Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 191: 191

Thousands of miles away from Chaoge City, the capital of the great Zhou Dynasty, a continuous drizzle came down slowly. Then, a cool air blowing up, several figures emerge out of thin air.

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Not far from the front where several figures stopped, the sea of fire formed by the surging flames rose up. All over the sky, the fire is continuous, and the breath of terror and heat seems to burn everything. A piece of breath breathing fire snake momentum swallows the sky, let a person take a look, then consciously unable to resist.

"Eh, it's strange that this is the edge of the divine mountain of the great Zhou Dynasty. How can there be such a terrible sea of fire?" Su, the tutor, looked very ugly, looking at the burning flame ahead. Even though she was a middle-term practitioner of the realm of Dan soul, she did not dare to touch the fire snake in front of her.

Back, back At the moment, teacher Yanyu's face is also ugly and gloomy. As soon as he threw his sleeve, a soft drizzle enveloped all the people, and the cool air of Xuanli rose rapidly. Wrapped in the figure of no trace and others, Qi Qi retreated to the empty field behind.

"Suddenly A strange breeze blew by, and the flame swaying on the ground suddenly moved. The flame, like a mountain and a wall, moved forward as a whole, and moved several meters away without warning. And the scope of the flame fire snake is engulfed by the vast sea of fire, so that there is no sound.

"How does this as like as two peas of fire?" Looking at the strange flame swaying with the wind in front of me, no trace suddenly gave birth to a very familiar feeling at the bottom of my heart. After thinking for many times, I finally recall that this flame is the mysterious flame produced after the change of heaven and earth outside Chaoge.

It was the appearance of this strange fire that led to the gathering of martial arts experts in the major dynasties. However, in the end, they all retreated in vain, and also achieved a short rest and peace for the world.

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"Why? How can the flame always give me a very familiar feeling? But where on earth have you seen this thing? Why can't I remember it A strange red light flashed out and fell quietly to no trace side. The demon zunhuoxiao shakes his big body, and he can't understand it. He stares at the front of the fiery fire, which is like a sea of mountains and mountains.

"Well, we could have entered the hinterland of Wuzhou mountain through here, and it would have been safe by then! But it seems that this day the strange fire happened to move to this area. We're afraid we'll have to make a detour! " Yanyu sighed in his life, and a touch of loneliness flashed in his calm eyes. After all, in the face of this terrible flame, he was afraid of his soul cultivation. I'm afraid if I really force my way, I haven't been through the fire yet. The small lives of no trace and others, I'm afraid, have already been reduced to ashes.

"Go, let's make a detour!" At this time, the teacher Su has recovered from the surprise, and quickly waved his hand to remind Wu Chen and others. The crowd moved quickly to one side hundreds of meters away from the opposite fire wall.

"Suddenly“ Suddenly

At this moment, the crowd is about to move away. In the distance, two streams of black smoke suddenly rolled up, flying towards the direction of no trace and others, and rushing towards them.

"Alas, it's too late..." it's another sigh. Yanyu's whole body has felt two obscure breath at the same time. Immediately, I saw Yanyu's life a lunge, then flashed to all the people, and the air of Xuanli burst out in a flash.

Bursts of continuous drizzle were born out of thin air, and all the cool water droplets were suspended in the air. Around no trace and others, a light shield is connected to protect them.

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"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh

Two strong black smoke surged up like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the crowd wrapped in gusts of wind. Then the thick black smoke gradually dissipated. Two very similar looking but angry old men. As well as the second prince Ji Yun, whose face is as white as paper, and Wang Feihu, the head of the Wang family, whose face is also uncertain, a group of four people all appear in the eyes of the public.

"Jie Jie, boy, you can do harm to our brothers. How hard they are!"

"Hey, it's no use asking for help today. You must all die here for me!"

Youxuan and Youming are smiling. Their fierce eyes are like two poisonous snakes. They stare at the people in front of them. They are so cold. But in the rear, Wang Feihu only protects the second prince Ji Yun, and the two people's body shape and interest flash back and forth.

"Alas, life and death are vital, and wealth lies in heaven. Later, I'll try to hold them both down! Su Su, you try your best to entangle Wang Feihu. As for you guys, try to spread out and run for your own lives! " Yanyuping's life and momentum suddenly became fierce, and a terrible sense of killing appeared. The horror of killing spread continuously, and the two old men of xuanming were enveloped in it.

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"Jie Jie, both of them are experts in the field of infant soul realm in the early stage. Do you really think you can defeat two with one?""Ha ha, hubris, it's a suicide attempt!"

See Yanyu life really moved to kill, xuanming two old suddenly burst out laughing. Suddenly, the two men's two strange Xuanli Qi rose at the same time, bursts of Yin wind and ghost fire, and the skull flashed out of the air again. And the two people's strength in two fields is to fight back, on the contrary, Yanyu's body shape is firmly locked in it.

"Wang Feihu, don't you take those little guys down quickly?"

In the gloomy and terrifying space, an extremely gloomy voice came out coldly. Wang Feihu, the leader of the Wang family in the rear, reacted to this, and the whole person burst out with a sly smile.

"Brush!" With the spread of Wang Feihu's momentum, Su Ji and others, who had not yet had time to escape, were immediately enveloped by the momentum released by Wang Feihu.

"Hum, if you want to fight them, you'd better pass me first." Su has a gloomy face and tries his best to release the mysterious force in his body. In the face of Wang Feihu in the later cultivation state of Dan's soul state, the momentum Su has released is obviously weak.

"Ouch!" A terrible roar like a wild animal came from Huang Feihu in front of him. Then, I saw a flash of yellow shadow as fast as electricity. In a moment, I ran across to su.

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"No!" Su Zhi, the tutor, was so scared that he lost his face. He quickly urged the air of Xuanli to fly away from him. After all, in Su's rear, there are no trace and so on. If Su had just dodged the blow, he was afraid that the four people behind him would be subdued by the fierce yellow shadow.

"Bang!"“ Bang

After several fierce collisions in a row, the red fire in mid air was shining. And the fierce Huang Ying and Su have quickly separated, and fell to their original place again.

"Wow A mouthful of blood sprayed out, and Su's teacher's delicate posture shook for several times. At last, she shakes and stabilizes her figure, but Su already has a large pool of bright red blood on her chest.

"Ha ha, I'm wang Feihu, the king of Wucheng. I don't have a false reputation! If you were not the daughter of the Marquis of Zhenbei, you would be a dead body now! " Wang Feihu, the head of the Wang family, laughs loudly, and a gorgeous tiger with ribs and wings and yellow body appears beside him.

Smell speech, tutor Su already originally pale complexion more have no blood color, weak body strong support don't fall down. In the rear, Wu Chen, Jian Ming, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, and a group of four people were also uncertain. Their eyes were all extremely worried and they were staring at Su Yi< br>

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