Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 349: 349

"Suddenly A gust of wind slowly blowing, no trace on the platform, face calmly, hands and stand. All the disciples around the audience were silent, and all their eyes fell into the square array of Jinzhi xuantangkou.

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"Eagle eye!" Jin Peng's cold face moved slightly, turned his eyes, and the trembling hawk eyes beside him spoke softly.

"Peng elder brother..." eagle eyes full of guilt, once again raised his eyes to look at Jin Peng.

"You let me down!" Jin Peng glanced coldly at the eagle's eyes, raised his legs and stepped forward, but he did not turn back and ran to the battlefield.

"I..." the eagle's eyes were in the same place, and his eyes were full of fearless color. Looking at Jin Peng's back, he stopped talking for a moment.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

A steady sound of footsteps sounded, cold reverberated in the eighteen square. All the disciples of each family watched Jin Peng's back and saw him step into the battle platform.

With Jin Peng on the platform, there was a piercing roar in vain. Countless golden lights suddenly appear in vain, reflecting the whole person of Jinpeng.

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For a moment, the Jin Xuanli contained in the platform made a piercing roar. Jin Peng seems to be the master of Jin Xuanli's Qi. He stares at Wu trace with arrogance and contempt.

"Miscellaneous service hall, Liu Wuchen!" With a faint smile, Wu trace gently hugged Jin Peng. Then, the five colors of Xuanli's Qi surged from Wuchen's body and separated all the Jinzhi Xuanli which contained the intention of terror and killing.

"Jin Zhi Xuan Tang, Jin Peng!" Jin Peng gave a cold smile, but he didn't return the salute. Just with the corner of the eye light swept under no trace, the corner of the mouth will be a look of disdain.

"Ha ha, Jin Peng, what a good name!" No trace did not get angry because of Jinpeng's contempt. Instead, he recited Jinpeng's name and began to recite it gently.

"Hehe, what's a good way?" Jin Peng's face was full of pride, staring at the mysterious traceless cold voice.

"Haha, what a vulgar name, what a good name!" No trace a face bad smile, looking at Jinpeng serious way back.

"Wow When this remark came out, there was a dead silence on the 18th square. The disciples of each family trembled in their hearts, and all of them were in a cold sweat for the no trace on the stage.

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"Ha ha, boy, your success angered me. Next, I promise you will die miserably! " The muscles on Jin Peng's face twitched, and his face became extremely gloomy. Jin Peng looks at Wu trace and shows a bloody smile. The Qi of Jin Xuanli rises rapidly.

"Hum!" The golden awns rose in all directions and turned into terrible golden streamers. It radiates the power of Xiao's sharp weapon, and directly invades Wuchen's whole body.

"Ha ha, people who have just stepped on the stage have said such big words as you just said!" No trace seems to warn Jin Peng, and it seems to be murmuring to himself. Then, I saw the five colors of Xuanli's Qi and the sword's meaning perfectly integrated in one place, and the power mask of guarding the field turned into an invisible guard around Wuchen's body.

Boom, boom, boom

Innumerable golden lights suddenly appeared, and the fierce air of Xiao Sha came. The power of guarding the field, the light mask is shining, and it blocks all the golden light out of the light mask in the blink of an eye.

"Hum!" All over the sky, the golden light suddenly appeared, and a fierce wind burst up. Only Jin Peng's hand in vain out of a glittering horror of such a golden gun, the gun slightly shudder, even vaguely accompanied by the majestic sound of the dragon.

"Eh, what a fierce blade!" No trace in the field of protection, looking at the golden long gun that the golden Miscanthus gathered away, is a surprise. No trace waist tied with a silver sword, suddenly a shake, even self fantasy and fall in the no trace side.

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"Ouch!" There was another deafening cry, and a sharp roar spread all over the eighteen square in a flash.

I saw the golden awns slowly gathered in one place, and all the mysterious Qi of gold on the platform was mobilized. A dreamlike virtual shadow of pengniao, waving its wings, slowly condenses and appears behind Jinpeng.

"Oh, this, this is the golden winged ROC bird of the orc king family!" A rough and crazy voice reverberates among Turks in traceless mind.

On the platform, without a trace, he held the silver sword in his hand, and the purple and gold undercurrent surged out. The light in the cold eyes kept flashing, full of fighting spirit, and stood on the edge of the platform.

"Roar!" With an angry roar, Jin Xuanli's spirit of Xiaosha burst out from the golden winged Mirs.

The boundless Xuanli of gold is dazzling. It turns into a golden awn like lightning, and then it comes out from the mouth of the golden winged Mirs.

"Boom!" A series of terrible blasts resounded between heaven and earth. The terrible spirit of Jin Zhixuan's power is like an invincible weapon. It bombards Wuchen's power mask in front of him."Wow!" A sense of terrible turbulence surged in, and no trace in the light shield of the guardian area was affected by this violent offensive. Then, the power of the five elements on the mask of the power of guarding the field gradually weakened. The mask in the original transparent form gradually turned into a five color light, and a dense and subtle cracks came into the eyes of the disciples of each hall.

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"Ha ha, boy, you are proud of being able to block the sound of my golden winged Mirs! But next, I'm afraid you won't be so lucky! " On Jin Peng's cold face, bloody smile means more. The golden spear in his hand trembled in vain, and a gun awn of terror came in a flash.

"Boom!" No hesitation, no half of the mercy. At the moment when the golden spear ran out of the body of the golden spear, it quickly turned into several virtual shadows of the Golden Dragon.

The terrible intention of killing with a golden gun turns into several false shadows of the Golden Dragon. However, the virtual shadow of the Golden Dragon rises up and rushes away madly towards the original position where the cracks originally appeared.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

The sounds of dragon chants rise and fall. With the last crazy impact of the virtual shadow of the golden dragon, the power of guarding the field in front of Wu Chen's body is finally unbearable. Under the golden light, Qi Qi turned into the light of five colors, wantonly dissipated on the platform covered by the golden light.

"Brush!" Under the platform, Qi Shushu, a disciple of each family, stood up and looked at the power of guarding the field. Even the elder level strong men at the mouth of each hall clenched their fists and breathed saliva at the moment, pinching a cold sweat for the bare upper body shape of the battle platform

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