Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 361: 361

"Suddenly A cold wind blew, and the noise and dust on the ground gradually disappeared. The mask of the power of guarding the field slowly retreats, and Wu trace and Zhen Bucai look at each other face to face. Standing in the same place, the entrance of the maze around them is dead again, and the atmosphere on the spot begins to become inexplicable and embarrassed.

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"Cough, I said, little fat man, how do you know that if you follow me, you will come back with a full load?" No trace light cough two, have no words to look for words to face Zhen not just ask a way.

"Hey, no trace boss, you are the first person in Tianyun sect. With you, my safety will be guaranteed. If you are in this secret situation, you will not even be able to use the no trace boss. Then I'll sacrifice Wanli Chuanyun Fu for the first time. I'll go back to the zongmen first, and then I'll make a long-term plan after reporting the news! " Small fat Zhen not just a face wretched smile, to no trace repeatedly nodded to answer a way.

"Damn, you boy, why don't you just say it's dangerous? If you have a baby, you have to go! I can beat you, but you can't slip... "No trace rolled his eyes and said to the little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Haha, no trace boss, you are good at everything, but you are too straightforward!" Small fat Zhen not just burst out laughing, did not have the slightest bit embarrassed. On the one hand, he waved to traceless, and on the other hand, he looked into the huge maze slowly.

"Brush!" No trace met Cai Mi not into the little fat man, also feel powerless, a burst of speechless. But fortunately, the little fat man has always been friendly to himself, and it's a big help to wander in the secret world with him. Then, no trace followed the little fat man's eyes and looked into the huge labyrinth. The mighty and surging power of prohibition came out from the huge labyrinth.

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"Little fat man, let's go in and have a look!" The essence in traceless eyes is flickering continuously, and the voice is lowered to say to the little fat Zhen Youcai beside him.

"No trace boss, there is something I believe you will be interested in!" Small fat Zhen not just did not directly answer the question of no trace, but turned his face to look straight no trace said.

"Ha ha, it's rare that you have such a serious side. Whatever you do, just say it!" No trace light a smile, see to Zhen not just again soft voice speech way.

"Ha ha, no trace master, there was an outstanding disciple named Yanyu Pingsheng in my pre surgery hall." Said here, the little fat Zhen not just also deliberately pause. And no trace in hear misty rain life of a moment, the whole person smile face instantly will be very positive. Seeing this, little fat Zhen Bu Cai nodded with a smile and continued to speak to Wu trace in a soft voice: "Yanyu is a gifted disciple of my pre art hall, who is rare in a hundred years, and also my cheap father's brother. At that time, the two of them took part in the practice of zongmen secret environment on behalf of our pre surgery hall. And the two of them also successfully broke through the huge labyrinth and entered the interior of the Star Palace. However, it was too dangerous inside the palace. In the end, the two of them had to get out injured. "

"But even so, they also brought back a lot of Gongfa classics and some unknown Tiancai and Dibao for tianyunzong."

"My cheap father and Yanyu lived together, and they came back to zongmen. He immediately got the attention of the sect, and was directly selected as the designated disciple of the inner gate by the inner gate holy nine hall. "

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"But I don't know why. Just the night before Yanyu was about to enter the inner gate temple to practice, there was a sudden change! " The little fat man said here, and his voice stopped again. Eyes a strength of stare at no trace complexion Yin and Qing change, seem to be considering the next words also don't say.

"Well, Yanyu has been my teacher all his life. His business is mine. If you have any scruples, don't talk about it. But as long as I'm still alive, I'll make a thorough investigation of him! I don't care what happened. If someone dares to harm master Yanyu on purpose, even if he is the leader of your father's pre art hall, I will come to the door to ask for justice in person! " Traceless cold hum a, swept an eye, the face of the small fat Zhen not just cold said.

