Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 279: 279

"Poof!" A clear dull sound, strange reverberated in the puppet hall Martial Arts Square. All the disciples of the spirit beast hall closed their eyes one after another. They couldn't accept what was going to happen.

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"No, no trace..." Zi Feng, the elder martial brother of puppet hall, was shocked. He wanted to dissuade Wu trace, but he opened his mouth and didn't know how to persuade him.

All the disciples of the puppet hall in the rear were open mouthed, and they did not dare to breathe. Liu Wuchen's name of the miscellaneous service hall was deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

"No trace elder martial brother!" One after another and the disciples of Yigan miscellaneous service hall were even more frightened, and all of them pinched their sweat for what they had done.

"Woo Hoo!" The colorful Leopard on the ground is bound by death, and the blood has been staring out of its fierce eyes. Even if it has been afraid of shivering all over, but still toward the trace of anger whispered up.

A sword stabs, pretty fierce, only feel a cool on the neck. Closely followed by, a drop of bright red blood, along the pretty fierce neck flowing out.

"Brush!" With a white shadow flickering away, the silver sword in no trace's hand turned into a jade belt and tied to his waist again. And the majestic momentum of Wu Chen's whole body is gradually put away. He holds his shoulder and looks at it with a faint smile.

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"You, you don't kill me?" Pretty fierce eyes full of incredible, touched the neck that short scar, this just let go.

"If you lose, remember your life for the time being! However, in the future, the disciples of the spirit beast hall can no longer bully the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall. If someone can't do it, don't blame Liu Wuhen for going to the spirit beast hall to ask for justice Traceless voice was clear and clear, and every word was clearly introduced into the ears of all the disciples in each hall.

"Suddenly A gust of breeze slowly blowing, the purple and golden streamer of the colorful Leopard on the ground slowly disappeared into the body of no trace. The whole puppet hall Martial Arts Square was dead and quiet, and everyone's eyes fell on Meng Meng again.

"Cough, I mean what I say. Today I owe you my life, and I will repay you in the future. Our spirit beast hall is willing to be the brother of your miscellaneous service hall. No one will embarrass the disciples of your miscellaneous service hall in the future! " Manmeng stood up slowly and held the colorful leopard in his arms. The look in the eyes is extremely complex, looking at the direction of no trace, word by word.

"Ha ha, OK, the gentleman's word is quick and the horse's whip is quick. This alliance should be made by our factotum." Traceless loud laughter, in the face of pretty fierce heavily nodded.

Seeing this, Qi Qi Qi, the disciples of the spirit beast hall and the miscellaneous service hall, was relieved, and their hearts were finally released. The tense situation just now turned into a peaceful scene at the entrance of the third hall.

"Cough, elder martial brother Wuchen, I have to go back to heal my wounds, so I won't stay here any longer! If you have a chance, you must go to our spirit beast hall to sit down! " Pretty fierce chest a while ups and downs, to no trace clasp gongshoudao.

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"Ha ha, I'm afraid it's not right. I should call you brother Manmeng!" No trace light smile, some embarrassed look to pretty fierce look.

"Ha ha, all the way to martial arts, the master is the master. You haven't tried your best to fight with me just now, elder martial brother Wuchen. Naturally, you can't afford it! " It's very fierce and straightforward. It seems that what he thinks must be done. He has started to call up elder martial brother to Wuchen.

"Ha ha, whatever you call it, then we'll talk about different places, pretty fierce elder martial brother!" No trace is still a face of peace, smile on pretty fierce joking way.

"Ha ha, good, good, no trace elder martial brother!" As soon as he said this, he felt a great favor for Wu trace. While pressing the injury in the body, he nodded gratefully to traceless.

"Ha ha, different places are good. Elder martial brother Wuchen, we will discuss different places in the future! I said it's fierce. Would you like to call me elder martial brother Zifeng? " Zifeng, the elder martial brother of the puppet hall, is smiling and joking with Wuchen and Manmeng.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Zifeng, how can you amuse my younger brother?" Traceless gently smile, in front of the maple helplessly shook his head.

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"Ha ha, I'm no match for Manmeng's strength. Since you can beat him, I'm sure you'll take me for granted! In this case, we still respect the strong. You can afford it, elder martial brother! " Purple Maple smile release happy, to no trace and talk.

"Ha ha, follow elder martial brother Zifeng No trace also don't demand, but to Purple Maple light smile nodded.

"Bah, if it wasn't for elder martial brother Wuchen's face, I would be the first to abolish you today! However, since you are already allied with the miscellaneous service hall, if you have any high horse and short stirrup in the future, just talk to our spirit beast hall! " Pretty fierce fiercely glared Purple Maple one eye, certainly also impolite to its announcement way.

"Bah, your horse is high and your stirrups are short. The whole hall of your spirit beast hall is high and your stirrups are short!" Purple Maple disdain white, white fierce, forced to bear a smile on pretty fierce joke."Poof!" Another mouthful of blood gushed out, and the original smiling figure suddenly shook. The whole person's face turns pale and matchless instantly. It's obvious that he has just hurt his foundation by fighting with no trace.

"Damn, how could it be so serious?" Purple Maple look suddenly nervous incomparable, step forward will be pretty fierce help down.

Pretty fierce gather Qi, concentrate on cross knee meditation, full in situ then adjust the body injury. On one side, Zifeng and a group of people in the spirit beast hall also took out the pills in their arms one after another to take them fiercely. After the entrance of the pill, it was quite fierce, and the fluctuating breath calmed down. However, it seems that it is not so easy for me to recover completely from the injury.

"Brother Wuchen, do you have a magic pill that can help this guy?" Purple Maple look because repeatedly, or low voice to no trace, please ask.

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"Well, all the pills I carry are low-level juxuan pills or healing pills. If elder martial brother Manmeng shakes his foundation like this, I'm afraid I need to get some medicinal materials. After I come back, I'll make a furnace of Guji pill for him myself! " No trace slightly wrinkled eyebrow, at the moment also aware of pretty fierce body Xuan gas scurry. He lowered his head and pondered again and again, and then he spoke softly again.

"Rely on, consolidate the foundation, cultivate the yuan, and strengthen the foundation. It is said that the prescription of Guji pill has been lost. Elder martial brother Wuchen, can you refine this pill? " Listen to the words of no trace, Purple Maple surprised to appear the eye bead son all fell down. Purple Maple good God looking at no trace, for fear that he heard no trace words in general.

"Ha ha, as long as the medicinal materials can be put together, I'm 90% sure of refining Chen Gong! However, I'm afraid there's some trouble. I have to go to lianyao hall to get some herbs first, and then to danmen hall to borrow a pot of high-quality Dan furnace to make Guji Dan myself! " No trace to Purple Maple dry smile, a face of livestock harmless appearance.

"Your sister, the medicinal materials of the medicine refining hall were asked for by one of your disciples who asked for them?"

"What's more, I don't know if you can get the herbs from the medicine refining hall. It sounds extremely unreliable to go to danmen hall. You forced the death of a gifted disciple of the danmen hall. It's good that they didn't come to you for revenge. You can come here. Now turn your face and think kindly to borrow the furnace from other people's danmen hall.... "

On the other side, I heard the words of traceless red mouth and white teeth. All the puppet hall, spirit beast hall, and miscellaneous service hall disciples, including Zifeng, all of them looked at Wu trace and swallowed their saliva< br>

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