Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 408: 408

"Brush!" A golden streamer flew out, and Jin Peng was wrapped up in the fierce cold wind. Behind the whole person suddenly appeared a virtual shadow, proud of the golden winged Mirs flying in the air waving huge arms.

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"Roar!" With a roar, Jin Peng's whole body is full of golden awns, and the whole person turns into a golden winged bird, and plunges into such a terrible black hole of the evil moon.

"Whoosh!" In the rear, the blindfold on Jinpeng's face was quickly removed, and the dark and deep suddenly turned red. Fiery red eyes burst out of a strong spiritual force, straight on the crazy surging black hole of the evil moon.

Click, click

At the moment when the strange red light hits the black hole of the evil moon. The strange black hole trembled in vain. The sharp sharp weapons around quickly turned into hypocrisy and turned into evil again.

On the black hole of the evil moon, the boundless evil Qi is instantly wrapped by a strange red awn. The original clockwise rotating black hole suddenly moved, even very slowly began to run counter clockwise.

In the interior of the black hole of the evil moon, there is a golden light that appears and disappears. The golden winged Mirs are now waving their wings fiercely to disperse the evil in the black hole.

"Good chance!" In the rear, people who have been watching the war all the time are all in front of us, and they can't help but praise it.

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"Whoosh!" A white shadow flashed out again. Brother Zhuge, a weak young man, was almost in the extreme shape. The whole person is like a hurricane. In the blink of an eye, it directly penetrates the gap between the two evil moon black holes.

"Bang!" Right behind the black hole of the evil moon in the edge zone, the moon with her eyes full of enchantment and silver will sink in vain. There was an invisible silver pressure, and the shape of elder martial brother Zhuge slowed down a lot.



Wuchen and Jianming look at each other, and their bodies burst out at the same time. The two men's swords collided with each other, and their bodies disappeared into the gap between the black holes.

"Little fat man, just in case, you stay and protect them!" A sound came out quietly, and the momentum of little fat Zhen Bucai's rising suddenly stopped. Then, Zhen Bu Cai looks at Ji Ruxue and Yunni fairy beside him, and sighs with reluctance.

"Brush!"“ Brush

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No trace and no name sword, the two figures flash out. Just rushed out of the gap between the black holes of the evil moon, no trace felt a touch of cold all over his body unconsciously. Then, a stream of invisible silver fell obliquely, covering the body shape of traceless and nameless sword.

"Hoo No trace gasped hard. It seemed that there was a huge stone pressing on his chest. He just felt short of breath. Then, the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill ran wildly in his body, and the mighty and surging air of Hongmeng chaos suddenly surged into every meridian in his body, and the traceless body felt a burst of unspeakable pleasure.

"Boom!" On the other hand, the sword Qi of the unknown body is released madly. Epee matchless into a golden light, the sword nameless body bound to all the strange silver blast to remove.

"Bang!" At the same time, brother Zhuge, a weak young man, has already stood up with Yuejiang, who is wrapped in silver.

The boundless and terrifying evil spirit emanates from the moon general, and the spiritual force in the air becomes more and more intense. Elder martial brother Zhuge, a weak young man, keeps dodging and making no direct contact with the general of the moon.

In the void, the air of Xuanli burst out, making the Xuanqi in the surrounding air disorderly stirred. It seems that every attack of Yuejiang can blow the people on the spot into powder.

Gulu, Gulu

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Bursts of intense gasps came quietly from the edge of the rear Star River array. All the talented children of the major forces who were eager to try were standing still. All of them are waiting for the final result of tianyunzong's struggle, waiting for the benefit of the rest.

Right behind the black hole of the evil moon, the mighty moon general launched a crazy attack in vain. With his excellent body method, elder martial brother Zhuge entangled the moon with his side, making him have no time to separate himself from others.

"Cough, you move on. If you destroy the person in the main array, this array will be broken by itself A sound came out quietly. No trace and no name sword were shining in front of their eyes. They looked at the white shadow in front of them with admiration. It was the first time that Wu Chen had a good feeling for elder martial brother Zhuge.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

The sound of terror and turbulence came from the battle group with which elder martial brother Zhuge would fight. The breath of terrifying Xuanli burst out of the void completely surpasses the momentum burst out by the peak martial arts practitioners in the later period of Dan soul realm. No trace has no doubt that the amazing fighting power of these two men is enough to match the full force of the strong infant soul."Whoosh!"“ Whoosh

No trace and sword nameless two people look at each other, without any hesitation, then a left and a right around the moon will fly. The two men were full of sword Qi, and they went straight to the center of the Xinghe formation, above the eye of the formation, and above the body of RI Shuai dressed in gold helmets and armor.

On both sides of the Xinghe formation, the other seven evil moon black holes are still whirling wildly, while the seven moon generals are still standing in the same place, ignoring the figure of elder martial brother Zhuge, who is trembling with intense anxiety on one side.

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"Jie Jie..." a strange smile came from the sun general's mouth above the eyes of the Star River array. Then, in front of the day, the quiet space trembles in vain, and a terrible tension spins wildly.

The dark and incomparable evil Qi was like swallowing the starry sky, and suddenly rose into a huge whirlpool in front of RI Shuai.


"Oh, no, I've got it!"

No trace and the nameless sword are full of sword meaning. The two men who had been secretly attacked by their confidence had completely stretched out their black evil spirit at this time. When they realized the strange scene in front of them, it was too late to escape. The evil spirit of terror seems to have endless suction, which makes their eyelids more and more heavy, and they are unconsciously absorbed by this strange force.

"Suddenly A chill diffused out, and the temperature on the star array map suddenly became much colder. A black black hole is more powerful than the evil moon black hole released by eight moon generals. It immediately engulfs the two figures of Wu Chen and Jian Ming.

In the rear area, all the forces and people were shaking, and an inexplicable chill suddenly came to everyone's heart. Looking at the dark and frightening evil and the smiling RI Shuai, all the people present felt an inexplicable sense of desperation

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