Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 405: 405

Boom, boom

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In the blink of an eye, on the white fog shrouded star array, there is such a terrible mysterious force rising in every corner, and every minute and every second, the power of the star soldiers is dissipated.

Similarly, for the disciples of major forces, most of them were killed by successive star soldiers in this battle, and some of them were killed by the fury of the stars. But even so, the surviving disciples of the major sects still went crazy and went to kill the general.

Since Wu Chen and others entered the Star River array, it has been a long time. No trace and others had passed, but where the star soldiers dissipated, the white fog all retreated by itself, exposing the place where they were.

An hour's scene, the public directly kills, only feels exhausted, dark. The Xuanli Qi in each human body consumes a lot, and the Xinghe array has evolved from a complete array to a plate array under the crazy killing of the people.

Countless black-and-white star soldiers were killed, and the power of the stars was plundered by the disciples of various forces.

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Above the Star River array, located in the center of Tianyuan District, RI Shuai, wearing a flaming red robe, looks like a sea of fire.

As you can see, the eight moon generals in silver armor standing on the bright spots on both sides of the world all stepped out together.

In a flash, eight months will step out, and the Star River array full of murderous intentions will tremble in vain. The silver and white fog rose again, and the black and white star soldiers on the Star River array moved together. All of them looked grim, and they all moved towards eight months.

"Suddenly The vast silver mist gathered around in eight different directions. There is a moon general in silver armour standing on every position, and around the moon general, there are teams of star soldiers in black and white robes.

In the other half of the Star River array, the figures of the disciples of various forces have been completely exposed. All the disciples of the major forces stood at a certain distance on their own alert, looking at each other's casualties.

A group of Buddhists dressed up as Buddhists, the casualties are extremely small. In addition to at the beginning, was a pair of star soldiers killed a little unprepared.

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At this moment, all the disciples of the Tantric Buddhism are shining with golden light, and the Qi of Xuanli is strangely connected together. Each monk seemed to bring his own ethereal voice of Buddha, and gathered together to form an invisible light mask of Buddha, which shrouded all the monks.

Comparatively speaking, the disciples of the beast temple in the edge area of the Star River array on the other side, as well as the fierce looking mysterious beast, are in a miserable state at this moment.

There are no less than 100 disciples of the beast Temple who have entered the Xinghe formation, but now there are only tens of them. Among them, the mysterious beasts that accompanied them were all in a mess, and they were all painted.

If we look at the joint efforts of the major forces to break through the battle, only wan Shanhe and a few people are left in the road. The rest of the disciples of the road have no idea where they are going.

In the square array of the sword Pavilion, all the young people headed by the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China are there, and the six peaks that follow behind them are neiding disciples. At this time, there are more than half of the casualties. The sword intention of the people in the sword Pavilion is very strong, and it is obvious that the influence of killing on their own mind is also very serious.

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Among the ranks of ghosts and demons, the casualties are extremely weak. LAN Ao, the ghost hand devil, was surrounded by a layer of strange evil Qi. He was closely followed by a group of ghost sect disciples. Each of them was full of evil spirit, and his eyes were extremely gloomy, staring at the bodies of the people on both sides.

As for zhenbaozhai, the loss is more than half. Even the arrogant and incomparable desert cold, there are many injuries on the body at the moment. If it was not for the protection of magic weapons, I'm afraid the casualties of the disciples in the treasure house would be more serious.

In the square array of Bixia palace, only Yunni fairies and a few fairies are left. As for the other fairies, they may have fallen into crisis in the first World War. Obviously, Chen Baozhai didn't fulfill his promise to protect the fairies in Bixia palace.

In addition to the major forces, the other small forces who broke into the Star River array have been killed by the star soldiers, and they don't know where to go.

But the only surprise is that there is a group of unknown small forces with less than ten people, all dressed in black and wearing masks, still remaining in the star array. Several strong men in black gathered together and guarded a small masked man in the middle. In addition, the team of less than ten people, each person's breath gives people a kind of cold and strange feeling.In the square array of tianyunzong, Wuchen, Jianming, Ji Ruxue and the three were the most powerful. Moreover, judging from the breath of the three people, it is obvious that the power of the stars absorbed by the three people has been used for themselves. Secondly, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, has been quietly guarding Hualei and Li Ruoshui. Together, they stay in the light shield released by the ancient compass. As for Zifeng, as well as a group of dozens of sword Pavilion disciples, in order to resist the invasion of the power of the stars, they hastily urged the body protection charm to escape the Star River array and return to their respective clan.

"Keke, it seems that the loss of each major department is not small. By contrast, our situation is still good! " Zhen Bucai, a little fat man with a bad smile, murmured in a low voice after looking at the miserable situation of the disciples of each major sect.

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Little fat Zhen Bucai's voice was very low, but he still listened to the disciples of the main sect. At this time, all the disciples of the major forces focused their anger on the little fat Zhen Bucai, hoping to kill him a thousand and eight hundred times with their eyes.

"Ha ha, now is not the time to be happy! Those guys, it seems that they are going to start to be serious! " No trace does not care about the hostility of the major forces around, but the white little fat Zhen not just a look. Then, the air of Xuanli in Wuchen's whole body soared from Turk to Turk, and his eyes were wary of looking coldly on the opposite Star River array.

"Suddenly A cold wind, without warning, blows on the Star River array. The eight silver bound moons will step out together, and all of them will send out a terrible chill.

On both sides, groups of star soldiers in black and white were all rapidly becoming empty. The power of stars turned into black and white streamers, slowly gathered in one place, divided into eight strands, and stayed in front of the figure of each moon general.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of intense breathing sound, in the silent Star River array on the map is particularly clear and harsh. Looking at the eight black-and-white streamers in front, they whirled wildly, and the momentum was as fierce as a black hole in the bottomless abyss. The disciples of all forces trembled, and all the forces stepped back for a few steps

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