Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 38: 38

The formless pressure gradually receded, and the huge ancient tree and vine prison stood empty in the wind and dust. The brawny man with the fierce-looking face sneered, and a burst of profound energy aura floated in the air.

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"Swish." A wave of majestic life force rippled in the air, and the huge ancient tree prison suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Hehe, how boring, truly boring! I thought that kid would have some ability, but I didn't think that he wouldn't even leave behind a treasure! " Two extremely cold and shining axes quietly appeared in the hands of the burly man. The burly man's face was full of pride as he looked at the puddles of blood on the ground. He raised his right hand and touched the ring on his left middle finger.

With a martial soul fused within it, it could imprison all living creatures. It corroded and melted the bodies of cultivators of the same realm and below. As for the treasures and scrolls on a martial artist's body, they were dead objects, and the prison wouldn't cause them any real harm! This was also the reason why the burly man complained about Wu Hen after finding nothing in the blood.

The fierce-looking burly man gently turned the two axes in his hands to the back. He seemed to be in a great mood. While stroking the small ring on his left middle finger, he swaggered towards the depths of the forest.

"Willow Style Nine Swords, Flowing Light dancing!" A majestic sword Qi suddenly burst out from the foot of the burly man.

Countless sword lights rose as a terrifying profound energy aura crazily swirled from the bottom to the top. A stifling killing intent filled the air, causing the color of the entire forest to change.

The fierce-looking burly man was stunned. His feet seemed to have been plastered with lead as they were firmly held in place by Xiao Sha's Sword Qi. With a thought, a pair of shining axes appeared behind the burly man's back. Two cold lights flashed, and the two axes cut off the sword beams at the big man's feet.

"Who is it? Get the hell out here!" The burly man leaped to the side, dodging the attack. His clothes were all cut open by the sword light. Streams of blood were dripping down from the wound, flowing out from the burly man's body.

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Suddenly …

A gust of cold wind blew recklessly, not a single sound could be heard in the empty forest. The burly man used all of his strength to probe with his soul consciousness, but he still couldn't find anything wrong. However, the faint pain from his body and the gradually dissipating sword qi were constantly reminding the burly man that there was indeed an expert in the shadows who was not weaker than him.

"Prison Technique!" Cold light flashed through the man's eyes, and the two axes in his hands once again turned into an invisible pressure. Soon after, there was a four-sided prison that was woven by an ancient tree's vine, trapping the burly man inside.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, come at me if you have the ability!" The corner of the burly man's mouth twitched as he sat down cross-legged in the prison.

A burst of profound energy aura rose, and the robust man in the prison acted as if there was no one around as he automatically circulated the profound energy in his body, beginning to recover from his injuries.

"Hiss hiss." A faint sound suddenly came from the bottom of the sturdy prison. The sturdy man sitting cross-legged in the cage slightly frowned, then continued cultivating as if nothing had happened.

"Willow Style Nine Swords, Lifesteal Kill Flying Ye Wandering."

Suddenly, an angry roar resounded through the forest. A terrifying sword qi burst out from the bottom of the burly man's body. Sword light filled the sky and exploded in the prison. A soft sword was as soft as flying leaves without any strength. It looked slow but was also incomparably fast. In the blink of an eye, he had already entered the dantian of the burly man.

"You …" The muscular man, who was sitting in the lotus position, spat out a mouthful of blood, and red blood spurted out from his dantian area on his chest. The originally exuberant life force was rapidly depleted, and the impenetrable ancient tree trunk also began to flicker and darken.

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The burly man widened his eyes as he struggled to raise his right hand and point forward. With a look of disbelief on his face, his body spasmed before falling to the ground.

A dull thud, followed by a cloud of dust. The terrifying pressure around them gradually dissipated in the air, and the flickering ancient tree vine prison vanished into thin air.

"Hmph. Killing you would simply be dirtying my sword!" A young, handsome, azure figure gently waved the flexible sword in his hand. A spot of cold light flashed in the air as a jade belt once again wrapped around the young man's waist.

"Hehe, quick, let's see what treasures this guy has on him!" A strange red light turned into a fiery red shadow and silently appeared beside the young man.

The fiery red shadow turned into a tall and sturdy man covered in red hair. He blinked his eyes as he stared at the dead burly man lying on the ground.

