Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 27: 27

"Shuang'er, let's go!" It was as if nothing had happened to Wu Hen. He turned around as if nothing had happened to him. Carrying Liu Shuang'er, he strode towards the red metal gate not far away.

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"Hey, kid, stop right there!"

"Hmph, didn't you hear what we said before?"

"The academy's assessment forbids private duels. Violators are prohibited from taking the examination!" "Kid, now that your qualification has been cancelled, hurry up and scram!"

Behind Wu Hen, a few students wearing the robes of the Great Zhou Academy wore gloomy expressions as they pointed at Wu Hen's back and shouted.

"Hehe, private duels are prohibited? How come I didn't see you guys come out and get justice when that brat was flirting with my sister? "What, you guys jumped out to stop him when you saw that he was no match for me?" Wu Hen laughed coldly and turned around. His eyes were like two sharp blades as he stared at the group of students behind him and asked, "Hmph, with just a few students from the outer court, you have the power to ban my qualification?" If you fellows really have the ability to do so, I believe that you guys will not be here to threaten me! "

"This …"

"You …"

"We …"

Facing Wu Hen's piercing gaze, as well as the violent momentum from crippling the little overlord Yu with a single punch, the few students from the outer courtyard stared at each other, speechless.

"Eh, so these guys are actually on the same side as that little overlord Yu!"

"Hehe, why are there so many scum students in the Great Zhou Academy?"

"Haha, you don't know. These are just the outer court students of the Great Zhou Academy. In this academy, the inner court students are the true geniuses, and the more powerful ones are the core disciples of the academy! "

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"So that's how it is. From the looks of it, they're all strong on the outside and weak on the inside. So they're trying to intimidate us by trying to intimidate us!"

The crowd was in an uproar. The crowd, who were already dissatisfied with the little overlord Yu, all turned to vent their anger on these few students from the outer courtyard.

"Let's go, let's go quickly. When the academy's teachers discover us later, we'll be in deep trouble!"

"Hmph, I'm keeping an eye on that kid. If he's lucky enough to enter the academy, then let's see how I'll deal with him in the future!"

"Hehe, do you still need us to do this? That Little Tyrant King Yu is the younger brother of the outer court madman, Wang Yu. As long as we spread the news, Wang Yu will cripple that brat! "

The expressions of the few students from the outer court fluctuated, and they immediately walked towards the inner part of the academy while secretly discussing with each other through voice transmission.

In the distance, among the people lined up in front of the other iron gates, countless pairs of eyes were watching the scene unfold.

A tall and slender white-clothed youth with a cold face and a sword on his back. And there was also a gorgeous girl in snow-white clothes. He couldn't help but look at Wu Hen's back as he walked away.

"Show your tokens. Every examiner can bring one person in!" In front of the red gate, an old man with white beard and sideburns raised his hand in boredom and spoke to Wu Hen as well as the people standing behind Wu Hen.

"Pah!" Wu Hen stretched out his hand to his bosom and respectfully handed over a token.

"Swish!" A white light hit the command medallion and the golden medallion trembled slightly. A line of golden words appeared out of thin air: Liaodong County, Tranquil East City, City Lord's Order!

"Pass!" The old man yawned and gave Wu Hen a gentle bow. With a slight shake of his arm, the elder tossed the token into a metal box.

"Let's go!" Seeing this, Wu Hen did not say anything. He quickly grabbed Liu Shuang'er's hand and disappeared into the red iron gate.

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Entering the Great Zhou Academy, there was a guide that led the academy straight ahead with Wu Hen. After walking for more than a kilometer, a wide and spacious plaza entered his line of sight.

"Wow, it's so big and powerful!" Liu Shuang'er's eyes were wide open as she clapped her hands and cried out in surprise.

"The mystical Qi here is so rich, it is tens of times stronger than the one in the outside world!" Wu Hen looked at the black mass of people in the plaza in shock as he secretly circulated the Ancient Heaven and Earth Art, absorbing the purer nature energy around him.

"Haha, there must be a Spirit Convergence Array here. Looks like the Great Zhou Empire is truly willing to make a move!" The voice of Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao sounded out, praising the Great Zhou Academy in front of him.

"All reference personnel, please stand on your own accord!" Following a loud and clear voice, it clearly traveled to every corner of the plaza.

