Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 372: 372

On the silent corridor, the tranquility of Qi was restored again. At the end of the corridor, the simple wooden door trembled slightly in the eyes of the public.

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"Haha, traceless boy, it turns out that this thing is not completely constructed by magic, but also evolved from the spirit of martial arts!" Demon respect fire Xiao empty shadow full with smile, in front of the side of no trace softly remind way.

"Ha ha, you have to say that!" The light in Wu Chen's eyes flashed, and the silver sword in his hand suddenly moved forward from the bottom to the top.

"Brush!" A glittering silver flash passed, and in a flash, it was smashed on the wooden door with a simple atmosphere.

Click, click

No trace of a sword hit, the ancient wooden door did not rebound its offensive. Vaguely, all they heard was strange sounds of fragmentation. The space in front of the ancient wooden door was cracked out of thin air. In an instant, it turned into pieces of transparent fragments scattered all over the ground.

With the strange fragments scattered all over the ground, the simple atmosphere on the simple wooden door was strangely swept away. The wooden door trembled violently and turned into a thick cypress shadow in an instant.

"Ha ha, it was covered with magic weapons. No wonder we didn't notice the breath of the spirit of cypress wood before!" In the rear, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, looks at the fragments of magic tools scattered on the ground, and the whole person is instantly clear. At this time, the spring, summer and autumn three little also shocked incomparably, hurriedly and unconsciously will be still in the recovery state of winter little to guard in a few people's body.

"Brush!" At the end of the corridor, the spirit of cypress wood turned in vain. Behind the thick tree pole, dozens of young men and women in extraordinary clothes appeared. Among these ten people, there is another one with bright red blood on the corner of his mouth. His breath is extremely weak and he is sitting on the ground. It is obvious that this guy is the unknown warrior who has just been killed by the head runner and has completely damaged the foundation.

"Damn, second prince Ji Yun?"

"Well, his grandmother's is from Dazhou college and the four families of Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao and Li!"

"Ha ha, these guys can't bear it at last. They are going to attack us!"

Spring, summer, autumn, three Shao's complexion was uncertain, and his eyes were fixed on the line that flashed out from the opposite side. Several ten people yelled angrily.

Among the dozens of people, the first young man in a golden robe embroidered with eight flying dragons is staring at Wu trace with astonishment.

On both sides of the young man's side, dozens of figures stepped out, all of them standing in front of the young man. Qi Qi released the momentum of his whole body and locked the no trace on the spot.

"Liu Wuchen, are you still alive?" The young man in the embroidered Dragon Robe, with a ferocious look on his face, drinks to the cruel cold voice.

"Ha ha, your highness, when did you go blind! Young master, I stand in front of you alive and ask me such an idiotic question Traceless face show the color of irony, to the second prince Ji Yun cold smile. The momentum of the whole body slowly released, and one person faced dozens of Dan soul state alone. In the later cultivation state, the strong one had no fear of the momentum.

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"Ha ha, sharp teeth, the prince will let you die again!" Ji Yun laugh extremely rampant arrogant, application proud of a finger without trace. The gesture was like the most ministers of a king, and an invisible imperial spirit spread out without any cover up.

As soon as the imperial power came out, dozens of young people on both sides trembled unconsciously. There was a kind of inexplicable fear in everyone's eyes, as if Ji Yun was their irresistible monarch now.

"Brush!" The eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill has been running quietly, and the air of chaos in Wuchen's body lingers all over the body. Ji Yun's imperial power is crushing and pounding on Wu Chen's body, while Wu Chen stands still and indifferent.

"Hum, even if you can resist my imperial formula, your highness can't keep you!" Ji Yun snorted coldly, and the imperial power around him slowly withdrew to his body. Then, Ji Yun gave a look to the people around him, and five figures leaped out.

"Hehe, who are you?" Traceless cold smile, staring at the opposite step out of the five people, full of doubt. When I was at Dazhou college, some gifted children had some understanding of it. But the five people who appeared in front of him at the moment had no impression at all.

"Ha ha, you are not qualified to know who we are. You are a mole ant. I can stab you to death with one finger! " Among the five, one of them gave a cold smile. The whole body is full of wood and air, and a huge cypress tree shadow is suddenly reflected in everyone's eyes.

