Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 420: 420

"Suddenly The evil spirit of terror continued to spread and seemed to be released from Wanshan River after it was completely corpsed.

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In the blink of an eye, wanshanhe's momentum suddenly climbed to the extreme. The whole Star River array is full of disgusting spirit of corpse everywhere.

The original rising flame and the pillar of fire formed by the pillar of star light on the Star River array. At this time, they were all affected by the spirit of corpse evil, and they began to fight with their fierce friction.

"Roar!" His eyes are red without a trace of white, and WAN Shanhe is completely dead and irrational. He can only fight with his body's instinctive memory. In his eyes, there is only one idea now, that is, to kill little fat Zhen Bucai and Ji Ruxue, and to kill all the living people here.

"Bang!"“ Bang

Wanshanhe's stiff hand waved hard, and the two terrible evil spirits turned into huge smoke. The two evil spirits spread out and occupied half of the Star River array.

"Shit, that's bad!" Little fat Zhen Bucai's body shape at this time has been wrapped by the spirit of corpse evil. Fortunately, the simple compass in his hand still radiates a dazzling light. This makes the light curtain released from the compass hinder the vast majority of the spirit of the corpse.

On the other hand, Ji Ruxue's icy Dharma formation at the moment gathers again. The gas source of the horrible corpse evil spirit is constantly invading, which makes it no longer have time to divide its mind into other superfluous actions.

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"Boom!"“ Boom

The black smoke from the two strong winds came at a high speed, and they were about to bombard their bodies. At this critical moment, several white shadows appeared in the front of the two bodies at the same time.

The white shadows, as if they were dying, rushed towards the black smoke in front of them.

It was at this critical moment that Zhuge's body shape flashed out at the same time. See its body shape quickly into the shadow disappeared again, when it appears again, small fat Zhen Bucai, and Ji Ruxue two people have safely landed on the side of it.

Boom, boom, boom

With the sound of turbulence and terror, the white shadow was engulfed by its violent momentum. After losing the evil spirit and black smoke of attacking the target, he went to attack and kill people on both sides.


"Damn it

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"Everybody, get out of here!"

A chaos of shouts, heartrending like resounding in the star array map above. As if they were fleeing all around, several disciples of the major sects were engulfed by the terrible evil spirit, and seven of them died in the same place.

"Kill At the same time, the evil spirit black smoke once again occupied half of the Star River array. And RI Shuai, who is on the other half of the Star River array, can't restrain his anger.

At the same time, the two sides of the flag were placed on the ground. The flag rose out of the air in vain, and the boundless flames on both sides turned into a vast sea of fire.

The roaring sea of fire breathes terrible flame, just like a huge fire dragon waving hot body. All of a sudden, he rushed to the other half of the boundary of the Star River array map and collided with the evil spirit and black smoke who just occupied this area.

With the fierce fire dragon's crazy collision with the evil spirit and black smoke, there is no safe area for the whole star array to be alone.

Originally only need to face the terrible flame of the public, now also want to be on guard against the spirit of the corpse evil. It can be said that it is hard to defend against the enemy.

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"Roar!" Wanshanhe, in a state of rampage, came out in vain and attacked Zhuge Gongcheng and others.

Zhuge Gongcheng's chest was glittering with silver light, and a light white fog came from his body. And under a layer of white fog, there are dozens of white shadow rising from Zhuge Gongcheng.

"Elder martial brother..." the little fat man Zhen Bucai's face was very grim. He repeatedly used his secret skills, which must be a great burden on Zhuge's body. Looking at the weak figure in front of him, little fat Zhen Bucai felt a trace of intolerance in his heart.

"Go On one side, Ji Ruxue also saw that Zhuge's success was not in the right state. She quickly released the Xuanli Qi in her body. A cold strong wind swept the three people's bodies and disappeared on the spot.

Boom, boom, boom

After the corpse, wanshanhe was like a tiger in a flock of sheep, and suddenly disappeared into the thin white fog. With the sound of terrible turbulence, Zhuge's incarnations were completely destroyed and dissipated by the powerful Wanshan river without much effort."To die, to die all..." wanshanhe, who had been completely corpsed, broke away from the layers of indifference. At the moment, wanshanhe has no distinction between the enemy and ourselves. As long as the living creatures in his eyes are all his subconscious enemies.

A sweeping is like a frenzied bombing. The first one to suffer is the people in the animal Temple who are closest to him. At this time, both the children of the animal temple and the Dharma protectors they followed were all attacked by the evil spirit. Some of them were even torn into two pieces by Wan Shanhe on the spot.

"Damn, I'll never die with you in the animal temple." The animal God Temple led the team to come here, and the young man's face was very blue. He roared at the irrational wanshanhe. Wanshanhe was obviously attracted by the roar, and rushed to the figure of the man.

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"Bah, I'll fight with you!" The body of the beast Temple disciple expanded several times rapidly, and the muscles of the whole person swelled obviously. The gorgeous tiger that followed by him roared and tore away from the body of wanshanhe without fear.

With a puff, the fierce tiger Xuan beast broke through wanshanhe's evil spirit defense, and it was on wanshanhe's neck.

Four blood lines were sprayed out along the neck of wanshanhe, and there was a touch of pain in his red eyes.

After a successful attack, the gorgeous tiger quickly retreated back, and the leading disciple of the animal Temple stepped out, with a shining silver gun in his hand.

The silver spear was extremely sharp and powerful. It was shot at the heart of wanshanhe. With the blood red blood flowing out, wanshanhe blood red eyes gradually restored a trace of Qingming color.

"Hum!" Seeing this, the leader disciple of the beast Temple showed a look of hesitation, and the silver spear retreated back. Along with the gorgeous tigers, the whole person retreated and opened a certain safe distance between Wanshan River and Shuangshuang.

"Hoo Wanshanhe breathed heavily, and the evil spirit on his body weakened rapidly. The corpse's body was seriously corroded, and the whole person was obviously on the verge of collapse< br>

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