Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 347: 347

Boom, boom

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The roar of terror is endless, and the whole fantasy space is full of the power of ice. The frightful breath of ice and cold spread wantonly, and turned this world into a world of ice and snow in a flash.

The terrible shadow of black ice and blue birds began to diminish and dissipate. The dazzling blue light curtain has completely condensed into the ice waterfall.

As the body of the last black ice Bluebird dissipates, the violent world finally tends to be quiet and stable. The aftershocks of the frigid air are still wantonly flowing everywhere, and the earth and the earth tremble for the violent turbulence again and again.

"Cough, should it be done?" A burst of rapid light cough came out, and the strange blue light from the eagle's eyes in the air gradually dissipated. And the whole face of Hawk Eye also began to become extremely pale, faltering slowly and falling on the ground below.

"Chirp!" A clear cry appeared, and a bright blue shadow flashed out of the eagle's eye. A black ice Bluebird, with a huge body, a blue body and a terrible chill, suddenly appeared in front of the hawk's eye and protected his whole body behind him.

"Suddenly A strange cold wind seemed to fall from the sky and blow on the blue light curtain. The blue light curtain, which had been completely transformed into icicles, trembled in vain, and the cracks that were clearly visible spread from the blue light pillars in a flash.

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Click, click

With the sound of cracking, the fine lines on the blue light column spread more and more. Just in the blink of an eye, the whole horrible blue light column connecting the sky and the earth turned into pieces of broken ice, and clearly turned into pieces, falling wantonly and scattering all over the ground.

"Ha ha, are you dead?" See the blue light column broken and dissipated, in front of the eagle eye behind the black ice Bluebird, there is a flash of blue light. Eagle eyes full of excitement, staring at the light column, a mistake is good.

"Poof!" The terrible cold air gradually dissipated and drifted away, and the aftereffects of the cold also spread to the surrounding world. And the scene inside the ice light column is gradually clear, and a huge strange virtual shadow is gradually reflected into the eagle's eyes.

"Why, what the hell is this! Liu Wuchen, where's that guy? " Seeing the huge virtual shadow flashing from the inside of the ice mask, the eagle's eyes were full of doubts. Immediately, the Xuanli breath of water in the eagle's eye was aroused again, and the blood color appeared in the blue eyes of the right eye.

"Chirp!" In front of the hawk's eyes, the black ice Bluebird, whose body was lying down, suddenly burst up. The blue wings, full of the power of ice, kept flashing and roaring in horror at the huge figure not far ahead.

"Sa Sa..." a very strange sound of huff and puff came out from the end of the cold fog. Then, a hustle and bustle with the ground friction sound, quietly spread throughout the whole ice covered in this side of the world.

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"Keke, little earthworm, the boy without trace has got this guy out!" A burst of dry light cough, from the demon zunhuoxiao mouth. Demon zunhuoxiao looks at the huge figure which is gradually clear and clear, and a bitter smile appears on the fiery red face.

"Sa Sa!" Another strange huff and puff came, and the huge virtual shadow finally showed its true face. Purple Gold huge body, abdomen with three claws. In addition, each claw is completely different. Coupled with its unique triangular head, its appearance and posture are exactly the same as that of the little earth dragon.

"Keke, you are so merciless! Just now, if it wasn't for the little earthworm coming out in time, I'm afraid you would have killed me! " A fierce cough came from the head of the huge virtual figure.

I saw a very embarrassed figure standing above the head of the little earthworm. This figure, at the moment, all over the body has no place in good condition, the whole person seems to climb out of the pool of blood. The whole body is still covered with cold frost, which perfectly presents countless small scars all over the body.

"Hum, this ugly snake is your boy's soul! In that case, I will leave you in my dreamland space together! " The eagle's eyes gave a cold hum, and the air of the mysterious power of water left in his body burst out in an instant. Blue shadows reappeared out of thin air, and in a flash, they turned into blue ice, and bluebirds appeared in the air.

Chirp, chirp, chirp

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A burst of cheerful and loud birdsong came, and the black ice birds in the void quickly turned into streamers. The cold ice vaporizes into a terrible ice storm, whistling and sweeping away towards the body of the little earth dragon.

"Brush!" In a twinkling, the blue light came up, the dark ice and the virtual shadow of the blue bird turned into a terrible arrow again, flying down with the power of ice, completely enveloping the huge body of the little earth dragon.Click, click

There was a terrible explosion, which broke off all over the little earthworm. The power of the cold ice spreads quickly, freezing the whole package of the little earthworm.

"Brush!" Seeing that the blue awn of the dark ice blue bird is about to devour the figure of the little earth dragon, the two lights in the eyes of the dark ice blue bird's soul, who is entrenched in the rear, flicker in vain.

"Whoosh!" A strong wind whistling, black ice Bluebird wings together to fly up. A strong wind blows on my face, and the power of terrible ice rises in a flash. The black ice green bird's eyes flashed with endless cold, and one of them fiercely hit the frozen little earthworm.

"Bang!" A fierce muffled sound rang out, and a road of ice fragments scattered on the ground. And with the scattered ice fragments, the frozen body of the small earthworm is strange flowing out of the purple and gold undercurrent.

Obviously, if it wasn't for the strange purple gold undercurrent, just this blow would be enough to smash the body of the little earth dragon.

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"Chirp!" Seeing that the little earthworm was safe and sound, he had already chased the black ice in front of the little earthworm. A fierce color flashed in the eyes of the green bird. The endless chill waves along the wings of the black ice green bird, and the sharp long beak of the black ice green bird goes to the head of the little earth dragon with a vicious sting.

"Hey, little earthworm, give this guy some color to see!" Standing on the head of the little earthworm, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Eyes like a torch staring at the flying black ice bird, whispered to the little earth dragon.

"Sa Sa!" The little earthworm shook his head hard and spat out the blood red core in his mouth. Then, the first claw on the abdomen of the little earthworm flashed in vain.

The black ice green bird, who has already galloped to the place close to the little earth dragon, trembles and is covered in the sky by a heavy earth awn.

Not only that, but also a gray fog filled with thick earth. The blue black ice Bluebird had no resistance, and gradually began to turn gray and fell rapidly.

"Plop." A dull sound, resounding in this strange world. The thick ice and snow between the heaven and the earth all dissipated and melted rapidly at this time. At this time, the black ice Bluebird falling on the ground has been completely wrapped by the gravity of the earth, and at the same time, its body shape has evolved into a gray color.

Xiaodi longan is full of disdain. It's just a strike skill. The just outstanding black ice Bluebird was immediately concentrated by the delayed martial arts, and petrified by the gray fog on the spot

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