Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 422: 422

Inside the palace of Star River, at this time, the two men of Wu Chen and Jian Ming all retreated to the straight corridor. On both sides, all the magic treasures on the ground were covered with a layer of light fog, and even the bookshelves with numerous ancient books on one side were inexplicably trembling.

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In front of the straight Yongdao, three resplendent thrones stood still. The twelve stone statues with human body and animal face on both sides of the Yonglu road are now as if they had come to life, emitting the air of terrifying mystery.

Twelve stone statues with animal heads and human bodies open their eyes at the same time, and the strange light shines like a sharp blade. On the quiet and strange road, it is particularly gloomy and terrifying.

"Damn, this thing is alive!" Traceless looking at the front of the twelve is turning into a solid form of beast face human body monster, involuntarily hard swallow saliva. The twelve stone statues burst out of their shells. The breath of each stone statue was far more than the peak state of any one of the later cultivation strong men in Dan soul realm.

"Ha ha, it seems that these treasures and magic tools are mechanisms. Once you are greedy, you will trigger and activate these Guardian animals..." a strange red virtual shadow flashes quietly, and the demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow quickly lies on the no trace ear and says with a smile.

"I'll try!" One side, sword nameless eyebrows slightly pick, a sense of war instantly surge edge of the whole body up and down. Feel the front of the twelve strong momentum of the outside, sword nameless heart of the war will be hooked up.

"Hum!" There was a loud sound of the sword, and the light of the sword suddenly shrouded around the body. The Epee behind him suddenly circled and turned into dozens of virtual shadows, hovering around the unknown body of the sword.

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"Dong!" Step out, the sword nameless body by Epee unparalleled protection, all of a sudden step into the twelve beast face human body stone covered by the scope of momentum.

Click, click, click

A sound of subtle clear sound, in the silence of the corridor, it seems particularly harsh strange. Among the twelve stone statues, the two nearest and opposite to Wu Chen and others quickly turned into solid forms and emerged, both stepping on the straight Yongdao corridor.

"Suddenly“ Suddenly

For a moment, there was a sudden gust of wind on the straight road, and under the strong wind, there was the sound of the sharp weapon rising around the ears.

There are two living stone statues. One is a mouse head with a delicate body. The two slender beards moved up and down, and their breath was full of the wind.

The other stone statue is a horse ORC. The ferocious horse face was extremely fierce, and his whole body even sent out endless fierce Xiao Sha.

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"Whoosh!" A residual shadow flashed out, and the stone statue with a delicate mouse face flew to the sword's nameless side in an instant. Then, two gray white awns appeared in the eyes of the stone statue. The gray white awn slanted down, and suddenly shrouded in the unknown shape of the sword.

"Hum!" At this time is crazy hovering Epee matchless virtual shadow, even in this mysterious white awn under the cover of a tremor in vain. After that, the speed of twirling and hovering of Wushuang virtual shadow of Epee began to slow down more and more, and even the fierce sword Qi released from the virtual shadow of Epee began to weaken obviously.

"Squeak!" A very excited strange cry, sharp from the mouth of the mouse face stone. Two white beards trembled slightly on the face of the stone statue. Two groups of fierce wind blew the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth. One left and the other right, they rolled and killed the unknown body of the sword mercilessly.

"Boom!"“ Boom

Two loud sounds of terror were heard on both sides of the sword's nameless side at the same time. The terrible wind burst out in an instant, and all of them bombarded the shadow of epee.

"Nameless!" With the violent wind surging wildly, the golden sword Qi was scattered all over the sky and fragmented. No trace in the back of the eyes in vain a coagulation, in front of the Xuanli burst in the center of the sword nameless startled voice call way.

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"Cough..." a burst of rapid and fierce cough, followed by a white shadow will quietly and then back. Sword nameless has always been white clothes on, at this time there are spots of blood stained on. Behind him, an Epee covered with light gray air, appeared heavy and clumsy, struggling to fall in front of the nameless body of the sword.

"The Xuanli of the wind attack, and also with petrochemical talent skills. This stone statue with a rat face has the talent of twin martial spirit. " Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow eyebrow slightly a pick, to the side of no trace quietly sound way.

With the body shape of sword nameless retreating, the whole person of sword nameless suddenly broke away from the scope covered by the momentum of twelve stone statues.

"Whoosh!" On the straight corridor in front of the statue, there was a flash of reluctance in its eyes. Then I saw his figure flashed back again and returned to the place where he had stood. A gray light gradually shrouded in its body shape. Except for its eyes, the rest of the body of the rat faced stone statue turned into a stone statue again.On the other side, the stone statue with a horse face fighting against it glances contemptuously at the sword on the opposite side. Later, his whole body turned into a stone statue again.

"Every stone statue here has strength beyond the later cultivation level of Dan's soul realm. What's more, the stone statue with a single attribute just now has hidden talent skills... "The sword is so dignified on its nameless and cold face that it holds the Epee in the palm of its hand. All the shining swords turned into golden awns and rose up, destroying all the gray light covered by Epee matchless.

"Nameless, can you hold on?" Looking at the bloodstains on the sword's nameless chest, Wu Chen frowned and asked softly.

"The second stone statue just didn't move, but judging from the momentum it released, it should be the Xuanli attribute of gold. However, it's a pity that his talent skills haven't been tested out. You should be careful when you encounter them later! " Sword nameless face is still cold, white eyes, the side of no trace whispered.

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"Ha ha, you are still such a stink! Then let's go one by one and see who gets rid of each other first! " No trace a smile happily, to sword nameless silently nodded. Then, in front of Wu Chen's finger, he leaned against the two nearest stone statues, and shrugged his shoulders to Jianming.

"Matchless!" A roar full of pride came out of the sword's nameless mouth. The Epee that got rid of the bondage of petrifaction talent was unparalleled. Suddenly, there was a sound of sword, and it rose up majestically.

"Brush!" A white shadow carrying the virtual shadow of the heavy sword guarded by the road turned it into a sharp golden light and rushed straight ahead.

This time, the sword didn't wait until the stone statue on the rat's face turned into shape, so it immediately released the fierce Xiao Sha Qi to its position.

At the same time, the other side of the no trace also quickly move up, catkins misty work full play out, no trace waist a cold light in vain. In the void, a sharp flash was suddenly shot, and the stone statue of the horse faced beast stabbed at another direction with the silver sword in Wu Chen's hand, choking his throat and killing him

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