Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 263: 263

The mysterious magic array is in the Zizhu forest, just below the waterfall. An old fisherman is as still as a mountain, sitting on the smooth and shining bluestone of the waterfall with a hook and no bait.

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No trace cross knee meditation hiding in the side, two eyes good God staring at the old man alone fishing. On the other side, a strange red awn shadow floats, which is exactly the soul state formed by the demon zunhuoxiao.

In this array, you can't see the sun, moon and stars at all. Therefore, no trace can't accurately judge the time, and the old fisherman in front of him seems to have no time to deal with himself, and no trace can't find a way to crack the magic array for the time being.

I don't know how long after that, the sound of the waterfall always rang through the silent Zizhu forest. And just when the spirit consciousness has been very strong and no trace has some fatigue, the deep bottomless water surface in the stagnant Tan suddenly starts to stir.

"Eh, no trace boy, look, there's something in the pool!" Demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying was suddenly stunned and pointed out to the clear water in the Jishuitan.

I saw the original water churning restless water, at this time more chaotic incomparable. Under the surface of the pool above, which is like a pot boiling, colorful transparent figures seem to blend into the flowing water and float around the old man's vertical hook.

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"Suddenly A strange aroma, instantly from the water inside the tan floating out. Immediately, the air in the purple bamboo forest trembled. In the illusion of the array, the pure breath of the five elements Xuanli was even more intense.

"I'll go, old demon. What's that The seamless figure of cross knee meditation suddenly jumped up and jumped up. Then, I saw no trace creeping, carefully along the foot of the road forward to the edge of the Jishuitan. He stared at Tan Nei with his mouth open and his face full of surprise. At the same time, he was wary of turning away from the old man who was facing the middle of the pool.

"Ha ha, boy, this fish is called colorful Xuan fish, which is bred by the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth. The essence of the sun and moon is nourished by the essence of Qi.

"This fish combines the Xuanqi of the five elements with one body, and then the Xuanli of the five elements can be born in the body of ordinary people. If you swallow this fish, you can reproduce in your body and give birth to five kinds of Xuanli Qi. If the all attribute martial arts person gets this colorful Xuan fish, it will be reborn, making the five elements Xuan Qi in his body more pure and pure, and advancing towards higher quality

"But because of chance, this colorful fish is against the sky. Therefore, it has always been invisible, and there is nothing in heaven and earth to accommodate this fish. "

"This fish has only a few breath to live away from this deep pool. If it can't be eaten within these breath, it will turn into five elements Xuanqi again and blend into this purple bamboo forest!"

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"Ha ha, since you can come to my purple bamboo forest, it is the fate between you and me. In this case, I will give you a chance today. But whether you can grasp this chance depends on your luck! " A sound came quietly. The steady old fisherman's body moved slightly. His hands were full of calluses, and his wrinkly hands were shaking on the smooth and transparent fishing rod.

"Sa Sa, Hao, Hao Xiang! Master, the Earth Dragon and the Earth Dragon want to eat that At the same time of no trace shock, a voice full of anxiety came out of the Dantian in the body. Then, the purple gold elixir field in Wuchen's body shakes violently. The little earthworm, who was originally sitting in the purple gold elixir field, wakes up in this fashion.

"Damn, little earthworm, it's time to wake up!" Traceless turned his eyes and turned his face to his chest.

"Ha ha, little guy, are you ready?" The old fisherman's voice came out again, as if waiting for the final reply.

"Cough, master, it's too expensive. I'm afraid I can't use it!" After listening to the old man's secret voice, no trace shook his head again and again, which was a refusal. After all, there is no intersection between Wu Chen and the old man. I'm afraid that if I get this chance without any reason, I have to bear a certain amount of cause and effect.

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Don't underestimate these causes and effects. In the eyes of practitioners, they are great causes. If you can't make a good one, you will breed demons when you break through in the future, which will be a devastating blow to the warrior.

This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the demon zunhuoxiao let Liu Wuhen accept Liu Wuhen's resentment after he was reborn into Liu Wuhen's body.

"Ha ha, I mean to give you a chance. I don't want you to give it back! However, I'm still saying that. It depends on your ability to seize the opportunity! " The old fisherman laughed loudly, as if he had no malice to Wu trace. From the old man's deep and dark eyes, no trace even faintly appeared a very familiar feeling.

However, in the middle of the night, when there was no one in the back mountain of tianyunzong, he ran out for a while. This makes no trace how can not doubt, even no trace have some extreme doubt in front of this old man is also into the demon zunhuoxiao as the soul state. Its purpose is to cheat their own trust, after eating the so-called five color black fish, they take the opportunity to occupy their own body, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of losing their spirit."Hum, this colorful transparent fish really contains the Qi of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five mysteries. After you eat it, you will wash your original Qi of five mysteries and make the nature of the five mysteries in your body to a higher level! Since he wants to send you this opportunity, you should welcome it. If this guy really dares to give up on you, I'm not a vegetarian, either A cold hum, demon zunhuoxiao fiery red eyes such as torch flashing out two red awns. Then, the strange red awn of the demon zunhuoxiao rises again, and envelops the whole body of Wu trace.

"Teng!" At the moment when the strange red awn touched Wuhen's whole body, the sky fire in Wuhen's body suddenly jumped out. A hot breath spread across the whole purple bamboo forest in a flash, and the purple bamboo forest suddenly became more dazzling and bright under the red flame.

This burst up like a fiery flame, instantly will be hot waves to pass to the Jishuitan. In the Jishuitan, the originally restless colorful Xuan fish, whose transparent body shape will soon turn into the mysterious air of heaven and earth with different expressions, and float away towards the pool.

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"Well, young people just can't hold their breath! Now even if you want to eat, I'm afraid you can't eat much! " A deep sigh came from the low-key old man's mouth.

Then, just below the impact of the waterfall, above the center of the pool. The figure of the old man in coir raincoat and bamboo hat perched on the smooth bluestone suddenly came together. Zou Baba's hands suddenly made an effort, and he held the fishing rod tightly. Then, a white light appeared on the old fisherman's body. The white light spread along the fishing rod and intruded into the deep pool of water below.

Not only that, but also when the mysterious white light touched the pool, the pool, which was noisy and restless, calmed down strangely. The fury of the waterfall is still flying down, but there is no splash on the silent water.

However, the mysterious white light is strangely integrated into the stagnant water, and the body shape of the colorful Xuanyu, who is about to relax into Xuanqi, is firmly confined in the water.

"Well, Huasha. The old man is a living immortal Seeing this strange scene in front of him, Wu Chen was suddenly surprised. Immediately, his face was convulsed, his eyes widened, staring at the water covered by white light< br>

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