Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 43: 43

In the quiet valley, Formless and the Cliff Python fought back and forth. Both sides refused to give in and fought to hold on.

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"Shua!" Two beams of red light shot out from the ferocious beast's bloodthirsty eyes. Traceless Aftermaths' body stiffened as an unprecedented sense of danger flooded his body. Terrifying auras of profound energy rose up consecutively, shaking Formless' stomach until it overturned the tides.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out from Wu Hen's mouth. Two streams of bright red blood flowed out from the corners of his lips. On the opposite side, the fierce beast, the Cliff Python's expression was also unsightly. However, it saw that Wu Hen was injured. The ferocious beast's eyes became even more bloodthirsty and violent.

"Ji Ruxue, are you ready?" Seeing that Wu Hen had been injured by the Vicious Beast Stone Python, the wielding sword in his hand that was about to be unleashed, Jian Wuming, who could no longer hold himself back, anxiously urged Ji Ruxue, who was still gathering Qi in the formation.

"Swish!" A terrifying chill shot up into the sky. Ji Ruxue, who was within the formation, was completely reflected in the cold, light blue light!

"Done!" Ji Ruxue's complexion was incomparably pale. One could tell that the amount of energy needed to create a spell formation was a great deal of damage to her body.

"Swish!" A burst of mystical Qi rippled out from the magic formation as Ji Ru Xue disappeared into thin air along with the magic formation on her body. With a flash of blue light, Ji Ruxue, whose white robe was glowing with blue light, appeared out of nowhere above the head of the stone python that was in a stalemate with Wu Hen.

"Ice Spell Formation, go!" As the chilliness around Ji Ruxue increased, a cold magic formation made of light blue light descended from the sky.

The formation wrapped in surging ice energy accurately bombarded the huge body of the Cliff Python from top to bottom.

"Wu Hen, retreat quickly!" Ji Ruxue's body suddenly flashed and reappeared in front of Wu Hen. A wave of cold air spread throughout his body, and the Traceless Aftermaths that was bound to his body regained its freedom.

"Creak … Creak …"

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A clear sound resounded from the enormous body of the Vicious Beast, the Cliff Python. The blue light that shot up to the sky illuminated the entire valley. The terrifying icy power shrouded the vicious beast, the Cliff Python, tightly.

Boom!" A terrifying explosion resounded from the magical formation on the body of the Vicious Beast, the Cliff Python. A cold wave of air surged forward, blowing both Wu Hen and Ji Ruxue away.

"Cough cough …" The fog rose, and the freezing air was bone-chilling cold. Wu Hen was protecting Ji Ruxue's body. His body, which was glowing with a golden light, was actually frozen by layers of frost.

"Are … Are you alright?" Ji Ruxue used the last of her profound energy and used an array to envelop the two of them. The Chilling Qi around Wu Hen's body started to dissipate, and the golden mist started to cover the surface of his frozen body.

"Hehe, that's nothing!" Wu Hen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and tried his best to resist the bone-piercing pain. As he fell in the middle of the magic formation on his four limbs, he gave Ji Ru Xue a big smile without a care in the world.

"Puchi!" Ji Ruxue, who had always been as cold as ice, surprisingly let out a faint smile when she looked at Wu Hen, who was still smiling foolishly and in an extremely miserable state.

"When you smile, you look really good!" Wu Hen's expression became absent-minded again as he spoke to Ji Ruxue in a daze.

"Humph!" Sensing that she was acting strangely, Ji Ruxue hurriedly withdrew her smile. His expression became serious again as he looked outside the formation with an ice-cold gaze.

Waves of chilliness filled the air. At this moment, all of the water in the stream pool had turned into blue ice. Meanwhile, a huge ice sculpture that shone with a bright and cold light stood in the middle of the stream pool in a strange manner.

The strange ice sculpture was dozens of meters wide and huge. On the head of the giant ice statue, there were two strange red lights flashing inside the cold ice, as if they would burst out at any moment.

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"Cough cough, the ice array formation can still be maintained for ten breaths of time!" "Nameless Sword, you only have one attack chance …" After a series of violent coughs, Ji Ruxue, who was inside the formation, became even paler. Looking at the slightly receding frost power, Ji Ruxue anxiously reminded the Sword God, who had been gathering power for a long time.

"Wushuang, it's up to you!" As Jian Nameless lovingly touched the thick sword aura in his hand, the profound strength at the late stage of Soul Building Stage in his body instantly rose to the pinnacle.

"Peerless Sword, Unparalleled Sword God!" A furious roar shook the heaven and earth! It was as if Nameless' entire being had merged with the heavy sword in his hand, and a terrifying killing intent instantly enveloped the entire bottom of the valley.

