Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 210: 210

"Ah At the same time, the sword, which was originally weak in breath, suddenly rolled in pain. And a scream goes on and on. It's obvious that the pain Jianming is suffering now is beyond ordinary people's understanding.

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"Mole ant!" A very magnetic but bewitching voice, low down into the ear without trace, two dark lines full of evil Qi, instantly into a black silk floating out. Running around without trace, he would rush away like lightning and flint.

"Brush!" At the moment when the thread of Daodao black silk came into the body, the body without trace trembled in vain. It has been covered with strange red awn all over the skin of no trace, which instantly ignites and completely blocks the black thread from the body of no trace.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!"

At the same time, the momentum of Wuchen's whole body burst out completely. The five elements of Xuanli in the air are all in a flash of frenzied exultation. However, the feeling of the whole person without trace seems to be plain and light, and it seems to be as strange as unfathomable.

"Brush!" The two silver rays sparkled at the same time, and went around the mysterious man. It's hard to tell which is the silver sword and which is the traceless body.

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"Bang!" With a resounding sound, the mysterious man as the center suddenly burst out a terrible mysterious force. Within dozens of miles, I was swallowed by the terrible waves in a flash, and there was no grass.

In front of the mysterious man, the figure of a young man in a green robe suddenly stops. The boy's face was cold and dignified, and his right fist went forward. However, the mysterious man in front of him gave a little smile and clasped the young man's fist with one hand, making him unable to move forward for another half a minute.

At the time of no trace's stalemate with the mysterious man, a silver streamer strangely cuts through the sky, and unexpectedly appears behind the mysterious man, who has been assassinated crazily.

"Poof!" A crisp dull sound came, and the silver sword pierced the mysterious man's back heart. But when the silver sword was about to pierce the mysterious man's back heart, the four dark arms were full of colorful black. They rolled out like four steel knives, and thrust the silver sword into the air. Four black wings with silver sword make it unable to move forward again.

"My sword is no trace, but it's invalid..." seeing that the silver sword is controlled by the mysterious man, no trace can't help shivering in his heart. No trace hurriedly tried to withdraw his right arm, but he was shocked to find that his fist seemed to be pinched by the vice, and he could not move in the hand of the mysterious man.

"Mole ant, is this your strongest sword? It's very good that you can force me to use four Xuan wings to resist. You are proud enough! " The mysterious man's pale, handsome and evil face showed a funny smile, and he was totally determined. Then, the dark air from the mysterious man sent out, and wrapped the whole person in it.

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"Old demon, I'm defeated..." traceless eyes are full of unwilling color, the momentum released by the whole body to fight against the invasion of the black magic. However, on the bronze skin of Wuchen's whole body, there was a faint red light.

"Ha ha, no trace boy, winning or losing is a matter of military affairs. As the saying goes, try your best without regret. Don't forget, what you are facing is the remnant of Tianzun... "In the rough voice of yaozunhuoxiao, there is no sense of blame, but a little encouragement to Wuchen.

"Try your best without regret!" No trace in front of a light in vain, the whole person decadent gas swept away. I saw a strange red light flickering on Wuchen's chest, as if there was something to come out of the body.

"Well, bravado! Ants, die A little cold light wrapped in black awn suddenly poured out from the mysterious man's mouth. The dazzling black awn made a dodge in the void, and then went straight to the traceless chest.

Black awn fleeting, no trace, just feel that the whole person is locked by some mysterious force in general. Want to break away from always unable to resist, had to watch strange black mang ran on his chest.

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"Ouch!" A strange cry, like a dragon, like an animal, like an animal, burst out of Wuchen's body in vain. Immediately after that, I saw a heavy shadow running up to the strange black awn mixed with destructive momentum, and then ran straight into it.

"Eminem A strange sound came, followed by "Gulu." A huff and puff sounded. Then, the bright black awn disappeared out of thin air and was swallowed by the big guy who just jumped out.

"Brush!" A burst of black air rose, the mysterious man behind the four wings quickly Qi wave. And the arm that buckles without mark fist also is loosened slowly, mysterious man jumped to gallop to long sky above for the first time.

"Gee, strange, this is Gu ran? It seems that it will soon evolve into Zou Jiao. How can there be such a divine species in this world plane? " The pale face of the mysterious man was full of thinking. Looking at the small earthworm shaking its heavy body, triangular head and core on the ground below, he showed a light curiosity."Little earthworm!" Looking at the giant ferocious beast in front of him, a warm current sprang up in his heart. Fortunately, the little earthworm appeared in time and swallowed the strange black awn, otherwise I was afraid that I had already told him on the spot.

"Sa Sa!" Little earthworm disdained to shake the triangle head, to the no trace behind suddenly spit out the core. Then, Wu Chen felt a wind of life rolling up, and his body suddenly appeared on the head of the little earthworm.

"Ouch!" There was another roar of dragon like and beast like. The small earth dragon shook its head, and its huge posture quickly ignited a rising flame. However, in the deep flame of no trace, he didn't feel any discomfort at all. Anyway, he calmed down a lot, and the air of Xuanli, which had been in short supply before, also rose sharply.

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"Mole ant, do you really think you are a real dragon? It's just a beast that can't fly. How dare you show off in front of me In the middle of the sky, the pale face of the mysterious man was even colder. The black gas in the whole human body is released continuously, and it rushes to the little earthworm which is full of flames below.

"Sa Sa!" The fiery red core breathes back and forth in the mouth of the little dragon, and the flame above the eyebrow of the little dragon suddenly lights up. Then, the huge body of the little earthworm instantly ignited the flames, and the whole body suddenly became a fierce beast burning with fire.

"Whoosh!" A fire red light and shadow, from below the ground above a jump. Fire red light and shadow heavy huge, at this time the speed is surprisingly light and fast.

And the layers of black gas in mid air trying to block seemed to be very afraid of the flame of little earthworm. Even in the red light and shadow burning around the flame forced, all fled in all directions, also seems to rush away< br>

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