Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 223: 223

In front of tianyunzong's ladder, everyone's eyes were focused on the ugly little fat man. At this time, the crowd of onlookers on both sides of the side, who did not know why, were all crowding toward the direction of no trace.

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"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen is right. Xiaosheng is not talented. I wrote you down!" The little fat man with a red face pats the dust on his body and stares angrily at traceless.

"Ha ha, Zhen Bucai. Why don't you call it Zhen Youcai? " After listening to the little fat man's words, Wuhen not only didn't feel the slightest threat, but also felt inexplicably funny, so he made fun of the little fat man in front of him.

"Well, Zhen Youcai, that's my father! My grandfather's name is Zhen Shengcai. How about you bite me? " The little fat man snorted coldly and looked straight at Wu trace.

"Er..." hearing the little fat man's serious explanation, this time it was no trace's turn to completely mess up on the spot. Zhen Bucai, Zhen Youcai, Zhen Shengcai and your sister, how much talent is needed in your family.

At the moment of confrontation between Wuhen and xiaopang, the family of the young girl in the rear came to Wuhen as soon as they hugged her. One of them, an old man with white sideburns, gently clasped his fist and arched his hand, said politely to traceless: "cough, thank you for your help. It's also a bad breath for us!"

"Ha ha, you're welcome, old man. I'm just making a mistake." No trace a light smile, clasp fist arched salute way. However, the voice of no trace words is full of refusal, obviously do not want to get into some unnecessary trouble.

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"Ha ha, Xiaoke, Xiahou mountain. This girl is my granddaughter, xiahoulian. I think the little hero must have come to take part in the tianyunzong examination. In the future, if the little hero enters tianyunzong, please take care of my Lotus The domineering old man turned his eyes and said to traceless with a hearty laugh. And when the old man spoke, he secretly looked at the young girl in the flower season. Seeing her pink face and blushing head, he made up his mind.

"Ha ha, I said master Xia. Xiaosheng is not talented. He is a person with outstanding talent. He is bound to enter tianyunzong practice. I don't think this guy has to worry about taking care of lian'er. If you don't have a little life, you can rest assured! If anyone dares to bully lian'er with a finger, Xiaosheng will surely make him look good! " A very disharmonious obscene laughter, all of a sudden interrupted the thinking of xiahoushan old man. I saw the little fat man tidy up his bloated clothes, once again a gentle appearance, speak out and talk.

"Well, master Xia?" On the other side, the old Xia Hou Shan was stunned at the scene. At the moment, not only Xiahou mountain was stunned on the spot, but also Xiahou lotus, other members of Xiahou's family, and even people watching the scene were all petrified on the spot.

"Ha ha, master Xia, I'm so amused! Xia, Xia, Xia, your younger sister, is it good for someone to take the surname of Xia Hou and return him. This Zhen Bucai is his mother's real Bucai! " Traceless Junlang's face was instantly red, forced to bear a smile, secretly put up a big thumb to the little fat man.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, how can this little fat man splash so much? Demon, I haven't laughed so sour for a long time!" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow a strength of shiver don't stop, cover stomach, the muscle on the face all then a burst of convulsions don't stop.

"Cough, little old Xia Houshan. Little brother, I think that's the end of our joke. After all, it's tianyunzong's territory. It's taboo to see blood fighting in private. But if you are forcing me again and again, don't blame me for not being polite! " The chest of Xiahou mountain was gradually calm, and a chill gradually sprouted from the whole body. The icy cold was pressing on the little fat man, locking his body firmly. At the moment, Xiahou mountain can't restrain his anger. After all, he is also a city leader in his hometown. Don't say that someone dares to be so disrespectful to himself. Even if someone dares to take a sneak look at his granddaughter lian'er, he has to weigh his weight. What's more, his granddaughter is only 17 years old this year, and she has reached the middle cultivation level of he Hun Jing. The strength of this cultivation lies in the tianque Dynasty, which is also the genius of tianque college.

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"Ha ha, this old man is not bad. The later cultivation realm of he soul realm is comparable to the strength of the clan head of a big family in a city! " Demon zunhuoxiao is not smiling, staring at the release of the ice cold momentum of Xiahou mountain, slightly curled his mouth.

