Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 308: 308

"Suddenly A breeze slowly blowing, purple bamboo forest side quiet.

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In the distance, the wild waterfall was cut off by the waist, but it was still running down without any influence. The only difference from before is that there is no water rushing down in the area divided by the power of the guardian domain.

"Ha ha, if you can defeat the forbidden array in Dongshan with one sword, it is enough to prove that you are qualified to accept the inheritance." Rickets old light smile, to no trace satisfaction nodded. Then, the rickety old man raised his arm and pointed to the dark cave after the waterfall was divided. He said in a loud voice: "boy, go. No one can help you in Dongshan. Whether you can be recognized or not depends on your luck! "

"Cough, thank you, master!" No trace dry light cough twice, to the rickety old man again bowed to give a gift. About everything in the cave, no trace asked more.

After all, if the rickety old man wanted to say it, he would have said it for a long time. If the rickety old man doesn't want to say it, even if it's no trace to ask more, it's useless.

"Whoosh!" A green shadow cut through the sky, and without a trace, the whole person flew into the dark cave in front of him.

"Brush!" Traceless body straight through the protection of the field of power formed by the mask, suddenly disappeared into the cave.

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In the rear, the power of guarding the field gradually weakened and dissipated. The two sides galloping fury waterfall falls down again wantonly, and the broken waterfall merges into one again, flowing and galloping intact.

"Dong!" Suspended in the air, the rickety old man suddenly fell down. The whole person curled up and sat on the bright bluestone, his old eyes staring at the waterfall in front of him.

Tick, tick

At this time, in the dark cave, no trace is standing at the edge of the cave. The light sound of water dripping through the stone comes from the quiet and quiet inside the cave.

"Teng!" No trace heart read a move, in the body fire attribute Xuanli of the gas suddenly rise and rise. No trace around the body burning flames, like a fireman in general, quietly looking at the surrounding cave environment.

Tengteng, Tengteng

At the moment of the flame rising all over the body, the whole dark cave seemed to be affected by a chain reaction.

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The straight corridor in the cave is tens of meters long, and the bright stone walls on both sides add up to 20 pieces. At this time, all the bare stone walls of these twenty years were burning with the same flame as Wuchen's body.

"Damn, old demon, what's this? Ha ha mirror?" No trace carefully step forward, looking at the left and right sides of the light and shadow in the contrast of the fire. One side of the fire looked around, in the heart and demon respect fire Xiao quietly communication.

"Ha ha, I don't know! Judging from the Xuanli Qi coming from the stone walls on both sides, this place should not be an illusion! Now, the entrance when you come in has been blocked by the power of the Dharma array. It seems that you have only one way to go out, that is, to break these stone walls. Maybe you can escape from the heaven! " A strange red awn flashed out of traceless body. Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow complexion is full of dignified, to no trace Lang Sheng say.

"Ha ha, break these stone walls, maybe you can go out! Old demon, isn't that simple? " No trace swept an eye behind, come in of bright hole as expected was imprison seal up.

In the whole cave, there is only a straight corridor. There are 20 smooth and bright walls on both sides, and a strange flame is reflected on each wall. Moreover, the breath of the flame on each wall is exactly the same as that of Xuanli released from Wuchen.

"Boy, don't, don't touch these stone walls!" Demon respect fire Xiao empty shadow eyebrow a coagulate, to the front not far away of no trace speak to remind a way.

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"Ah Just as the voice of demon zunhuoxiao had just fallen, the right hand of no trace had quietly touched the stone wall. At the moment of no trace doubt, there was a burning sensation on the five fingers of the right hand. Closely following, I saw the flame in the stone wall in front of Wu trace's body, as if it had come to life in an instant.

"Suddenly A burst of flame rising and rolling, a fire snake will rush out from the smooth stone wall without any sign. There is no trace of the slightest defense in a moment was a big jump, the whole body quickly toward the back of the mountain cave.

"Ah A pain of dull call, from no trace mouth dull out. No trace palm of the right hand burst of pain, a burning smell of burnt paste spread throughout the whole cave in a moment.

Tick, tick

The clothes on the seamless arm were obviously damaged at this time. The whole palm of his right hand was burned by the burning fire, and the bright red blood was scattered all over the ground."Teng!" No trace body fire flame suddenly surging up, slowly gathered to no trace on the palm. A flash of fire went out, and the burn on the palm of no trace's right hand began to heal gradually.

"Damn, old demon, what kind of ghost fire is in this stone wall? How can it hurt my body? " No trace endure the pain, forehead dripping sweat, hope to demon respect fire Xiao asked.

"Ha ha, the ghost fire in the stone wall is the natural fire in your boy's body. For natural fire, it's not too much to hurt your body! " Demon respect fire sky empty shadow full face helpless, to no trace shake head light sigh way.

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"By the way, give back to others. Is there such a magical thing between heaven and earth?" At this time, no trace has been sent out from the surrounding 20 stone walls of the breath, feel a trace of strange. The breath from these stone walls is exactly the same as the fire from heaven in my body. Do these stone walls have some special functions, and they can copy their own properties? Is it possible that Xuanli's Qi can't work?

Think of here, no trace heart in vain a tight. Immediately, I saw no trace heart read a move, the whole body fire attribute Xuanli Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi close in the body.

Seeing this, the twenty smooth and transparent stone walls of the cave on the opposite side made a slight movement in the power of the rising flame. Obviously, the power on the stone wall was weakened a lot, but it didn't disappear as Wuchen thought.

"Old demon, is there any way to deal with them?" No trace slightly frowned, and the strange flame rose again.

All around, twenty stone walls were photographed and echoed. Twenty flames rose up and swayed in front of traceless like provocation.

"Well, it seems to be a difficult problem. Mirror challenge, as long as you can break them, you can get recognition, so that you can get out of this cave mountain. Otherwise, you don't want to go out in your life, just wait to die in this cave mountain! " Demon respect fire sky empty shadow starts to put on a light smile, to no trace helpless sigh mouth airway.

"Shit, you're kidding. Young master, I haven't killed back to Chaoge City, I haven't married Ruxue, I haven't, haven't... "Wuchen's eyes were full of amazement, and he looked pitifully at yaozunhuoxiao. See demon zunhuoxiao incomparably solemnly nodded to it, see no trace a face of grievance, want to cry without tears, staring at the surrounding 20 lifelike flame fire group, lost his voice and exclaimed< br>

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