Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 243: 243

Tianyunzong, zongmen martial arts arena. The stone statue of Tianma stands quietly in the center of the martial arts arena, but the crowd in front of the entrance of zongmen is noisy.

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At this time, all the disciples of the outer gate eighteen hall and the new recruiters were all dumbfounded on the spot. All the people looked at the front of the crowd, gathered in a fierce debate outside the door of the eighteen hall leader, heart at the same time as if by ten thousand horses galloping trample general, each as if they did not know the general, re looked at their own hall master.

In the martial arts arena, the master of the spirit beast hall now has his own school. In the danmen hall, the puppet hall, the medicine refining hall, the carved symbol hall, and the painting array hall, the hall heads of several halls are in the same camp, while the five hall heads of the Wuxuan Dharma protection hall share a common hatred, and all of a sudden they become the three forces fighting for a seamless ownership.

On one side, the heads of the Dian FA hall, the law enforcement hall, the miscellaneous service hall, the Huo Fang hall and the Sijia hall were all smiling and seemed to be used to all this. Only the head of the steward's hall, Qiu, looked at elder Liu from time to time.

"Cough, Lord, it's just the so-called fight between immortals. The kid is innocent! It's better to solve the problems between you. I'm an outside elder. Don't drag me into the water! " Feeling the hot eyes of Lord Qiu, elder Liu felt nervous. Shaking his head like a rattle drum, he quickly waved his hand to Lord Qiu. He could do nothing about it.

"Ha ha, little fellow, although they quarrel fiercely, it mainly depends on your personal will! Come and tell me whether you want to practice in my steward hall or not The head of the steward's Hall Qiu, who has always been known for his strictness, was more kind than ever.

Hall leader Qiu's hot eyes stare at the no trace in front of him, just like a hungry wolf who has been hungry for a long time sees a delicious little sheep.

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"Er, this..." seeing this, Wu Chen was temporarily stopped. All over the body involuntarily hit a shiver, goose bumps instantly all over the body.

"Hey, boy, as long as you come to my steward hall to practice, I will allow you to be my own descendant! At that time, a lot of cultivation resources will be provided to you. I guarantee that you will gather the soul baby in one hundred years, break through and reach the cultivation level of the baby soul realm! " Hall leader Qiu didn't care about traceless reaction at all, but continued to be full of temptation.

"Gulu, Gulu!" The voice of the Lord Qiu of the steward's Hall dropped slowly, and the scene in the square of the martial arts arena became quiet in an instant. All the disciples at the entrance of the 18th Hall of the outer gate swallowed their saliva and looked at Wu Chen with envy.

In the outer gate, the master of the first hall passed on his disciples personally, but his status in the outer gate was equivalent to one person below and ten thousand above. In addition to the principal elders at the entrance of the outer gate, the position of this disciple is extremely noble and extraordinary.

How many people broke their heads and broke their heads, and they all wanted to be the disciples of the head of the hall. And now this great opportunity, even live in front of no trace.

"Damn, I said Lao Qiu. Just play with the sand. It doesn't take you to dig people like this! " The head of tuxuan hall is full of indignation and stares at the angry roar of the head of Qiu hall.

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"Ha ha, the affairs of the steward's hall are so complicated that they don't want to concentrate on practice! In my opinion, this little guy is extremely strong, so he is more suitable to join my spirit beast hall to practice martial arts! " The master of the spirit beast hall laughed loudly, but he didn't look at the master of the steward hall. But looking at the bronze upper body without trace and shirtless, there was a burning light in the eyes.

"Teng!" A pure and hot flame suddenly rose from the master of huoxuan hall in a gorgeous red robe. The terrible flame seemed to jump up according to some kind of wonderful rhythm, and even stirred up the Qi of the fire power contained in the surrounding air.

The source of fire Xuan force in the void is constantly coming, and the fluctuation of fire Xuan force on the main body of fire Xuan hall gradually subsides. And the whole body rising from the flame momentum not only did not weaken, but also more powerful than before.

"It is the recovery of Xuanli that is the root of fighting with the martial arts. I call it the law of fire. It can reduce the consumption of Xuanli in your body. If you like it, I will teach you! " The head of huoxuan hall has a beautiful woman's face and a red robe on his whole body. Under the package of the rising flame, it is particularly eye-catching.

"Cough, thank you for your kindness. But I come here to follow the wishes of my former teacher. Do you know the origin of this object? " In the face of the olive branch thrown by the hall leader at the entrance of each hall, no trace stopped talking for a moment. They had to bow their hands and give a salute to the hall leaders, which was regarded as a return to the favor of the people. Then, no trace slowly took out a jade from his arms. It was the mysterious Keepsake entrusted to Wuhen to tianyunzong by Yanyu before he died.

"Eh, there are also keepsakes. It seems that you have a close relationship with tianyunzong."

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"Ha ha, come on, I'd like to see who can teach such evil disciples!"After listening to the words of no trace, the heads of the lobby all laughed with joy. All the people were curious and looked at the objects in Wuchen's hands.

As soon as this object comes out, a sharp flash will be made in the void. A jet of dark green light soared into the sky, turned into stars in the scorching sun, and sped away towards the gate of Tianyun sect.

"Oh, my God, the art of pre Dharma, the astrology?" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who has been standing by the head of the pre surgery hall, suddenly shakes. He can't believe that he wipes his eyes and looks at the void again.

At this time, the stars in the void gradually moved away, turned into a pure and vigorous Xuanli Qi, and even fell directly into a position in Tianyun sect, thus disappeared.

Brush, brush, brush

Just as little fat Zhen Bucai's voice rang out, all the disciples of the outer gate eighteen hall were in the same place. The eyes of the other 17 hall leaders outside the gate are all on Yushu Linfeng's tall body.

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"Master, do you know the origin of this thing?" No trace along the people's eyes looking, curiously clasped his hands and asked softly.

"Ha ha, this is really the token of my astrology hall! This keepsake is enough to eliminate doubts about your identity! However, if you want to join my divination hall with this, I'm afraid it's a bit too fanciful! " To everyone's surprise, the originally gentle master of the pre art hall was strangely cold at the moment, and frankly refused the possibility of Wuchen joining the pre art hall.

"Cough, elder martial brother Zhen, since you don't like this little guy, why don't you let me take charge of the affairs hall?" The head of the steward's hall, Qiu, smiles awkwardly and asks tentatively to the head of the pre skill hall.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Zhen, if you don't give him to Wuxuan Dharma protection hall, we can teach him alone!" The head of tuxuan hall turned his eyes and stepped forward without any sign of weakness.

As soon as the words came out, the other four masters of Xuanli hall were all bright in front of their eyes, and they secretly pointed their thumbs to the master of tuxuan hall.

For the other masters of tuxuan hall, they were very depressed. They all secretly scolded tuxuan hall master for being mean and cunning< br>

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