At the same time, the other four also all flashed together. For a moment, the air of wind, earth, fire, water and four mysterious forces rose up and ignited the silent corridor again."Boss, they are members of the four major families, Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao, and the leading ones are members of the Wu family in Wucheng. These guys are the later cultivation realm of Dan's soul realm, and they are all the core disciples of Dazhou college! " Behind, spring less a very cry, for fear of no trace suffer losses, general repeatedly remind way.

"Hehe, four families of gifted children, so what?" The corners of Wu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint evil smile. Then Wu Chen set his eyes on the body of the young man who released the spirit of cypress in the center. His face suddenly became more strange, and he said: "I didn't expect that there were people from other martial families in Wucheng. Wu Yi, the tutor of Wu Cheng college, and I have known each other for a long time! "

"Brush!" At the same time, the four figures, which contain the air of wind, earth, fire, water and four kinds of mysterious forces, have flashed out from the front, back, left and right respectively, and have firmly locked the no trace above the central position.

The four men and four strands of Dan's soul state were under the pressure of Xuanli's later cultivation, and the four strands of Xuanli's Qi bombarded the traceless body at the same time.

"Whoosh!" Only to see the rest of a young man jumped up, all of a sudden will be rushed to no trace of the top of the head. The thick and huge spirit of cypress wood whirled down and suppressed the traceless head fiercely.

"Boom!" A series of heavy dull sound, clear and loud reverberate on the silent corridor. The atmosphere, the earth, the fire, and the water are full of mysterious force, and all of a sudden, it engulfs the whole person's body.

"Brush!" In the sky, there was a loud buzzing sound, and the spirit of cypress suddenly turned into a huge wooden prison. It came down from the sky, and the origin of the explosion of four kinds of mysterious forces was firmly confined on the spot


"No trace boss!"

"Damn it, it's over!"

Spring, summer and autumn three Shao's face was as gray as death, staring at the traceless, who had been wrapped by all kinds of Xuanli's Qi. But in front of them, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, exudes a kind of invisible momentum and pressure. He forbids all three of them and the three beasts on one side.

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"Boom!" With the strong suppression of cypress spirits, dust, fire and water splashed from Turks on the silent corridor, and gusts of strong wind rose.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Four figures flickered one side, four young men with disdain swept their eyes in the smoke filled field. And a wooden prison slowly came into everyone's eyes. Another tough young man was fighting steadily on the prison at this time, looking at the prison with fierce eyes and disdain.

"Ha ha, that's it?"

"Ha ha, I thought this guy had great ability!"

"Well, it's really boring not to give me a chance to do it!"

"Hehe, your highness, it seems that you are over worried!"

On both sides of the second prince Ji Yun's side, a group of young men and women were smiling. All of you talk to each other, and the words are full of praise for the second prince Ji Yun.

"Ha ha, maybe I'm really oversensitive! At that time, he was just cultivating in the spirit realm, and he was not lucky enough to escape. It's only been more than a year. No matter how strong this guy is, how strong can he be! " The expression on the second prince Ji Yun's face was gradually relaxed, and he said with a low laugh.

"Cough..." just as everyone was relaxed and full of joy, there was a very untimely light cough,

The Turks floated out from the front prison.

"Brush!" All eyes flashed like a sword, and all of a sudden they focused on the place where the prison was.

In the wooden prison with a rustic atmosphere, the hot rising flames were all extinguished, and the surging cold water was all boiling. The wind was blowing everywhere, and the traceless and strong body was reflected in the eyes of the public.

"This, how can this happen?"

"Damn, it doesn't work!"

"What kind of cultivation realm is this guy?"

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"His grandmother's, this guy this flesh body how so strong!"

The four young people who were closest to the wooden prison were obviously flustered. The four figures galloped out again at the same time, and the attack of the four with their own martial spirit came out again.

"Hum!" The sound of the sword is loud and clear, and the whole person is as bright as a peerless sword. The continuous meaning of the sword comes out with satisfaction. It turns into a series of sharp silver swords, which spread around like a net. The endless swords suddenly splash and hit the wooden prison.

Poop, poop, poopA strange dull sound, in an instant, from all directions. The whole wooden prison was immediately engulfed by the terrible sword light.