"Hehe, old demon, what use do you think I have for you? Every time a critical moment comes, you old boy, you slip away. Sometimes, you really can't compare to that little dragon! " Wu Hen rolled his eyes at Huo Xiao and spoke with contempt. As if he had heard Wu Hen's words, a bright red light appeared on Wu Hen's chest without any warning.

"Haha, let's see!" Old Demon, even the little Ground Dragon despises you, but you said that you failed to survive! " Wu Hen laughed out loud, and asked Demon Lord Huo Xiao with his lips pursed.

"Cough cough, if I'm not wrong, this guy has a great treasure on him!" "If you really do not care about it, then I will no longer bother to argue with you!" The Demon Lord, Huo Xiao, stood in the wind with his hands behind his back as he spoke.

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"Damn, old demon, why didn't you say so earlier?" Just based on our relationship, how could any of us be compared to this dog shit land dragon! " Wu Hen, who had a look of despise on his face, suddenly revealed a big smile upon hearing this. Subsequently, Wu Hen acted as if nothing had happened as he quickly rushed forward, using both his hands to unceremoniously search the corpse of the burly man.

A string of dissatisfaction escaped from Wu Hen's mouth. Wu Hen searched up and down the burly man's entire body, but he only managed to find some Demonic Beast Cores of the Initial Stage. As for the treasure mentioned by Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao, Wu Hen had not even seen it.

"Old demon, tell me the truth, are you trying to frame me? Isn't it? No? "Yes!" Wu Hen's face was filled with grief and indignation. He got up and started chattering non-stop to Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao who was beside him.

"Cough cough, Wu Hen brat, you truly have eyes that do not recognize jade inlaid gold! How can you not see such a great treasure in front of your eyes? " The Demon Lord, Huo Xiao, had an expression of disappointment on his face as he lightly pointed at the burly man's left hand.

"Eh, old demon, you actually mentioned it, this really has something to do with it!" Wu Hen grinned and moved to the side of the burly man. With a thought, a wave of profound energy separated the unremarkable ring on the middle finger of the muscular man's left hand from the muscular man's middle finger.

The translucent ring looked very normal as it lightly fell into Wu Hen's palm. A stream of spiritual sense entered into the ring, but there was no reaction from the ring. It just lay there quietly on Wu Hen's palm.

"Idiot, try dripping a drop of lifeblood essence onto it!" Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao helplessly shook his head and reminded Wu Hen in a low voice.

"Cough cough, well done!" Wu Hen had an awkward expression as he quickly used his profound energy to force out a drop of blood essence from his body. The bright red blood droplets emitted traces of golden light as it quietly dripped onto the little ring.

"Swish!" The moment the translucent ring came into contact with his lifeblood essence, it instantly burst forth with a dazzling white light. Soon after, the white light faded, and a new connection was formed between Wu Hen's heart and the ring.

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"Hehe, this thing is a storage ring, it is a grade higher than the storage bag on your waist! Furthermore, since this man values the ring so much, there must be a lot of good stuff inside! " Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's shadow floated over as he snickered in front of Wu Hen's ear.

"Gulp!" Wu Hen swallowed his saliva and stared at the mountain of shiny low grade mystical stones inside the storage ring. He was speechless.

"My god, we're rich this time!" Huo Xiao, who shared his thoughts with Wu Hen, immediately felt the mountainous pile of low-grade profound stones in his storage ring. Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao laughed and raised his eyebrows at Wu Hen.

"Pah! What do you mean by 'we'?! This thing is something that I bought!" Wu Hen pretended to be a rogue and put the transparent ring on his left pinky.

"Hehe, you can say whatever you want. As long as you are happy! Demon Lord, since I have a soul body, there's no use in having that thing. But don't forget how you ran out of low grade Profound Stones last time! " Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao had an evil smile on his face as he replied to Wu Hen lazily.

"Hehe, why not, why not, let that guy, Earth Dragon, steal it away!" Wu Hen had a bright smile on his face as he spoke carelessly. Soon after, Wu Hen suddenly came back to his senses. He stared at the bright ring on his left pinky and howled!

"F * ck, little dragon, save some f * cking for your father!" Tears streamed down Wu Hen's face as he knelt on the ground! The bright red light of the storage ring on his left pinky appeared and disappeared.

Within the storage ring, a little red figure was moving about happily. The little guy's bright red face was filled with excitement as he stared at the mountain of low-grade mystical stones in front of him. While hissing and hissing, he began to wildly nibble at the low-grade mystical stone in front of him!

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