Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 23: 23

The Yu Family's Young Master, Yu Ding Yi's courtyard was instantly set ablaze by the raging flames. The blazing flames burned exceptionally hot, covering the entire small courtyard.

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A huge fire burned for the entire afternoon. It was only at ten o'clock in the evening that the fire was put out. The servants of the residence around the Yu clan were all extremely exhausted.

Inside the main hall of the Yu Family mansion, the atmosphere in the main hall was extremely depressing. The crowd was so stifled that they couldn't even breathe. Even the sound of a silver needle dropping to the ground would probably be exceptionally loud.

In the middle of the hall, the head of the Yu Family, Yu Kui, stared at the shattered Soul Lamp in his hand with bloodshot eyes. He roared furiously, "My son, Ding Yi, is dead!"

With a 'shua' sound, the entire hall went into an uproar. The elders of the Yu Clan and many direct descendants instantly went into an uproar.

"This, this, how is this possible?"

"How could Ding Yi die? "Did the Shi family do this?"

"The Shi Family? Logically speaking, they shouldn't be, even though they have been enemies with my family for generations. However, with their temperament and personality, they would not do such a shameless thing to a member of the younger generation. "

"That's right, especially since Ding Yi is our Young Patriarch, the Shi family is not that stupid!"

"Who could it be? Could it be the Liu Family? "

"That's even more impossible. The Liu Family has been under our control all these years. Let alone harming Ding Yi secretly, I believe that they would not even dare to defy us by the slightest bit! "

"Who else could it be? Who else in Tranquil East City can make a move against our Yu Clan?"

"Other than the three great clans of Tranquil East City, only the City Lord's Mansion and the Spirit Treasure Merchant House are left in Tranquil East City! However, the Lord Mayor was still one of the three, so he wouldn't attack Ding Yi. As for the Spiritual Treasure sect, that was even more impossible! Even if the Spirit Treasure Trading Company wants our Tranquil East Prefecture, our Great Zhou Empire will have to cut them off with a laugh! "Forget about Ding Yi, even our Yu clan is only an ant in his eyes …"

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The head of the Yu clan, Yu Kui, was sitting in the hall with a gloomy face. As he listened to the heated discussions of the people of the Yu clan, he observed the many heirs of the Yu clan with a cold gaze. A few of the Yu Clan's talented youths and their seniors were within the range that Kui had focused on checking.

"You, you, you, and you, lock them up until the truth is revealed." Yu Kui suddenly raised his hand and pointed at a few people among the Yu Family members. Following that, the servants of the Yu clan hurried forward and, according to Yu Kui's instructions, tied up those people. Those who were captured had innocent looks on their faces, but no one dared to say that they were innocent. To the side, the expressions of the Yu Family members also changed. All of them stood there with their hands hanging by their sides, quietly listening to Yu Kui's instructions.

"In addition, send every man you can muster here. Even if it means turning Tranquil East City upside down, find the murderer of Ding Yi!" Yu Kui suddenly smacked down with his big hand, and the stone bench under his feet turned into dust in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the Yu Clan members didn't dare stay any longer. One by one, they quickly ran outside, running towards their own courtyards, and began to organize their men to investigate.

Tranquil East City, City Lord's Mansion, within the main hall.

The city governor, Xu Jin, was holding a teacup in his hands, playing with a string of jet-black jade bracelet that was the size of a walnut.

"S-Lord, Miss, Miss, she …" An old man, who looked like a manager, rushed into the hall in a fluster.

"Hmph, what's the matter? "Miss, what kind of trouble did she cause again?" City Lord Xu Jin snorted coldly, ignoring the panicked old man as he reprimanded.

"Ma, master, miss, her soul jade is broken!" The steward stammered as he reported in a voice full of fear and trepidation.

"What?" The soul jade shattered? Doesn't that mean Ning is already dead? " City Lord Xu Jin cried out in alarm and immediately jumped up from his seat.

Soul jades were the same as Soul Lamps; they were both containers that recorded a martial practitioner's life. As martial artists of the family, after every child was born, they would drop a drop of their lifeblood essence and store it in a Soul Lamp or soul jade.

Soul lights were always bright, and soul jade was always bright. This meant that the life of a person was always there. On the path of martial artists, there were people who fought and fought all year round. There were even people who traveled all year round, and once they lost something in the future, they would die. This person's Soul Lamps would be destroyed, his soul jade would be destroyed, and the rest of the clan would know about it, and would be able to prepare in time.

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"Milord, the guards Eldest Miss brought out this morning have all returned. They said that Eldest Miss went to the Yu Clan to stay with the Yu Clan's Young Master!" The old man dared to speak in a low voice as he reported to the city governor.

"Miss is dead, what are they still doing here!?" Kill them all, don't leave a single one alive! " The jade bead in his hand that was as hard as a rock was completely crushed into powder by him at this moment.

"Yes, yes, this lowly one will do it right away!" The old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly walked outside.

"Alas … if Ning died, he would definitely be very lonely." "You watched Ning grow up. Since that's the case, you can go take care of her on my behalf!" With a sigh, City Lord Xu Jin suddenly raised his hand and pointed out his finger. A terrifying gust of cold wind suddenly blew by, and the silhouette of the old manager, who had just walked to the entrance of the hall, flashed.

"Hmph, the Yu Clan?" A gust of cold wind blew into the great hall, and the City Lord Xu Jin's figure actually vanished into thin air. A faint smell of blood drifted through the air, leaving the corpse of an old man on the ground with his mouth wide open in shock.

