and all of a sudden, the two princes and the two elders of xuanming were enveloped in it. A soft and peaceful force in the field rose quietly, which completely resisted the field force used by the old man.

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"Eh, the power of the field is shaped. This is the rudiment of the field space. If you want to form a domain, you must reach the baby soul state! It turns out that Yanyu and the two elders of xuanming have reached the level of cultivation of infant soul state in their whole life! " A kind of exclamation reverberated in Wu trace's mind for a long time.

"Baby, baby soul..." in the continuous drizzle, there is an indescribable feeling in traceless body and mind. As if all the fatigue on the body were swept away, the Xuanli Qi in the whole human body began to fill up gradually.

"Ha ha, little old Youxuan, come to join in the fun!" At the moment when everyone was stunned, another old man beside the second prince Ji Yun also stepped out slowly. There is a cold and terrifying momentum, and an inexplicable and gloomy field force appears in the rainy space.

As soon as the gloomy momentum came out, the ghost fire skeletons, which had been defeated in the past, immediately exulted. It's like a fish in water, and it's like firewood meets a fire.

In the space shrouded by continuous rain, ghosts and skeletons become more and more crazy with the help of the wind. Unexpectedly forcibly in the misty rain and mist, fighting for life to fly towards the direction of no trace and others.

"Second highness, this misty rain is an extraordinary hand in my life. I tried my best before, but I couldn't shake this guy!" Wang Feihu, the head of the Wang family, was panting and said in a low voice.

"Ha ha, the two masters of xuanming are all powerful in the realm of infant soul, except for the heads and vice presidents of Dazhou college. In the sphere of our Zhou Dynasty, their strength is enough to rank in the top ten! " The second prince Ji Yun, with a proud face, whispered to Wang Feihu. When Wang Feihu learned the real strength of xuanming elder, his heart was even more ecstatic and excited.

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After all, the stronger the second prince Ji Yun's strength is, the more proof his team is right. If the second prince can ascend the throne and inherit the great rule in the future, the position of his family in the great Zhou Dynasty will be more unbreakable.

Boom, boom, boom

When the master of infant soul realm makes a move, it is a wave of shaking. Even the surrounding world turned pale, and the sunny sky suddenly became gloomy and oppressive.Boom, boom

A series of terrible blasts rang out one after another. And in the rainy space of the central open field, it has been completely dominated by the ghost fire skeleton at this time, coupled with the wind blowing action.

For a moment, Yanyu's power in the field of continuous rain released in his life seemed to be crumbling at any time under the joint attack of the two elders of xuanming.

"Run, run..." a burst of urgent cry, from the ear of no trace and others resounded. When the public did not understand what was going on, they were immediately swept up by a fresh rain.

"Brush!" The cool wind blows, and a nearly transparent shade of rain envelops the whole group of people, such as no trace. In addition, Yan Yu's body suddenly jumped up in his life, and he turned into a streamer. Then he took all the people in the shade of the rain and ran away to Buzhou Shenshan, one of the nine forbidden areas in the distance.

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"No, they want to escape into the mountain of evil. Once we get into the mountain, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch them all! " Wang Feihu, the head of the Wang family, responds for the first time and reminds xuanming Er Lao anxiously in front of him with a sneer.

"Well, we need you to tell us what to do?"

"Master Wang, please pay attention to your identity!"

The smile on xuanming's two old faces disappeared one after another, and they turned their eyes coldly. Wang Feihu said coldly. Wang Feihu felt a sudden cold all over his body. He was so scared that he quickly closed his mouth and didn't dare to talk too much.

"Ha ha, I'm going to work hard. I'll thank you when I get back." The second prince smiles a little, if have to point of toward Xuan Ming two old promise way.

Smell speech, Xuan Ming two old insidious eyes at the same time flash out a few Jing Guang, two people seep on the corner of the mouth one after another exposed a bloody cruel smile< br>

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