Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 266: 266

"Hoo A light call, the cultivation of a night time without trace finally slowly opened his eyes. And with the two rays of light from his eyes, the momentum of his whole body seems to be more powerful.

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"Old demon, now it seems that my middle cultivation state of Dan soul state has become loose. I believe it won't be long before I can be promoted to the later cultivation state of Dan soul state!" Traceless eyes full of excitement, in front of the demon zunhuoxiao who is removing the ban, said excitedly.

"Ha ha, you are very happy now. I've been scared all night. If it wasn't for those guys outside to stop you, I'm afraid you would have been taken away for severe interrogation! " Demon respect fire Xiao mercilessly white have no mark one eye, don't have good spirit of opening to say to laugh a way.

"Well, what happened last night?" No trace slightly a Zheng, quickly jump out of bed. Follow the vision of demon zunhuoxiao, push the door open.

"Brush!" With a morning glow shining in, the place that traceless eyes can touch is full of green and vitality.

I saw the original wide courtyard, now all kinds of flowers bloom together. However, the original young trees grew up several circles overnight. Even a group of new disciples who lived in the courtyard stood in the courtyard and were stunned.

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"Shit, what's going on. Suddenly, like a spring breeze, thousands of trees bloom one after another No trace hard swallow swallow saliva, quite shocked export praise way.

"Ha ha, what's the matter? It's not that you practiced too hard last night! It seems that the multicolored Xuan fish does have a special effect on the five elements Xuan power in your body, which can wash marrow and lack hair, and improve quality! " Although the demon zunhuoxiao mouth is reproaching no trace, the expression on the face has already been unable to close the mouth. Looking at no trace strength more and more powerful, demon respect fire Xiao heart's expectation also gradually rekindled.

"Cough, new students' courtyard, everyone come out to gather!" With a light cough, elder Hu Dao's familiar voice rang out again.

A group of students, still in a state of shock in the courtyard, quickly returned to their senses and walked towards the middle of the courtyard. See no trace also quickly pretend ignorance, innocent face in the crowd.

"Ha ha, is everyone here?" Elder Hu Dao glanced at all the people on the scene, and his face seemed to be a little tired. However, after seeing all the disciples in the courtyard looking full and energetic, there was a smile on their tired faces.

"Hey, hey, everyone is here! Elder Hu Dao, these can't be your old man's masterpieces In the crowd, Wu Chen, with a bad smile on his face, replied loudly to elder Hu Dao.

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Smell speech, in the courtyard originally still have some confused many disciples, all coincidentally fell on the eye of Hu Dao elder body. A clear eyes worship incomparably, just like the hungry wolf saw the beloved sheep for a long time. Elder Hu Dao, who has always been used to all kinds of scenes, has an inexplicable hair in his heart.

"Ha ha, boy, you don't need to trip me secretly. The leader of the hall has orders about your affairs. No one should make a public announcement! But if you are practicing in the future, please try your best to control it! You son of a bitch's pour is cool, harm of Lao Tzu's return you to stand guard all night! " A light smile color, imperceptible secret sound into the traceless mind. Then, the elder Hu Dao in the middle of the courtyard opened his mouth and said to a group of new disciples in the courtyard: "ha ha, because the new disciples have performed very well recently. Last night, our Lord specially ordered us elders to join hands to help you practice! I believe last night's income, you all feel it

"As long as you can perform well, all this will be seen in the eyes of our master. In the future, there will be no small number of such temporary awards. I just hope you can keep your mouth shut and don't spread them to others. Otherwise, if this matter is known by other disciples, there will be no small kitchen for you in the future! That's all. Do you understand everything else? "

"Wow, the order was given by the master himself?"

"Damn, I said that last night I took in the mysterious air of heaven and earth. How did I make a great progress? It turned out that the eldest brother personally took the hand!"

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"Hei hei, it must have been some kind of advanced juxuan array last night, otherwise how could there be such a magical scene in this courtyard today?"

"Shh, keep it secret, keep it secret! Otherwise, once the master is not happy, there will be no such good things in the future! "

"Yes, it's related to our vital interests. If any second-class goods are leaked, it's all of us!"

"Ha ha, you must keep your mouth shut. If any bastard dares to talk too much, I will be the first to kill him!"

After listening to elder Hu Dao's words, the courtyard became noisy for a while, and the crowd began to stir up. All the new students blushed with excitement and their necks were thick. They supervised each other and vowed to keep a secret on the spot."Alas, the child is still young and simple!" In the crowd, traceless chuckled and sighed. Looking at the excited faces around him, I can't help but praise the hall leader Tian Buluo's wise and powerful, and elder Hu Dao who doesn't blink when he tells a lie.

"Cough, be quiet!" Elder Hu Dao stared at the excited people in the courtyard and thought the fire was almost ready. Then he coughed twice and made a speech to silence the crowd.

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"Brush!" A group of new disciples in the courtyard were afraid that the Hu Dao Presbyterian council would change their mind. One quickly closed his mouth, his eyes twinkled, and he stared at elder Hu Dao.

"Ha ha, the performance is not bad, praise it orally once!" Elder Hu Dao smiles and nods to the people in the courtyard. Then, he took out a sheet of paper from his arms and whispered to all the people in the courtyard again, saying: "today, everyone should go to each hall to perform the assignment according to the assignment on the list. In a moment, there will be old disciples meeting with you. Remember, don't make trouble when you get to the lobby. If there is any injustice, you can report it to any elder when you come back! "

After listening to elder Hu Dao's words, all the new disciples nodded in unison. Everyone listened to their names and kept their assigned tasks in mind.

But Wuchen in the crowd was quite helpless at this time, because he obviously felt that elder Hu Dao's words were to himself. And just as elder Hu Dao finished his words, all the new disciples looked subconsciously at Wu Chen.

This made the originally complacent traceless immediately depressed, thinking that he was really not reassuring. As for elder Hu Dao's single request, the most important one was in front of the public

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