Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 195: 195

A cold wind blows, and the second prince Ji Yun's whole body chills. In the opposite pit, Wu Chen and others, who were seriously injured, were all gloomy to the extreme.

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"Wang Feihu, don't you do it yet?" The second prince Ji Yun's face was ferocious, and he roared at Wang Feihu.

"Dry!" Wang Feihu hesitated and finally roared. Then, the spirit of the flying tiger suddenly flew into Wang Feihu's body, and the whole breath of Wang Feihu increased in vain.

"You all die for me!" As Wang Feihu's Xuanli Qi burst out, Wuchen and others swayed like a boat swaying in the wind. Immediately after that, Wang Feihu's body quickly turned into a remnant shadow and went straight to the other three.

"Ah In the rear, Liu Shuanger, who has no time to react too much, screams and closes her eyes. And in Liu Shuanger's side, Su Ji, the teacher with weak breath, burst out two brilliant essence in some godless eyes.

"Brush!" A green awn stab rises from the inside. Su, the tutor, has already ignited the essence and blood of his own life in his body. After fighting for his life, he flies out and goes to the place where Wang Feihu is attacking.

"Boom!" Hearing in the ear wheel, a series of terrible muffled sounds came out, and the fierce Wang Feihu was stopped. But in Wang Feihu's direct opposite, a graceful delicate posture. At this time is big mouth big mouth gushing blood, block in no trace and so on a group of three people.

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"Poof!" Another mouthful of blood sprayed out, and the momentum of Su Ji's violent climb gradually began to weaken. And Su had burst out blood lines all over her body at the same time, and the whole person collapsed in front of the pit in a flash.

"Tutor Su Ji..."


"Sister Su!"

Three exclamations came from the pit at the same time. No trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, three people fly forward one after another, will fall in the pool of blood in which Su has been protected.

"Alas, the meridians of the whole body are broken, and the soul pill in the body is broken. Now even Da Luo Jinxian can't save this little girl's life! " Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow quietly stay in Su already side, complexion extremely ugly toward no trace gently shook his head.

"Su has tutor, it's for me to come to this end..." traceless eyes red, the whole body up and down a strength of shaking. Blood red eyes like some kind of fierce animal's pupil in general, with the intention of killing people, staring at the opposite Wang Feihu.

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Boom, boom, boom

At this time, the distant sky above the bitter and strange music suddenly stopped. Then, there was a gust of ghost crying and howling, and countless ghost skeletons rushed to a virtual shadow.

But the empty shadow in the mid air was unknown to some of the people in front of him. His whole body turned into a remnant shadow in a flash, and he let the crazy attacks around him bombard his body wantonly, but he flew to the ground below.

"Su Su..." as soon as Yanyu's body flashed, she held Su, the teacher on the ground, in her arms. Yanyu, who has always been refined, has no place in his whole life. From time to time, the whole body still has strange ghost fire burning, but there is still no him in his eyes. As if in the whole world, only the dying tutor Su Ji was left.

Whoosh, whoosh

Another two figures came down from the sky. Xuanming's two old faces were overjoyed. On the one hand, he watched the injured Yanyu's life warily. On the other hand, he quickly protected the second prince Ji Yun behind him.

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"Cough, peace, life, care, good, yourself, for me, you have to live well! Don't blame them. It's all life... "Su, who was dying, coughed fiercely, and her breath of life quickly disappeared. But at the last moment of Su's life, he was still worried about his life. And this pair of hard-working mandarin ducks who have just come together after a thousand pains. Unexpectedly, after being happy for only a few days, he separated Yin and Yang again.

"You help me take care of Susu, I'm going to kill these guys!" Yanyu fiercely spread out his arms and handed the body of Su Ji to the three people in the rear. Immediately. The whole person's whole body is full of killing intention, which seems as if it turns into killing God.

"Second highness, help me, please Wang Feihu, who is in the forefront, feels the most intuitive at this time. In the early stage of Yanyu's life, the momentum of his cultivation state was released without reservation, and Wang Feihu was locked on the spot for the first time.

In the rear, Ji Yun, the second prince, had already been scared to death. If it wasn't for xuanming, he would have helped him to resist the pressure of Yanyu's life. At this time, the second prince Ji Yun was afraid that he had already turned into a pool of mud.

"You, should, die!" Yanyu's eyes are red all his life. He stares at Wang Feihu, who is trembling, and says word by word. Immediately, Yan Yu's whole body turned into a streamer and came to Wang Feihu's body in the blink of an eye."Bang!" Wang Feihu didn't have the strength to fight back, so he was pinched by Yanyu's neck with one hand and raised it in place. Then, I saw Yanyu's palm slightly forced, a crack of bone, then spread across the dead silence.

Wang Feihu grabbed Yanyu's wrists with both hands and kicked his feet. The whole person wanted to release the Xuanli Qi in his body several times, but he was imprisoned by the pressure released by Yanyu in his life.

"Master xuanming, hurry and find a way to save the king!"

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Wang Feihu, after all, is one of the eight families in the capital. If he died here in vain, he would lose the support of a big family. Therefore, thinking of this, Ji Yun, the second prince, cried out in a hurry, hoping that the two old men around xuanming could rescue Wang Feihu.

"Jie Jie, boy, don't you release the king quickly. As long as you are willing to let go of the Wang family, we will promise you to save your life! " The old man stepped forward with a gloomy face, and looked at Yanyu fiercely, threatening him.

And the old man Youxuan, at this time, has already released the whole body Xuanli gas, the side of the second prince Ji Yun, carefully guarded behind him.

"Are you an idiot?" Yanyu didn't look at the old man's ghost for the first time in his life, but his cold and watery face showed a smile for the first time.

"Don't, don't kill me, I'm king Wucheng of the great Zhou Dynasty. If you kill me, the whole great Zhou Dynasty will not let you go..." Wang Feihu used up his last strength and struggled to stammer.

"Ha ha, don't worry, I won't kill you! It's not too cheap to kill you like this! " Yanyu's mouth began to sneer, looking at Wang Feihu's eyes suddenly exposed two fierce light.

"You, what are you going to do to me?" Wang Feihu looked at the seeping eyes of Yanyu's life, and his arrogance became empty. At this time, an unknown premonition also gradually surged into his heart of fear< br>

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