Soon after, a majestic and terrifying sword Qi erupted from Jian Wuqing's body. The heavy sword in the middle of the nameless sword suddenly flew out of his hand, and in the next moment, the afterimages of the sword beams that were lingering in the air quickly merged into the heavy sword.

"Swish!" In the void, a dazzling golden light flashed. A streak of light flew out, heading straight for the neck of the beast that was frozen by the power of ice and mercilessly slicing towards it!

Crack, crack, crack.

Clear and crisp sounds came out of the pool. The thick and heavy longsword spun in the air, once again flying back to Sword Nameless with golden light wrapped around it.

Above the pool, a huge head was still blinking with two strange red lights as it fell down.

"Plop!" With the heavy fall of the giant head, the frozen water in the pool began to melt. The head of the vicious beast landed on the ground, instantly transforming into fragments of ice.

Rumble …

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Bang! Bang! Bang! Another series of muffled sounds rang out. The body of the Cliff Python that was previously frozen was now all broken into pieces, falling into the pool of water.

Waves of strong wind were stirred up, blowing away the head of the vicious beast, which had previously been reduced to fragments of ice and snow, until it disappeared without a trace. The corpse of the Cliff Python that had fallen into the pool of water had also turned into smelly, bloody water as the frost power dissipated.

"Bada!" A black, vicious beast core that emitted a strong, petrifying aura quietly landed on the edge of the pool.

"Hu!" Jian Wuming let out a long sigh, and placed the heavy sword in his hand behind him once again. The killing intent and sword aura around him gradually dissipated, and Jian Nameless once again returned to his previous ice-cold state.

"Pah!" A burst of profound energy fluctuation rose, and the beast core of the fierce beast Cliff Python on the ground appeared in the hands of Jian Wuming. A hint of an evil smile appeared on the corner of Jian Wuqing's mouth as he turned around and looked at Wu Hen and Ji Ruxue, whose auras were slightly weaker than him.

"You, what are you trying to do?" Ji Ruxue's chest was moving up and down as she vigilantly looked at the evil looking Jian Wu Ming and asked.

"Cough cough, I say brother, don't look at me like that. I'll be embarrassed if you look at me like that!" Wu Hen, who was as carefree as ever, joked to Jian Wuqing, who had suddenly changed his attitude.

"Hehe, if I kill you all, then that Red Cloud Vermillion Fruit will belong to me alone!" Jian Ming gently threw the beast core in his hand away and said with a face full of playfulness.

"Humph, the Sword Heart is only mediocre!" Ji Ruxue said coldly with an extremely gloomy expression, as if she was not afraid of death.

"Hehe, brother, this joke is not funny!" Wu Hen pushed himself up from the magical formation and took a step forward …

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It stood in front of Ji Ruxue, blocking her way.

"You …" Ji Ruxue, who was in the middle of the formation, trembled slightly. She could not help but feel an unprecedented feeling of warmth in her heart.

"Heh heh, I lost quite a bit just thinking about it!" Jian Nameless laughed coldly, and the killing intent Sword Qi started to rise from his body once again.

On the other side, Traceless Aftermaths was facing the water as he stood firmly in front of Ji Ru Xue. Within the formation, Ji Ruxue's pale face became even more unsightly as she stared coldly at the sword master.

In the middle of the air, a burst of dazzling sword qi intertwined and flashed. The crystal core of a vicious beast that exuded a petrifying aura suddenly broke into three pieces!

"Hehe, swordsmen are all righteous and upright. How can you allow us to underestimate them!" The Sword Qi around Jian Nameless's body began to dissipate, and a devilish smile appeared on his cold face. Following that, with a light wave of his right hand, two pieces of broken Cliff Python Beast Cores flew out.

"Humph, one serving each!" Hurry up and recover. In fifteen minutes, it will be time! The Red Cloud Vermillion Fruit is a divine treasure of heaven and earth, if you don't get lucky and end up getting nothing, then you won't have to try! " Jian Wu Ming swept his gaze across the two people in front of him with a vigilant look, and then casually sat down on the ground with his legs crossed.

"Hmph, boring!" Ji Ru Xue angrily snorted coldly at Jian Nameless's back. Then, he quickly sat down cross-legged to meditate and recuperate. Obviously, the words of Jian Wuming still had some effect.

"Haha, Nameless, you are really naughty!" Formless Blade laughed out loud as he held the beast core fragment in his hand. The position of the nameless sword in Formless Blade's heart had unknowingly been placed within the category of trustworthiness.

"Sigh, everyone says that the world is dangerous and that people have evil intentions! Actually, what's complex is not the human heart, but suspicion! " The Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's figure moved, and the tense expression on his face unnaturally relaxed.

In the distance, the towering ancient tree had already become completely transparent. The milky white liquid floated in the air. In the hole in the middle of the ancient tree, a round fruit that was suffused with a colorful glow was slowly taking shape, flickering and flickering …

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