At the center of the plaza, there were dozens of middle-aged men and women standing in an orderly manner in eight groups. At the front of each group was a transparent, cone shaped crystal pillar that was as tall as a person.

Swish swish swish swish swish …

All around the plaza, the examinees who had participated in the exam had heard of the news and started moving. In just a short period of time, thousands of people were naturally divided into eight groups!

Kacha, kacha.

Just as everyone in the plaza had lined up, the eight bright red iron gates behind them closed at the same time.

The eight iron gates closed at the same time. The eight crystal pillars at the front of the square suddenly let out eight streams of pure white light. The white light was extremely pure, and under the illumination of the sunlight, it was even more dazzling.

The crowd quickly covered their eyes with their hands. Only after a few breaths did they feel that the light had gradually dimmed. All of them had just withdrawn their hands and were staring intently at the center of the square.

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Between the eight crystal pillars, a burst of mystical Qi rose. Soon after, a short, skinny, white-bearded old man stood in the center of the square, brimming with energy.

"I am the dean of the outer courtyard, Ji Wai. I have the authority to take charge of this student assessment!" The thin old man was expressionless as he spoke to the crowd below.

The eight groups below were in complete silence. Everyone had their hands hanging down as they looked towards the stage. Seeing this, the dean of the outer courtyard, Ji Hao, nodded his head helplessly. He waved his hand and signaled for his subordinates to continue.

A young woman, who was dressed beautifully and had a mature aura all over her body, walked out from behind the old man with a smile. A fragrance floated up as the young girl lightly cleared her throat. Only then did she slowly open her mouth and say, "The outer court disciple test is divided into three parts." "The first test, the realm of soul power measurement …"

In front of you, each group has a soul power crystal! By injecting your soul power into the crystal, the crystal will begin to change color according to the purity of your soul power! The lighter the color and the lower the value, the lower the aptitude. "On the contrary, the darker the color and the higher the value, the greater your potential.

"The standard value for this exam is half. Anyone below half of the number will be considered to be eliminated. Everyone, please follow the rules of this exam!"

After she finished speaking, the young woman waved her hand and a burst of fragrance once again assaulted her nostrils. The male instructors on both sides of the square, who were waiting by the crystal pillar, all stared with wide eyes and swallowed their saliva greedily.

"Eh, is this a test of soul power?"

"Haha, I have an offensive martial spirit, so I will definitely win this exam!"

"Tsk, I broke through the Xiantian realm at the age of twenty. My aptitude is one in a million!"

With a low and deep noise, many of the people who had come to take the examination began to privately communicate with each other.

"Soul power, looks like I have to test my martial soul …" Listening to the test program, Wu Hen felt his heart pounding. Thinking about the little land dragon sleeping soundly in his dantian, he no longer had a shred of confidence.

"The examination begins!" After which, the voice of the young woman rang out. The eight crystal light pillars below all emitted a faint white glow at the same time. The eight reference staff who were at the front of the eight pillars of light all took a step forward.

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"Use all your power to release your Martial Spirit on the crystal pillar." Eight completely different voices sounded out at the same time. The eight instructors calmly stared at the eight reference people as they spoke.

Swish swish swish swish swish …

Without the slightest hesitation, eight soul power auras rose up at the same time. The eight different auras of martial spirits heavily collided with the eight crystal pillars in front of them.

"Rise, Rise, Rise …"

The faint white light surrounding the crystal pillar suddenly scattered. The originally sparkling and translucent crystal pillar of light started to gradually climb upwards, changing its color along the way.

"Low rank soul power, medium value, eliminated!"

"Middle grade soul power, high grade soul points, passed!"

"Middle grade soul power, lower grade soul points, eliminated!"

"Medium-grade soul power, medium-grade soul value, just barely passed!"

Several instructors stared at the crystal pillar in front of them. As long as the value of the pillar wasn't up to half, as well as the pale soul power of the reference staff, they would be mercilessly eliminated.

In that moment, the staff who'd passed the exam were naturally full of joy and jubilation. The eliminated members all had faces full of unwillingness, and they left the outer court square in dejection.

"Damn, just with that little caterpillar in my body. Do I even need to participate in this exam? " Seeing the crowd gradually shrinking, Wu Hen could not help but to feel his heart overturn in turmoil as thousands of horses galloped forward.

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