"Ha ha, among ordinary people, his strength is really good. Unfortunately, it's not enough to fight against the little fat man! " Traceless gently sighed, some do not have the heart to look at the old man shook his head.

"Ha ha, what master Xia said is very true. Xiaosheng is not talented. Before leaving, the family once told him to keep a low profile. Today, I met Mr. Xia again to remind me that I didn't feel like I was in a hurry! " The little fat man didn't care about the momentum released by Xiahou mountain at all. He still had his own way of doing things. It was two more times that Xia Laozi was called out by him, and the crowd was silent. All the people were speechless and black, and the murderous spirit of xiahoushan suddenly rushed out."Hum, ignorant child, extremely arrogant!" With a cold hum, xiahoushan's figure suddenly moved. Then, on the silent empty field, a light blue water awn splashed out. A cold air condenses rapidly in the void and turns into a powerful light blue moon machete. It pours on the little fat man with a cheap smile on his face, and then it cuts down like destroying the sky and the earth.

"Hey, Mr. Xia, you are so old. It's not suitable for you to dance swords and guns!" The little fat man, who was firmly locked by the Yin cold breath, had a cheap smile on his face, but his body was still standing in the same place. Seeing the magnificent light blue full moon machete about to chop on the little fat man's forehead, but I don't know why it suddenly stopped on the spot.

Light blue awns rose from the whole body of the little fat man. It seems that it integrates an invisible force of containment, and even freezes the light blue full moon machete full of killing intention on the void.

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind swept his face, and the old man of xiahoushan shivered unconsciously. At the moment, the old man of Xiahou mountain is in a state of mind. The little fat man in his eyes has completely changed into another appearance. As if swallowing the sky and spitting the earth, the two fierce eyes like wild animals were deeply engraved in the mind of Xiahou mountain for a long time.

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"Wow A mouthful of bright red blood burst out from the mouth of master Xiahou mountain. Xia Hou Shan's body swayed a few times, and the air of Xuanli gathered on his body melted away quickly. And the light blue full moon machete that hung on the little fat man's head didn't chop down. Now, with the disappearance of Xuanli of Xiahou mountain, it gradually dissipates in the void.




A few exclamations rang out at the same time. Xiahou family and Xiahou lotus all face shocked gathered forward, the Xiahou mountain old man to guard in them.

"Leading, the power of the field..." Xia Hou Shan's eyes are full of shock, just that terrible scene is always in his heart. When Xiahou mountain looked at the little fat man not far from the opposite, he still had a cheap smile and a harmless look of livestock.

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"Well, it's really the power of the field. This little fat is amazing. He not only reached the initial stage of Dan soul realm, but also realized the power of the realm! " Always on the side of the observation of no trace, at this time the heart is also a burst of turbulence. I didn't expect that there would be a little fat man who was not serious and had the same talent as himself.

"Hey, Mr. Xia, I've been offended before. Please forgive me. Since Xiaosheng and mushroom cool have no chance, it is no longer forced! The mushroom is cool, the small life is not talented. The end of the world is very close. Goodbye, goodbye... "The little fat man slowly put away his dirty smile and arched his hand to Xiahou mountain. Then, I saw the little fat man swagger, turn away from the crowd, then plunge into the dark crowd and disappear. The most amazing thing is that this guy never looked at Xia Houlian from the beginning to the end.

"Hum, shameless man!" Flower season girl Xiahou lotus gas chest a while ups and downs, supporting Xiahou mountain old man, eyes full of worry.

See the little fat man's body completely disappeared, xiahoushan old man's eyes even flashed a touch of regret. Obviously, the sophisticated xiahoushan master knows what he's missing.

"Ha ha, this little fat man is really interesting. In the selection and assessment of Tianyun sect's disciples, this little guy may be your strong opponent. It's a deal!" Demon respect fire Xiao light a smile, toward no trace bewitch to say.

"Ha ha, if you want to come, you can come. I'm afraid of Liu Wuchen!" With a smile and a head in his arms, Wu Chen turns to squeeze into the crowd. In the crowd has not yet reacted, it quietly disappeared in the vast crowd< br>

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