Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 434: 434

"Suddenly A thick and vigorous air wave came from the direction of the Star River Palace. On the silent empty ground, the strange and terrifying air of Xuanli rose up. Some of the surviving disciples of the major sects did not have any trouble. They immediately chose to escape and send them back to their respective sects.

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"Keke, I've just had a slight speech. I'm surprised to see that mushroom is cool!" Small fat Zhen not just see around no threat to speak of, quickly bow body to the side of Liu Shuanger boxing apology way.

The woman in black just called Liu Wuhen brother Wuhen. Even the sword nameless, who entered the palace with Wuhen, was also called brother nameless. In addition, one can recognize Ji Ruxue's identity. Even a fool knows that the relationship between this woman and Wuhen is not the same. And the little fat Zhen not just just also confident free and easy volunteer, this matter if let no trace listen to, I'm afraid it's also unavoidable a special care. Every time I think of fighting with Wu Chen, little fat Zhen Bucai can't help but get the chrysanthemum's face tight and his stool is extremely ugly.

"Brother no trace, it's my cousin! I'm his cousin. My name is Liu Shuanger Liu Shuanger a face bad smile, to small fat Zhen not just innocent shrug.

"Ouch, I'll go!" In the heart already had about little fat Zhen Bucai, a stagger almost fell to the ground. Later, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, smiles and says to Liu Shuanger, "Hey, sister Shuanger, you will be my sister from now on. In the future, if someone dares to bully you in the mainland of China, you will give me the name of tianyunzong! If my name of xiaoshengbucai is not loud enough, you can report my name of Laozi as Zhen Youcai. If even my father can't control each other, you can report my name of grandfather as Zhen Shengcai... "

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"Ah, tianyunzong's divination method, Zhen family?" Liu Shuanger, who used to be full of fun and laughter, was in a panic when he heard a series of names from Zhen Bucai. These people are all big people in mainland China.

Divination Zhen family, which is one of the eight sects, is the most mysterious hidden family of Tianyun sect. I never thought that I would meet the family power who only heard of him but never saw him. What's more, it seems that the guy I met has such a strange flower

"Haha, your brother Wuchen is my boss. From now on, you are just like my sister. If you have something to do in the future, please come to Tianyun to find Zhen Bucai, the first marshal of the pre surgery hall! " Small fat Zhen not just once again to restore the past in the spirit, began to face Liu Shuanger patting chest, a strong guarantee way.

"Cackle, so, then I'd like to thank brother Bucai!" Liu shuang'er is clever and nimble. She leans slightly and gives a blessing to Zhen Bucai, a little fat man.

Seeing this, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, can't find the north. He likes to meet Liu Shuanger for the first time, so he wants to take Liu Shuanger to worship him in public and make him a brother and sister of the opposite sex.

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"Cough..." fortunately, the elder martial brother Zhuge Gongcheng coughed lightly, and his sharp eyes instantly killed little fat Zhen Bucai, which made the forgetful little fat Zhen Bucai gradually become quiet and stable.

"Hey, elder martial brother, let's go in quickly. Otherwise, if the no trace boss is in any danger, we can go there, lest they are weak!" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man with a simple smile, has an idea and quickly digs off the topic.

In the distance, the palace of Star River is still sending out thick and majestic waves. After counting, the figure has flashed in and disappeared on the empty square.

"Keke, the master once ordered us to open the Xinghe palace. Only those who are destined can seize it. My mission here is to escort you and your party to the Star River Palace. Now, the task has been basically completed, and the treasure in the Star River Palace is destined to be out of my way. In addition, the power consumption of martial spirit in my body is huge. It's time for me to leave and return to the clan! " Zhuge Gongcheng coughed for several times, and the whole body's surging breath disappeared. Weak figure now appears extremely tall and extraordinary, a Wanli cloud Rune appeared in the palm of his hand.

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"Elder martial brother, this is serious! My father, he really said, "you have no chance with the treasures in the Star River Palace?" Little fat Zhen Bucai's eyes flashed a color of unprecedented struggle, and asked Zhuge Gongcheng in a low voice. Obviously, hearing the news that Zhuge Gongcheng wanted to leave, little fat Zhen Bucai felt a little more reluctant.

Fortune telling is good or bad. All powerful people have the perception of conforming to heaven and earth's prediction of good or bad fortune. And Tianyun sect is famous for its divination and prediction methods, among which Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, is the most successful one. If it's really the Lord of the Zhen hall, even the little fat Zhen Bucai can't refute.

"Ha ha, step back, it's calm. Enter a foot, the disaster of annihilation... "ZHUGE Gongcheng light smile, mouth slowly spit out a touch of unwilling meaning. Obviously, the words just said were the instructions of the master of Zhen Tang before he left. Now they have been successfully sent to the front of the Star River Palace. Zhuge, who believes in the master Zhen, naturally won't set up his own future for the unknown treasure."Big elder martial brother..." the color of struggle in the little fat Zhen Bucai's eyes is more and more obvious. He opens his mouth and wants to say nothing. Seeing this, Zhuge Gongcheng gave a faint smile and patted little fat Zhen Bucai on the shoulder. Then, a subtle air of Xuanli rose up. Zhuge's success triggered his hand to become a streamer, which disappeared in the same place with the violent wind.

"Well, step back, it's calm. Into a foot, the disaster... "Little fat Zhen not just faint sigh, mouth constantly recite Zhuge Gongcheng just said words.

"Eh, is it difficult? Can you really predict whether everything will work out?" Ji Ruxue, who is recovering from headache, flashed a look of astonishment on her cold face. Obviously, Ji Ruxue still can't understand and believe the conversation between Zhen Bucai and Zhuge Gongcheng.

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"Cluck, if you practice martial arts, you will only avoid evil and turn good fortune. If you don't even have the courage to die, how can you break through your self-cultivation limit in adversity? If it's just the flowers growing in the greenhouse, even if it's in full bloom, I'm afraid it can't stand the rough waves... "A faint smile comes out. Liu Shuanger hangs her veil on her face again and winks playfully at Ji Ruxue.

On one side, the little fat Zhen Bucai, who has been silently talking, trembles in vain. The whole person seems to be stunned on the spot as if he had been hit. Then, after a few minutes, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, suddenly patted his head. He woke up and exclaimed, "the misfortune of fortune depends on the misfortune of fortune. Happiness and disaster depend on each other, life and death coexist. Take a step back. It seems that life is death. If you enter a foot, you may be dead, but there is life hidden in it! "

"No wonder, no wonder my father said that the elder martial brother was destined for Xinghe palace. He originally hoped that the elder martial brother could really take the last step by himself. If the elder martial brother has the courage to fight against heaven, earth and fate, his future achievements will not be bound by tianyunzong. "

"Alas, but the elder martial brother is very careful and careful. Although he will not achieve much in the future with his qualifications, he will not be able to be the top person in mainland China in this life."

Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, has ten fingers in his hand, It seems that he is talking to himself and to Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger. Until the words were all blurted out, little fat Zhen Bucai's fat body had already been soaked in a cold sweat... < br > all the time

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