Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 311: 311

In the narrow and dim cave, the broken stone walls of 20 mirrors are restored intact again. It's a strange wind blowing, no trace and demon respect fire Xiao two people are helpless to stand in place to look at each other.

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"Damn, come again, young master, I really don't believe this evil!" No trace cold hum a, looking at the smooth stone wall around, don't hit a place. Then, the air of Xuanli in Wuhen rises again. This time, Wuhen releases the exuberant breath of life contained in the air of Xuanli.

As soon as the exuberant breath of life came out, twenty dark green beams of light lit up in the whole cave. Then, on the stone walls of the twenty mirrors, all of them exuded the same breath of life as the whole body of Wu trace.

"Hey hey, even if you can't get out for a while, it's good to raise all the Xuanli Qi on your boy!" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow a flash, wise eyes repeatedly release light.

Bang bang, bang bang

At the same time, Wuchen's momentum has reached its peak, and the universe in Wuchen's body has been running wildly. The whole human body turns into a remnant shadow, which is like a thunderbolt. It flies like a few punches toward the mirror stone walls on both sides of the surroundings.

After a few punches, one of the stone walls came loose. No trace heart a joy, more vigorously launched a fierce attack. Under the attack of no trace and random bombardment, the loose mirror stone wall finally disintegrated, and fragments began to fall off.

"Whoosh!" A dark green light stands out from the mirror stone wall. Into a streamer fly, quickly into the body without trace.

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"Hoo As soon as the dark green light came into the body, I felt shivering without trace. The original consumption of Xuanli gas quickly rebounded, and there is a pure and exuberant spiritual force into their own sea of knowledge.

"Ha ha, good thing, it's really good thing!" I feel that my Xuanli has recovered, and the divine consciousness in the sea of knowledge has become stronger again. His face was bright and his eyes were burning. He looked at the red fruit on the remaining 19 mirror stone walls around him.

Whoosh, whoosh

In the narrow cave, I saw a strange figure wrapped in dark green light, flying back and forth. With the rise and fall of this figure, the whole cave will be followed by bursts of roaring sound.

Click, click

A strange dull sound, in the silent cave is particularly loud. The whole cave trembled slightly, and the stone walls fell wantonly.

In a short time, all the 19 mirror stone walls fell off. And the 19 dark green rays were all transformed into the pure Xuanli Qi, which melted into the traceless body.

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"Brush!" Wuchen's whole body is surrounded by the dark green light, and most of the Xuanli Qi consumed in his body rises rapidly. Wu Chen quickly meditates with his knees crossed, works in his body, and absorbs and refines the pure Xuanqi he has just absorbed.

The surrounding of the cave tends to be calm again. The seamless meditation on the ground is shrouded in dark green light. The momentum in the body gradually recovers. After absorbing the pure and mysterious air on the stone wall, the whole person has an indescribable temperament transformation.

"Suddenly At the time of the pure Xuanqi absorbed by Wuhen's refining, a strange wind rose again in the completely closed cave.

Then, the fragments of the stone wall floated together, and the 20 mirror stone walls recovered intact again.

After half an hour, Wu trace finally refined all the pure Xuan Qi absorbed in his body. When Wu trace slowly opened his eyes and saw the intact mirror stone wall around him, he did not feel depressed. On the contrary, a smile of joy appeared on his handsome face.

"Hey hey, boy, it's not cheap enough, is it?" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow a flash, stop in no trace behind, snicker jokingly way.

"Ha ha, old demon, haven't you heard such an old saying?" Traceless smile white eyes demon zunhuoxiao, body golden light suddenly appeared, a golden Xuanli Xuanqi power, suddenly from traceless body rushed out.

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As soon as the golden light flashed, the stone walls of 20 mirrors around seemed to be called by some kind of mystery. At the same time, the golden light flashed on the stone wall of twenty mirror images, and a sharp air of Xiao Sha quickly filled the whole narrow cave.

"Cough, boy, which old saying?" Demon respect fire Xiao a burst of light cough, take eyes white without mark one eye. In the heart secret way this kid asks so, affirmation didn't press what good intention. But for the curious demon zunhuoxiao, if you don't ask such a question, you will die on the spot.

"Ha ha, don't take advantage of it, you son of a bitch!" Has been demon respect fire Xiao character to feel through of no trace, Lang Sheng laugh on the spot.

"Shit, you little son of a bitch!" Demon zunhuoxiao pretends to be slightly angry, and laughs and scolds Wu trace. Immediately, the demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow changed to one side again, and gave up the space in the whole cave to no trace again."Hum, I'm all evil genius, and I can't break your broken stone wall. I don't believe this evil today, young master!" With a cold hum without trace, the whole cave suddenly burst out the golden light and endless Xiaosha gas. In the golden light crisscross, no trace, the whole person is just like a golden gun. The two fists turned into Dao Dao and Jin mang waving back and forth, forcefully and fiercely smashing all the 20 mirror stone walls.

Whoosh, whoosh, and 20 to golden light, no accident into the body of no trace. No trace panting on the ground, while refining the pure air of Xuanli, while continuing to grow, to supplement their mind's consciousness.

"Suddenly A gust of fresh wind swept my face again, and the scattered images floated up again. A strange light flashed up, and the stone walls of twenty mirrors were restored to their original appearance.

After another hour, Wu trace thoroughly refined the metal Xuanli's Qi. Then, no trace raised his head and looked at the bright mirror stone wall around him. A bad smile crossed his handsome face.

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"Boom!" A piece of purple gold armor, which contains the air of earth power, quickly covers the traceless body.

There were 20 mirror stone walls on both sides, all covered with earth as if they had been provoked. Immediately, the twenty mirror stone walls were covered with armor, so they were quietly placed in front of traceless without any difference.

"Hum, I don't believe I can't break this battle even if the last breath of Xuanli breaks you!" No trace cold hum, the whole person is wearing purple gold armor, extremely powerful. The two fists are waving together, and the earth is falling like rain, shaking the whole cave. With the wanton fall of the earth, all the armor on the stone wall of the twenty mirrors fell and dissipated.

"Roar!" With a roar of no trace, no trace finally waved 20 fists in a row. All the twenty mirror stone walls were smashed and cracked.

Twenty earthly awns turn into streamers and melt into the traceless body one by one. Traceless white eyes, around the dim stone wall, too late to think, quickly cross the knees, the body of the eternal Heaven and earth will again run, absorb the pure Xuanli gas just absorbed into the body.

"Eh, all the attributes have been tested. Why hasn't the array been released?" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow full face is stunned, stare at all around dim incomparable stone wall is a Leng.

"Suddenly Another gust of strange wind blew by, and the fragments of the surrounding stone walls seemed to be responding to the question of demon zunhuoxiao. Unexpectedly, they rose out of thin air again and attached to the stone walls on both sides. With a strange light rising, the twenty stone walls around them are restored intact again... < br > all of them are in good condition

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