Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 332: 332

"Boom!" A roaring sound resounded over the 18th square, and a hot flame rose to the sky. The scorching heat between heaven and Earth spread everywhere, and the body of xuantu was shaken back out of thin air.

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"Dong!" At the moment, the whole person of xuantu is in a mess, and the ferret is very nervous and falls on his shoulder. Xuantu's short and bloated figure retreated several steps, and then he managed to stabilize himself on the platform.

Xuantu's whole body is full of Xuanli breath, which extinguishes all the rising flames on his body. Then, the dark earth's face was dignified, and his eyes fell coldly on the front position of the service hall team under the platform.

"Cough, smoke. You are really polluting the environment With a burst of light cough, the eyes of all the people were attracted by the sound.

I saw the front side of the team at the entrance of the hall, no trace. At this time, he was burning a burning flame all over his body and standing with his hands. And behind no trace, the fierce leopard and the gorgeous leopard are falling together. One man and one beast were all covered with blood, and their breath was extremely weak.

"Liu Wuchen..." on the platform, xuantu was full of anger, staring at Wuchen, who was smiling at the bottom of the platform, and gnawed his teeth. On his shoulder, the nervous mink was eating the soil, and this time he grinned at the grim Chi tooth.

"Brush!" A cold wind blows, and the master of the spirit beast hall appears beside Manmeng for the first time. Then, the master of the spirit beast hall took out two dark green pills from his arms and put them into the mouth of the fierce and gorgeous leopard.

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"Gulu!"“ Grunt

The dark green elixir melts at the entrance, and the vigorous breath of life bursts out from the body of the fierce and gorgeous leopard. The faint breath of one man and one beast gradually stabilized, and the bleeding wound on the body also slowly healed.

"Tuxingsun, since our disciples have been defeated, the people of your tuzhixuan hall are still chasing down to the battlefield. What do you say to do about this?" Seeing the fierce and gorgeous leopard's injury gradually stabilized, the master of spirit beast hall shiricun slowly turned around. Setting his eyes on the square array at the entrance of the five element Dharma protection hall, he raised his hand and angrily scolded Tuxing sun Bolan, the leader of tuxuan hall.

"Hum, you are inferior to others. What can I say?" Tu xingsun, the leader of tuxuan hall, knew that he was wrong, but he still hummed back.

"Ha ha, this has broken the rules. If the steward hall, the law enforcement hall and the discipline hall sit by and don't care, then I will teach the disciples to obey the rules for tuxuan hall." The spirit beast hall leader smiles coldly every day, but does not look at TU Xing sun, the leader of Tu Xuan hall. The mysterious force of terror all over the body fluctuates faintly, and time inch coldly drops his eyes on the mysterious earth above the battle platform.

"Brush!" Only this one eye, the dark soil on the platform all over the body will unconsciously tremble. At the moment, what xuantu saw was no longer the time inch of the head of tuxuan hall, but the terrifying beast. Xuantu's figure seems to be fixed on the spot. If it goes on like this, I believe it will take a few breath to die on the spot.

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"Hum, despicable!" Tu xingsun, the leader of tuxuan hall, roared and stomped on the ground. I saw a terrible Xuanli's air quickly fell into the ground, and then it surged to attack the spirit beast hall leader shinichun not far away.

"Ha ha, a little skill of carving insects!" Time inch a cold smile, turn a head to move the vision away from the Xuan Tu body on the stage. Then, with a wave of Shiri Cun's arm, the Qi of Xuanli turned into a beam of light, and immediately plunged into the ground in front of him.

Boom, boom

The whole person of light beam didn't enter the ground, and the terrifying earth that roared from it hit one place. The two terrible mysterious forces offset each other, and the whole 18 square shakes violently.

Seeing this, all the elders at the front of the square array at the entrance of each family joined hands, and a lot of Xuanli shields rose up, covering all the disciples at the entrance of each family.

The two terrible Xuanli's Qi counteract each other, but the terrible Xuanqi's afterwave is surging out all around. Fortunately, the elders of all the clans made concerted efforts, which blocked the spread of terror. Even so, the disciples at the entrance of each hall still felt the dull pressure. They were red faced and panting on the spot.

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"Hum, nonsense!" A cold hum came from Lang Lang. I saw a wave of Xuanli. Tuxingsun, the leader of tuxuan hall, and Shiri Cunqi, the leader of Lingshou hall, stepped back. Then their faces changed a few times in a flash, and they began to withdraw their momentum.

"It's unforgivable to pursue and kill people from the same family. After the war, the friendship and discipline hall, the law enforcement hall and the second Hall jointly dealt with it. As for younger martial brother Shi, this is the only time. If not, do you have any objection? " Zhen Youcai, the deputy leader of Tianyun sect and the head of Yushu hall, looks very cold. He looks around at all the people who are in charge of the hall. Finally, his eyes fall on tuxingsun and shinichun."What elder martial brother taught me is that younger martial brother is reckless!" The spirit beast hall master lowered his head and gently clasped his fist at Zhen Youcai's position.

"Keke, I have no way to discipline my disciples. I almost made a big mistake. My tuxuan hall is willing to be punished. You have to worry, elder martial brother! " Tu xingsun, the leader of Tu Xuan hall, looks embarrassed and salutes Zhen Youcai in the distance. Tuxingsun, who was just rebellious and unyielding, was extremely sincere in front of Zhen Youcai, as if he had great respect and admiration for the elegant middle-aged man.

"That being the case, let it go!" Zhen Youcai throws his sleeve and sits down slowly again. The nine elders of the nine halls of the inner doors on both sides closed their eyes, and they didn't seem to see the scene at all.

"Cough, next, who will challenge?" Steward hall Liu old eyes disease hand fast, quickly stood up and said.

All of a sudden, the attention of the disciples of each family shifted one after another, and all of them looked forward to the battle platform.

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On the platform, Tu Xuan's face was also very ugly. After all, he was eager to step down and broke the rules of competition. If I have just succeeded, I'm afraid the end will be extremely tragic. After all, the rules and regulations of tianyunzong are very strict and harsh. If they break the rules, they will be punished accordingly. If this really falls on the charge of injuring a fellow, I'm afraid that I will be directly abolished by the people of the law enforcement hall.

"I, I want to challenge Liu Wuchen, the chief disciple of the miscellaneous Service Hall..." seeing that everyone's eyes are looking at themselves, xuantu looks unnaturally around. Immediately, xuantu saw no trace standing under the stage with his negative hand. He was so eager that he cried out.

"Ha ha, challenge me? OK, OK, I'll take you to practice first! " After listening to xuantu's shouting, Wuhen burst out laughing on the spot. I just watched it all the time, and I didn't get a chance to do it. No trace in the heart already couldn't restrain, wish someone could fight with it.

Now, xuantu went to a doctor in disorder when he was ill. He even called his name directly in a panic. This makes the heart of no trace immediately happy to bloom, and then rush to the platform. It looked as if it had been hungry and thirsty for a long time, for fear that the dark earth on the platform would repent and run away.

"Er..." around the platform, on the 18th square. The disciples and elders of each family, after seeing the jubilant reaction of no trace. All of them could not help swallowing their saliva and casting strange eyes at the dark earth above the platform< br>

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