Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 302: 302

"Suddenly A cold wind blows slowly, and all the disciples of the painting array hall look ugly. They look towards the field with extreme worry.

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On both sides, all the disciples of the kitchen hall swallowed their saliva and looked at the scene again. There was a trace of excitement in their eyes.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother of Huazhen hall, the power of array blessing is really superb. I admire it In the field, always keep a smile without trace, gently shake hands, with a huff tone, said leisurely.

On the other side, HuaQingChi's forehead was full of cold sweat, and his left hand drew a therapeutic array out of thin air again, adding to the dislocated right arm.

"Brush!" A burst of green brilliance slanted down, and only a few tens of breath cured the right arm of Huaqing pool. HuaQingChi shook his arm fiercely, his eyes showed fierce light, and he yelled to no trace like gnashing his teeth: "boy, you forced me to...".

"Ha ha, force you?" Feel the anger of Huaqing pool, no trace on the spot will burst out laughing. Then, the smile on Wu Chen's face gradually subsided, his eyes coldly turned to Huaqing pool, and said, "why don't you say it when you hit the kitchen and force Hoff? Force you. Yes, I'm forcing you. What can you do with me? "

"You..." HuaQingChi was temporarily speechless, staring at Wuchen for a long time. He couldn't say a word. Indeed, just now they were so arrogant that they forced Hoff to submit to themselves. Otherwise, they would be dead. Now, the opposite seems to be true. However, the only difference is that no trace did not make such a decision, and gave HuaQingChi and others a way out. They would roll without fighting.

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In this case, it is obvious that Huaqing pool has been difficult to ride a tiger. Even though he had the intention to retreat at the moment, he did not have the face to escape in public.

"Hoo HuaQingChi breathed deeply and began to dance with both hands. While HuaQingChi's palms were turning, two mysterious forces of thunder and electricity appeared on the palms of HuaQingChi. The lines on the palms of HuaQingChi's palms are clearly visible, which gather the Qi of thunder, electricity and two mysterious forces in their palms.

"Click!"“ Click

Two blasts flashed out of the void. I saw HuaQingChi's palms suddenly swing, and a thunder, an electricity, and two dark cold lights sped out.

"Boom!"“ Boom

The two blasts are boiling, and the air of thunder and lightning Xuanli, which rises from the Dharma array blessing, bombards the traceless body. No trace even had no time to react, he was bombarded by these two lightning forces.

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"Hey, hey, you're not dead this time!" The pattern of the array in HuaQingChi's two palms is more and more strong and clear. After counting the power of thunder and lightning, they compete to bombard each other again. And just hit by the power of lightning, no trace is still not spared again. The fierce cold light cuts through the sky, and the whole person is submerged in the terrible power of thunder and lightning.

"Gulu!"“ Grunt

In the field, all the people swallowed hard. Everyone's eyes all show the color of fear, looking into the thunder and lightning in the regiment.

"Suddenly A cold wind gently blowing, rising smoke gradually dispersed. The power of thunder and lightning gradually weakened, and a virtual shadow slowly came into the eyes of the people again.

"Cough..." a burst of rapid light cough, in the silence of the empty Lang Lang spread. No trace of the upper body's clothes have been ragged, a bronze skin perfectly presented in front of everyone.

Tearing, tearing

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A trace of purple and gold undercurrent, quietly wandering around without trace. At this time, the lightning power released by Huaqing pool was absorbed and dissolved by these purple and gold undercurrent.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Hua, should you compensate me for a dress?" No trace bares teeth a smile, smile on handsome face. But at this time, traceless smile fell in the eyes of Huaqing pool, which was a bit more terrifying than the devil.

"You, you, you are human or ghost!" HuaQingChi exclaimed, and the power of thunder and lightning in the palms of his hands split out again. This time, before the power of thunder and lightning approached Wuchen, the purple and golden undercurrent on Wuchen flew out. See a purple golden streamer across the sky, Huaqing pool use the power of lightning released by the array will be swallowed up by the purple golden undercurrent.

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Hua, my dark current of purple and gold is transformed by thunder! Some of your Dharma array lightning power is not enough to see! " No trace a bared teeth a grin, raise a hand is a palm hit out. A purple and gold undercurrent stands out along the traceless palm and turns into a streamer, which directly attacks the front door of Huaqing pool.

"Sure!" HuaQingChi's body retreats rapidly, while his palms draw the array out of thin air. A body painting array rises in an instant, blocking the purple gold undercurrent and Huaqing pool.

"Click!" The purple gold undercurrent just pauses, and it will defeat the body fixing array in the void. Then, a terrible undercurrent galloped up again, straight to the gate of Huaqing pool."Hum!" The dull sound of a jar of air spread all over the hinterland square in an instant. Then, I saw the Zijin undercurrent powerlessly circling in the void, and then quietly returned to the traceless body again.

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"Hum!" There was another melodious dull sound, and a simple ancient clock suddenly appeared in the place where Huaqing pool just stood.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, the ancient clock flew up. Huaqing pool looks very ugly, and its figure will flash out from the ancient clock. Then I saw HuaQingChi's right arm tremble slightly, and the huge ancient clock gradually became smaller in full view of the public. Finally, the ancient clock, which just covered the body of Huaqing pool, suddenly fell into the hands of Huaqing pool like a bell.

"Eh, the soul of Guzhong can change freely. It seems that it must have the power of change!" Demon respect fire Xiao empty shadow in a flash, fall in no trace ear side, softly charged way.

Smell speech, no trace bored face this just show a touch of light evil smile. Looking at the Huaqing pool on the opposite side and the ancient bell ringing in Huaqing pool's hand, Wu Chen's body rises with five colors. A rising sense of war envelops the whole body in a flash, and the invisible pressure unconsciously puts pressure on Huaqing pool.

"Ring, ring!" The ancient bell in HuaQingChi's hand suddenly shakes, and the power of a Dharma array comes out of the bell. In a flash, the whole body of Huaqing pool was covered and protected.

On both sides, whether they are the disciples of the painting array hall or the kitchen hall. At this time, all of them were staring at each other, holding their breath and gaping, even daring to breathe in the atmosphere... < br > all of them were shocked

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