"Cough, no trace boss, you misunderstood! My cheap father and martial uncle Yanyu are brothers and sisters. How can they harm martial uncle Yanyu? " Small fat Zhen not just felt the anger of traceless heart, quickly shook his head and waved his hand to explain. But no trace on the other side is still calm and silent, quietly looking at the little fat Zhen Bucai, waiting for the words behind him.

"Well, forget it, I'd better tell you what I know!" See traceless attitude is extremely tough, small fat Zhen not just had to helplessly sigh. Later, Zhen Bu Cai secretly looked around and confirmed that there was no one around. Then he slowly said, "on the eve of entering the inner gate temple, martial uncle Yanyu was attacked in vain. And the other side seems to suspect that in the hands of martial uncle Yanyu, there is a treasure from the secret realm that has not been handed over to the sect. Then he intruded into martial uncle Yanyu's room and wanted to forcibly perform the soul searching skill... "

"What? Soul searching Smell speech, no trace instant burst into a rage, the whole person's body shape unconsciously slightly tremble.

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As a warrior, the spirit is extremely fragile. Unless there is a special code for cultivating the spirit, it will make one's own spirit stronger than others. However, if you are forced to perform soul searching, you will become an idiot even if you are not dead."Yes, it's soul searching. Fortunately, my grandfather arrived in time, that is, Zhen Shengcai, the head of the pre skill hall. My grandfather forced his hand to save martial uncle Yanyu. However, when his grandfather pursued the murderer, he was besieged by several people in black. And when his grandfather got rid of his opponent, the man who forced the soul search had already disappeared and fled! "

"Although martial uncle Yanyu was saved, his spirit was still injured. That's why his cultivation in this life can't be refined again, and his cultivation in his whole life stays in the cultivation level of Dan soul state... "Little fat Zhen Bucai's voice is getting weaker and weaker, and he obviously sympathizes with Yanyu's life experience. What's more, Yanyu was a gifted child of the pre art hall in his life. He was forced to search his soul and was abandoned. This is a shame for the pre surgery hall, and it has become an absolutely taboo topic in the pre surgery hall.

"Then what happened?" Traceless face is extremely ugly. When you hear that Yanyu has been murdered in his life, he is even more murderous. The temperature in the surrounding air is in vain cold a lot, the harm of the little fat Zhen not just unconsciously hit a shiver.

"Well, later, martial uncle Yanyu left a letter and left without saying goodbye! My grandfather and my cheap father once sent people down the mountain to inquire about it, but it's not easy to find someone who's anonymous

"So when you came to zongmen with the keepsake of martial uncle Yanyu, my father would like to recognize you on the spot! However, what happened in those years was very strange. My father and grandfather suspected that there were people in our family who communicated with foreign enemies, so they didn't dare to recognize you. I'm afraid that someone with a heart will find out, and I'll do harm to you, elder martial brother no trace! " The little fat man Zhen Bucai's face was very dignified, and said solemnly every word to Wuhen.

"In that case, is there any cable now?" Traceless voice is still cold, swept an eye, small fat Zhen not just don't have good spirit of ask a way.

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"Cough, there should be some clues. However, I did not inquire into it in detail. If there's a chance, let's try to practice the secret scene, and let my cheap dad make it clear to you face to face! " Small fat Zhen not just a face embarrassment, scratched to scratch a head to hope to have no trace to beg for mercy to say.

"Ha ha, in that case, I will trust you for a while! When you get out of the secret situation, I'll go to the pre art hall with you! " Traceless calm face finally showed a smile, gently patted the little fat Zhen not just on the shoulder.

"Hoo After hearing the words of no trace, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, felt relieved as if he had been released again. The whole person's chubby body was loose in vain, and his fat body trembled on the spot.

"Ha ha, is it really worth the soul searching skill for a disciple of Dan's soul realm? And there are mysterious people blocking it. It sounds like a premeditation! " One side, the demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow slightly trembles, a face of meditation in the heart secretly calculate up< br>

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