Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 193: 193

"Brother Erhuang, are you threatening me?" Ji Ruxue's face was as cold as ice, and her royal air was even stronger. The whole person is like a monarch in the world in general, the tone is full of overbearing, no doubt.

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"Ha ha, as early as a few decades ago, Dayan, Daliang and the two dynasties sent troops to encircle and suppress the Da Zhou Dynasty. At that time, you were still waiting for childbirth in the womb of your mother."

"Tianyunzong once predicted that the Dragon gave birth to nine sons and calmed the four sides. This is the origin of the Jiulong order. But in those days, tianyunzong used the great prophecy to calculate that my great Zhou had no nine sons' Qi luck. As a result, Daliang, Dayan and I have made great progress and want to take advantage of the Zhou Dynasty. "

"At that time, the situation was grim, and there was even a danger of destroying the country. In desperation, his father could not but join hands with Penglai Dynasty in beizhou. After that war, it ended with the withdrawal of Dayan and Daliang! "

"On the eve of this war, it happened that Jian cangsheng, the former sword emperor of Penglai Dynasty in beizhou, had just given birth to a son. So when his father turned to Penglai for help, the two sides made an agreement. If I gave birth to a princess in the Zhou Dynasty, the two sides would marry and make a good marriage between Qin and Jin! After all, with the prophecy of tianyunzong, everyone in the world believes that I will not be born in Dazhou. It is precisely because of these reasons that the sword emperor of Penglai Dynasty is willing to solve the danger of Dazhou. "

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"And after that war, my great Zhou Dynasty declared to the world that the ninth prince was born. It is precisely because of the prophecy that the nine sons came together and calmed down the four sides that countless people with lofty ideals defected to the Zhou Dynasty. It was from then on that the national movement of the Zhou Dynasty really flourished. "

"That's why you are even more important than our eight brothers. And my father also hid you in the deep palace all the year round, even our eight brothers wanted to see you! But who would have thought that our baby pimple Lao Jiu was really a daughter! "

"After that war, jianhuang Jiansheng recruited people to plot on his way home! The three masters ambushed at the same time, which made a generation of jianhuang die with hatred! From then on, the Penglai Dynasty of beizhou changed its master, and the brother of jianhuang Jiansheng, yijiancang and Jiancang inherited the great unification and became a new generation of Penglai jianhuang of beizhou! And the family members of jianhuangjian were all set on fire that night. The imperial concubine of sword died in the sea of fire, and the orphans in her belly could not be spared! "

"Of course, it's rumored that all this was arranged by yijiancang and Jiancang, in order to win the position of Penglai sword emperor in beizhou."

"But in the final analysis, the source of all these disasters comes from you, the ninth Prince of the Zhou Dynasty! You said that if your identity was known to the world, would the Penglai Dynasty come to discuss it! As your brother knows, the princes of Penglai Dynasty are all alone and have not married yet. " The second prince Ji Yun smiles lightly and stares at Ji Ruxue with confidence. And the rear, no trace and other people, after listening to some Xinmi of that year, all at the same time a Leng, people's expression complex eyes fell on Ji Ruxue's body again.

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"Ha ha, are you gambling? Bet that I will be afraid of my father, bet that I will be afraid of Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou, bet that I dare not sacrifice my body in exchange for their lives? " Ji Ruxue has a cold smile on her beautiful face. The tone is full of the color of pondering, looking at the second prince Ji Yun to ask again.

"Ha ha, my good imperial sister, I won't do anything to you! As long as you step aside, we'll never know what happened today! " Ji Yun, the second prince, had a sly smile on his face, as if everything was under control. After all, without the threat of the ninth prince, the biggest successor to the throne, there would be only one Royal Highness, Ji Guo. For Ji Yun, the second prince who is good at playing tricks, it is obviously much better to deal with.

"Hum!" Just when everyone was in a daze, a sharp sword rose to the sky. In the sword nameless body, the horror of killing spread out, straight locked in the opposite two Prince Ji Yun's body.

"Ha ha, you wild boy, do you want to kill me? If I'm not sure, how can I let you know these Royal secrets. After all, in this world, only the dead can keep secrets forever! " Second prince Ji Yun suddenly burst out laughing, staring at the opposite sword nameless and traceless, full of contempt. Then, a light green awn came out of the second prince Ji yunchong's body and completely blocked the killing intention released by the sword's nameless, which was tens of meters away from the second prince Ji Yun's body.

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"Hum, there's so much nonsense. Take your life!" Sword nameless cold hum a, two words didn't then fly body to rush out. The unparalleled Epee made a sharp flash in the silent sky, and the overwhelming momentum of destruction swept up.

"Boom! Boom

A deafening dull sound reverberated in front of the second prince Ji Yun. But the second prince Ji Yun was wrapped by a green awn strangely, and was not hurt by the attack of traceless sword Qi. In addition, the strange green awn gradually condensed into a solid state, and the unparalleled Epee that came from the cleavage was forcefully bounced back."Hum, the imperial family of the Zhou Dynasty inherits the martial spirit Bilang. It really deserves its reputation!" Sword nameless cold hum a, whole person then again turn into a white awn. Then, in the silence of the sky, there were countless terrible sounds of collision. A sword light as if not to die general, toward green awn wrapped under the second prince Ji Yun crazy attack and kill.

"Boy, you know my prince Zhou's martial spirit Bilang! You really have a problem. Who are you Ji Yun, the second prince who had been attacked by the sword for several times, gradually lost his temper, and the Xuanli spirit of the later cultivation realm of he soul realm suddenly released with all his strength.

I saw the second prince Ji Yun facing the white shadow through the sword, nameless sword light crisscross between, fly also like to rush to fight back.

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"Why is something wrong? How can the killing intention on nameless be so strong? " Feel the sword nameless released by the terror of killing, scared no trace, the heart is no reason for a surprise. After all, although he was silent, he was always calm and experienced. This is the first time that Wuchen saw this situation on Jianming.

The same shock is Ji Ruxue. Ji Ruxue has a complicated look in her eyes. The sudden action of Jian Mingming gradually confirms a result that she has been reluctant to guess in her heart.

"Ha ha, when it comes to the Penglai Dynasty in Northern Zhou, the anger in the little guy's heart can't be suppressed! It seems that this sword is nameless, and it must have some secret relationship with the sword of the previous generation... "Demon zunhuoxiao shakes his big and fiery body and smiles at traceless.

"Old demon, you, you mean? Nameless, nameless, may he be the son of the sword emperor of the previous generation? That, that doesn't mean that he and Ruxue have been married since childhood... "No trace only felt that it was dark in front of him, a problem that he never dreamed about. At this time, it was just like the situation in the TV series like dog blood in the world.

When your best brother and your favorite woman appear in front of you at the same time. Where are you going to go and how do you make a choice

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