"Ah A painful cry came from the young man at the top of the prison. Then, the young man's body swayed violently, and a mouthful of bright red blood sprayed out without warning.

Not only the entrance, the young man dressed in a faltering dress fell down. At his feet, the spirit of cypress turned into a broken shadow of an ancient tree, and escaped into the body of the young man.

"Ha ha, you are all too weak!" A mocking sound, if there is nothing, comes from the sword group.

Countless silver swords seemed to open their eyes and turned them into four powerful nets. They bombarded all the four young men who came from all directions and suppressed them on the spot.

Plop, plop

A series of dull sounds once again resounded through the sword shrouded regiment. With the slow retreat of the silver sword light, the terrible corridor restored the previous silence.

Gulu, Gulu

In the rear, the second prince Ji Yun was surrounded by a group of young men and women. At this time, all of them looked as if they were dead. Looking at the five faint figures lying on the ground, they all swallowed their saliva.

A blow, not even a blow. No trace just released the sword power, and immediately suppressed the five later cultivation warriors in Dan soul realm on the spot.

Although these five students are among the core students of Dazhou University, they are not in the top of the list. But he can destroy the five elixirs in one breath by the sword's will. This terrible fighting power is enough to make the rest of the core students of Dazhou college feel shivering.

"Damn, how fierce is the no trace boss?"

"Cough, the boss is the boss. It's really worse than us!"

"Damn, you dare to compare with the boss!"

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Spring, summer, autumn three little, all open mouth Leng on the spot, three people mercilessly wipe eyes, looking at the face indifferent no trace, as if never know no trace general consternation.

"Ha ha, how can you guys touch everything that Wuchen has experienced! Just be honest and don't move. Just don't make trouble for us! After you go out, you guys should practice well. Don't go out to cheat and insult the name of no trace boss again Small fat Zhen not just face bad smile, can't deny to three less shrug. Then, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, learns to be traceless and stands up with a negative hand. He begins to brainwash and educate the three young people.

"Suddenly A cold wind blew through the silent corridor, and all the people on the scene shivered unconsciously. Then, I saw no trace in the field suddenly move. The whole person stepped out of the battle group with a slow pace, looked at the second prince Ji Yun with a cool face and said: "ha ha, your highness, now the quality of your staff is obviously better than the original! Is it because his Highness the second prince is kind-hearted that all his subordinates are so weak? "

At the beginning, it was Ji Yun, the second prince, who led Wang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, to pursue Wuchen and others.

After that world war, Wang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, was also severely damaged by Yanyu's self explosion, and became a useless person to continue his practice illegally.

The rest of the Wang family fought for the position of the family and put Wang Feihu on top. As the second prince of the party, Ji Yun turned a deaf ear and let Wang Feihu, the king of Wu Cheng, die in the street.

Therefore, Wang Feihu and the people who followed Ji Yun, the second prince, became the absolute taboo topic in Chaoge city.

Today, no trace even has no taboo, frankly two Prince Ji Yun house heart benevolent. For the people who followed the second prince, there was no doubt that there was an invisible beating in their hearts.

"Well, I'm bewitching people. You guys, all of you. If anyone can kill this boy, he can make an exception to practice in the royal family of Dazhou after he goes back! " The second prince Ji Yun's face was livid and his eyes were cold. His voice was full of indignation and anger. He made a promise to the core students of Dazhou college nearby.

"Ha ha, your highness orders us to do what we have to do!"

"Hehe, if your Highness has orders, then we are not welcome!"

"Wow, if I can enter the royal family of Dazhou to practice, I will be able to break through the realm of infant soul!"

"Ha ha, I'm looking for wealth in danger. I'll fight together and kill this guy!"

"Shit, it's over. Go on, kill him!"

For a while, with the second prince Ji Yun's solemn promise, a group of core disciples, who are known as the gathering talents of Dazhou University, release their Xuanli cultivation momentum.The later cultivation momentum of dozens of Dan's soul state soared to the sky, and dozens of figures were wrapped with all kinds of Xuanli's Qi, just like dozens of flying fire streamers, and flew away one after another towards the no trace body standing on the corridor.... < br > the spirit state of Dan's soul state was full of vitality

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