Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 431: 431

"Suddenly The thin fog rose wildly in vain and gathered around the stone statue of harelip.

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"Sa Sa!" The sharp cold rain is as sharp as a sharp blade. It turns into a terrible sword array, which protects the snake like stone statue tightly.

"Ha ha, in the palm of my hand, I can let you escape?" Feeling the power of resistance under the continuous sword, the corners of his mouth showed a smile of self-confidence in vain.

"Out!" A kind of light call, slowly spit out from traceless mouth. With this deep voice falling down, the endless sword will be shrouded in vain.

The bright silver light is dazzling, and the fierce Xiao shajian's intention goes straight to Xiaohan. The dreamlike light and shadow interweave and weave, and instantly engulf the cleft lip stone statue, the snake stone statue and the two figures, and submerge them on the straight corridor.

"Brush!" After nearly a quarter of an hour, the fierce silver sword light gradually weakened its momentum. With the two strange Xuanli sources flying out, the cleft lip, the snake shape, and the two broken stone statues are restored to the original state and fall back on the straight corridor.

With fog, rain and two kinds of variation, Xuanli and Xuanqi come into our heart in a rush, which makes us feel very comfortable. The Qi of Hongmeng and chaos in the body surged wildly again, pushing all the Qi of fog, rain and two kinds of variant Xuanli that had just rushed into the body into the purple and golden elixir field of Wuchen's body.

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For a moment, the straight corridor was silent. Rabbit lip, snake shape, monkey, Youji, pig, dog and six stone statues were all destroyed. The most precious source of Xuanli Qi was absorbed and refined by Wuchen and Jianming respectively.

Ten lifeless animal faced stone statues stand quietly on both sides of the huge straight corridor. In the front of Zhiyong road leading to the mysterious throne in the rear, there are only two beast faced stone statues still emitting black, white and two colors of strange light, flickering.

"Eh, why do these two statues look so serious, and how do they look and feel like the ancient orcs..." demon zunhuo Xiao Xu Ying kept floating. This was the first time he looked at the two stone statues with black and white faces.

I saw the stone statue emitting a black and white light, the breath is quietly rising slowly. With the momentum of the two beast faced stone statues becoming more and more intense, the two beast faced stone statues appeared as if they were about to take shape.

"Ouch!" With a roar, the whole straight road trembled. The last stone statue on the left side of the road burst apart in vain.

A white shadow in the shape of a long dragon rises in the air. Its huge figure looks like a snake and a dragon. It stands majestically on the void. There is a faint air of clouds around it.

"Roar!" There was another roar, which filled the corridor with blood. The last stone statue on the left side of the straight passage suddenly cracked. A black shadow flashed out and fell on the corridor.

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"Bang!" A dull sound came out, and the black shadow was surrounded by strong wind. The dark eyes twinkled with cold light, and the sharp fangs and claws trembled gently. The black figure looks like a tiger hunter. It's frightening. The Invisible King's power comes from its figure unconsciously.

Two deafening roars spread all over the palace in an instant. At the end of the corridor of the straight passage, the three mysterious and strange thrones shook wildly in vain. With the three thrones echoing each other, three strange images emerge.

The scorching sun, the slowly rising silver moon, and the shining stars with strange brilliance cover the three mysterious thrones, and set off the two black and white beast faced stone statues on the front side.

Outside the palace of Star River, the roaring sound of tiger roaring and dragon chanting resounds through the world. On the star array full of flames, the scene at this time is extremely bloody and brutal.

The corpses of the disciples of the major sects crossed the ground obliquely. And the hot and terrible flame, now the flame is also very decline.

Above the center of the Star River array, the sun general, the moon general, the Star Soldier and the three figure figures formed by the two red flags are already full of holes. Around the three figures, there were ten figures who attacked and strangled him.

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Boom, boom, boom

In the distance, accompanied by two terrible roars, the whole Star Palace vibrated inexplicably, symbolizing the virtual image of the sun, the moon, the stars and the three light projection, which suddenly made the people on the star array stop and stay in the same place.Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

The sun commander, moon general, Star Soldier and three people on the Star River array are emitting three different lights corresponding to the projection above the Star River Palace. And the injuries on the three people also began to recover rapidly, and their momentum rose sharply.

"Jie Jie, the vision appears. There must be a treasure in the palace of Xinghe!" The devil's hand, the devil's son LAN Ao, laughs slyly. His dark eyes are full of greed.

"Amitabha, there's the breath of Buddha..." a Sanskrit voice came out, and the light in the eyes of the Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of Buddhists of.

The light of the six swords soared into the sky, and the six sons of the sword Pavilion galloped out of the sword array. The six figures, like a sharp sword, turned into a streamer and flew away at the end of the Star River array.

A silver light flashed out, and the young man of the animal Temple rushed out from the other side of the Star River array with the gorgeous tiger beside him.

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"Elder martial brother, what shall we do?" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was livid and panting heavily. There were ups and downs on his chest, and his breath was weakening.

"Go The elder martial brother Zhuge Gongcheng nodded slightly, and the white mist rose rapidly from his body. Shadow after shadow quickly escorts Zhen Bucai and Ji Ruxue, carrying their bodies to the end of the Star River array.

As you can see, the most powerless small faction on the whole Star River array, five people in black, flew out together, flying behind them like a delicate and delicate figure.

Boom, boom, boom

I feel the terrible mysterious force coming from the opposite side. The sun Shuai, the moon general, the Star Soldier and the three people on the Star River array stop absorbing the projection force above my head. The endless power of the stars covers and spreads out. The sun Shuai, the moon general, the Star Soldier and the three figures turn into three streamers, He blocked all the people coming from the opposite side in the void< br>

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