Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 337: 337

"Brush!" On the 18th square, all the disciples of each family were concentrating on the platform. In particular, the disciples of the five elements hall cheered with great excitement when they saw huonv Shengyin release her power in the field. On the other hand, a group of disciples of the alliance hall, such as the factotum hall, the houfang hall, and the puppet hall, were all worried in their eyes, and gave a cold sweat to the no trace on the stage.

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"Ha ha, it can kill the fire in Sheng Yin's body. The essence of the fire in Sheng Yin's body must be excellent. Moreover, he can be called a monster in his attainments of huoxuan power. If he can practice in our huoxuan hall, we will be proud of the whole outer door! " Su Xin, the leader of huoxuan hall dressed in red, looks at the blazing fire on the platform.

"Cough, you'd better worry about your precious apprentice!" Tu xingsun, the leader of Tu Xuan hall, coughed twice, obviously dissatisfied with his wife's optimistic attitude towards Wu trace.

"Hum, I blame others for being excellent! You deserve to die for being inferior to others! " Su Xinran, the leader of huoxuan hall, is not polite. He turns his eyes to Tu xingsun, the leader of Tu Xuan hall.

"Er..." hearing the words, Tu xingsun, the leader of tuxuan hall, was obviously choked for a while, and scratched his head with an extremely speechless look. Obviously, this is not the first time that we have found this situation. The elders and the leader of each church are not surprised, and no one cares.

Only some disciples outside the entrance of the five elements hall went out to be curious and secretly looked at the two hall masters from time to time.

"Click!" Another loud and clear sound came, and the whip in huonv Shengyin's hand trembled again. This time, it was not just a blow, but a long whip, like a light and melodious line of fire, beating repeatedly in the void.

In the void, the resplendent fireworks floating in the sky turn into streamers, sending out the breath of terrible flame, hovering and pressing toward the opposite traceless world.

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"Go Looking at the dense sparkle streamer in front of no trace, the whole body unconsciously stepped back a few steps. The purple and golden Thunder Dragon on his body was a big mouth, and his whole body flew out of the body with a jump along his arms.

"Ouch!" There was a sound of dragon singing, and countless flashes of thunder and lightning broke out on the platform. The terrible lightning flashed across the platform, and the accurate and incomparable split will be on the bright fireworks.

For a moment, the bright fireworks burst out wantonly, and the power of thunder and lightning filled out. On such a big platform, he was swallowed by thunder and flame in an instant, just like a horrible scene of human purgatory.

"Whoosh."“ Whoosh. "“ Whoosh. " Under the blockade of the power of thunder and lightning, there are still some brilliant fireworks that contain the power of the field. These bright fireworks quickly gathered in a line, burning the burning momentum of the flame toward the traceless body.

On the other side, countless thunder and lightning power split most of the bright fireworks and quickly turned into Thunder Dragon shadow again. The Thunder Dragon's long body suddenly shakes, and then flies to the burning woman Shengyin's body.



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There were two earth shaking roars from the burning air and the power of thunder and lightning. The power of fire and thunder and lightning interweaved in one place, so that most of the disciples could not see the situation on the stage immediately.

"Hum!" A loud sword, without warning, resounded on the platform. Then, I saw a series of swords rising from the sky. In a flash, I strangled all the terrible flames on one side of the platform.

A green shadow stands aloof, and countless swords rush out of the shadow. The continuous meaning of the sword is combined with the mysterious force of the five elements released from the body of the green shadow. In an instant, it forms a new and surging force.

"Ha ha, this temperament is really hot, but it seems almost strong!" No trace stands on one side of the battle platform with pride. On the purple gold armor, there is a Thunder Dragon shadow again. The sword spirit of the whole body is released continuously. It melts with the power of the five elements in the body and is protected by the power of the transparent guarding field.

"Hey, no trace boy, this little pepper is not your dish!" Demon zunhuoxiao voice contains a bad smile, in the mind with no trace youyou joking.

"Damn, elder martial brother Wuchen has realized the power of the field!"

"Wow, isn't this, isn't this all attribute evil genius?"

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"Well, there's a sense of sword. This guy is not human after all!"

"Keke, it's not all attributes. You can see that he still has the power of thunder and lightning!"

"Oh, my God, seven attributes in one, this guy is not the reincarnation of the ancient great power!"

"Oh, it's over. This guy is so abnormal. I'm afraid elder martial sister Shengyin can't return to heaven!"Around the platform, all the disciples of each family were in an uproar. In particular, the disciples in the mouth of the five elements hall were even more apathetic at this time. On the other hand, in the alliance Tangkou team, all the Tangkou disciples were in high spirits. Facing the eyes of the five elements Tangkou disciples, all of them unconsciously straightened their waists.

Not only the disciples of each family were shocked, but also the elders of each family were shocked and speechless on the spot.

The head of each hall had a better look, but they looked at each other and saw a touch of joy and excitement from each other's eyes.

"Brush!" Eighteen square, a secluded square. The nine elder level masters in the inner gate of the ninth hall all open their eyes at the same time. The eyes of the nine men and eighteen Taoist priests flickered like a torch, and they all focused their eyes on the majestic traceless body on the platform.

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The eyes were very hot, and there was no intention to hide. As if not only to see through the traceless, but also want to eat it on the spot.

"Ha ha, it's a waste to have such a child outside the gate!"

"It's true. Although his cultivation is shallow, he is absolutely qualified to enter my temple!"

"Master Zhen, this meeting is over. Why don't you let him come to my inner door to practice?"

In the quiet square array, there were three inner door elders at once. The other six inner door elders also looked forward to Zhen Youcai.

"Ha ha, please don't worry. My father has passed down the edict that this son will come to practice in my pre art hall in the near future. You can enter the inner gate and choose the temple to practice martial arts only after you have reached the realm of infant soul! " Zhen Youcai, who is very handsome and has extraordinary bearing, seems to have expected the reaction of the inner door elders. Immediately, then see its tiny smile, to around nine inside door elder light voice explanation way.

"Brush!" Smell speech, in the eyes of nine elders of inner door at the same time flash a touch of amazement before, then quickly recover as usual. After they met each other, they all laughed and stopped arguing with Zhen Youcai. But all show a helpless color, quietly again toward the direction of the battlefield and look up< br>

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