Inside the Liu Family and Liu Mansion.

The Patriarch, Liu Zongyi, had a face full of anger as he paced around the hall.

Below them, Liu Zongli, Liu Zongzhi, Liu Wuzhi, Liu Wuwu, Liu Wujing, and a group of people were all present.

The hall was completely silent. Only the sound of Liu Zongyi's hurried footsteps could be heard.

"Liu Wuhen, where is that brat?" Liu Zongyi gritted his teeth and asked coldly.

"I don't know. I've never seen him before. That kid must have been in seclusion all this time!" Liu Zong Li pondered for a while, before replying with a face full of doubt.

"Patriarch, why did you suddenly ask him?" Beside him, Liu Zong Zhi slightly frowned, lowered his voice and asked Liu Zongyi.

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"Hmph, not long ago, my son's Soul Jade shattered!" Liu Zongyi clenched his teeth and clenched his fists, forcing out these words.


"How is this possible?"

Hearing this, all the Liu Family warriors below were stunned. All of them looked towards the patriarch Liu Zongyi with fear and trepidation.

Tranquil East City, South City.

In the depths of a dense bamboo forest, a simple and crude thatched cottage was quietly standing amidst the night wind.

Within the thatched cottage, on top of a soft bed, a graceful, shapely, cute looking young lady sat there.

The young girl's almond eyes were sparkling as she slowly opened her cherry like mouth and let out a light exhale. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked around curiously.

By the maiden's side, an azure-robed youth was standing there with his hands by his sides. In the opposite direction of the youth, an old man dressed in green was sitting comfortably on a chair while conversing in a low voice with the green-robed youth.

"Grandfather?" Brother Wu Hen? What had happened? Why am I with you? " Liu Shuang'er, who had just woken up, was at a loss. She stared at the two people in front of her and asked curiously.

"Hehe, Shuang'er, be good!" Nothing happened, you were just too sleepy, you just had a nap! " Wu Hen's face was filled with affection as he gently caressed Shuang'er's forehead.

"Oh, Shuang'er understands!" The clever Liu Shuang'er's face reddened slightly, and her voice softly replied like a mosquito.

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"Cough cough, Wu Hen, take Shuang'er and leave now and head to the capital for Zhaoge! "If you do not reach the Pill Soul Realm, you must never step foot in Tranquil East City again!" Old Man Liu muttered to himself for a while before instructing Wu Hen with a serious expression.

"Patriarch, if I leave now, I'm afraid I will bring trouble to the Liu Family!" Wu Hen was slightly startled as he looked anxiously at Elder Liu.

"Hehe, if you leave now, you will be done for! If you don't leave, I'm afraid the Liu Family will be set on fire! Furthermore, even if the Mayor Xu came here, he would not dare to do anything to the Liu Family without any evidence! " Old Man Liu's face was full of smiles as he instructed Wu Hen once again! Furthermore, the Liu Family and my old man are here! " Old Man Liu's voice was sonorous and forceful, and his body emitted an imposing aura without anger. This was the first time he had felt the domineering aura of the old man, causing Wu Hen to feel an inexplicable sense of security!

"Ancestor, that mother will be rid of your care!" Wu Hen replied respectfully to Old Man Liu with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, Patriarch is here!" Old Man Liu nodded slightly and smiled dotingly at Wu Hen.

"Grandpa, can I go to the capital now?" On the side, Liu Shuang'er who didn't know what was going on was all smiles as she jumped up from the bed and clapped excitedly!

"Haha, that's possible!" Wu Hen, Shuang'er will be troubling you! Go on, go on, it's not good to stay here any longer, you should take Shuang'er and leave as soon as possible! Old Man Liu's face was calm, as he gently waved at Wu Hen.

"Patriarch, please take care. Wu Hen will do as Patriarch says!" With that, Wu Hen lifted up his robe and knelt on the ground with a thump. He kowtowed three times heavily towards Old Master Liu. Then, Wu Hen quickly stood up and pulled Shuang'er's arm. His voice was unquestionable as he said, "Shuang'er, let's go!"

"Brother Wu Hen, Grandpa …" When Shuang'er realized that the scene before her was not a joke, her eyes reddened as she looked at Elder Liu. Two drops of tears rolled down her face as she walked out of the thatched cottage, unwilling to part with them.

"Tranquil East City. I'll be back!" Wu Hen slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Following which, he opened his eyes once again. Two rays of cold light, like the brightest stars in the night sky, stared coldly in the direction of Tranquil East City.

Swoosh, swoosh, a short while later, two figures dashed out at lightning speed. Under the cover of the night, Wu Hen carried Liu Shuang'er on his back and unleashed the Liu Xu Misty Movement Technique with all his might, releasing all of his late stage Soul Transformation cultivation without restraint. After a few leaps, he had already disappeared into the dense forest outside the city.

"Hehe, the baby eagle has grown up. It's time to spread its wings and fly. "The Liu Family has let you down for all these years. It's time for me, this old bone, to do something for you!" A gentle breeze blew through the depths of the bamboo forest. The old man dressed in green, dressed in an ethereal robe, who was standing in front of the thatched cottage moved his body and magically appeared over a hundred meters away.

"Hehe, this kid really dares to attack." Interesting, truly interesting! " Another breeze blew past, and the old man's figure had long since disappeared from where he stood. In front of the thatched cottage in the depths of the bamboo forest, a tall and sturdy man with a face full of playfulness awkwardly stood a few times. After which, he smiled at the direction Wu Hen disappeared in, and the burly man actually disappeared without a trace.

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