Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 437: 437

At the entrance of Xinghe palace, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, and Zhen Bucai, the little fat man, came carefully. As soon as they got to the interior of the palace, they felt that there was an inexplicable terror in the distance.

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The bright white awn was dazzling, which made all the three people who had just stepped into the Star River Palace in front of their eyes. Then, the three quickly responded to the crisis. They were inspired by the three mysterious forces and turned into three shadows. They flashed away to the two sides of the world.

At the same time, the traceless figure in the distance has arrived. At the same time, the air of the three Xuanli forces resisted and released at the same time, and no trace felt the breath of little fat Zhen Bucai and Ji Ruxue for the first time.

Wu Chen, who was still in the mood, was embarrassed when he saw the person walking into the palace. In a moment, he was as depressed as a frosted eggplant.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out from Wuchen's mouth, and Wuchen's body suddenly turns in the void. Originally, the figure of galloping quickly came out with a sword and went straight to the back of the strange pure white awn.

"Willow style nine swords, flying leaves fluttering!" A silver awn cut through the sky, full of purple and gold armor to protect the body without trace. At the first time, he turned the defense into an attack and launched a fierce offensive.

The bright silver awn is wrapped with the extremely sharp sword meaning. It is like a flying leaf in the wind, and it is like a different fragrance in the chaos of flowers. In a flash, it directly penetrates into the rear, and the strange white light covers it.

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"Ouch!" The sound of a dragon singing as if it were something or nothing resounded, and a fierce breath of dark beast burst out from the silver white awn. The fluttering and swaying flying leaf sword has a buzz, and it is shining by the momentum of the strange silver at the same time.

The attack of flying leaves, which is shrouded by the sword, does not cause any obstacles to the silver white awn. I saw the silver white awn still spread straight ahead and sped out, hidden in the white silver awn fog, and in a trance, I could see the figure of a white dragon.

"Ouch!" The white dragon swept up with the silver mist, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed towards the traceless body again.

At this time, behind the traceless figure, Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger, little fatty Zhen Bucai, and the three have been far away from the regiment, and they have found their own hiding places.

"Sword three!" A very cool murmur came from the front of the white dragon. I saw a bright golden sword rising in the void, followed by endless cutting power.

The sense of killing and cutting sword was so terrible that three golden shadows of Epee appeared from the void at the same time. The three golden swords, with the power of destroying heaven and earth, cut into the looming Silver Dragon fog.

"Poof!"“ Poof“ Poof

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The light of the golden sword flashed away, and the fierce cutting power of the spirit power cut into the golden white fog in an instant. Then, I saw three golden Epee virtual shadow flash away, and the misty white air was abruptly cut into three pieces.

"Suddenly The white fog splits and quickly turns into green smoke, converging towards a corner of the void. The power of the looming dragons rises, and the virtual shadow of the snow-white and silvery dragon is slowly gathering with its claws and tusks.

"Cough, nameless, fortunately you came in time!" With the continuous cutting of the golden sword Qi, the unknown body of the sword appeared on the side of no trace. No trace quickly wiped the sweat on the forehead, looking at the void is gradually forming, scattered Silver Dragon secretly swallowed.

"Ha ha, you just didn't plan very well. Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Sword nameless cold face across a bad smile, to no trace intentionally or unintentionally asked.

"Ha ha, we are our own people! Nameless, you guy, can't you learn something? " With a smile of no trace, he scratched his head awkwardly to the sword.

"Hey, hey, I can learn well with you?" A thick and powerful old voice rang out quietly from Wuhen's ear. The empty shadow of yaozunhuoxiao flashed out in vain. Wuhen was startled on the spot.

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"Rely on..." a roar of anger without trace, the air of mysterious force all over the body instantly rose up, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly burst out, the state of unprecedented vigilance to the extreme.

"No trace boss!"

"Brother no trace!"

"Willow, willow, no trace..."

In the distance, Zhen Bucai, Liu Shuanger and Ji Ruxue, the little fat man, flash quickly and gather together. He looked into the void, with the silver dragon on the spot.Brush, brush, brush

With the gathering and shaping of the body shape of the silver dragon, a strange silver light flashed through the calm void. The strange silver figure is constantly changing. In an instant, it appears in no trace and sword nameless.

At the same time, a silver white fog puffed out from the silver dragon mouth, and the strange fog spread instantly, covering the bodies of Wu Chen and Jian Ming.

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The body is in the white fog cover of no trace, just feel in front of the fog more and more thick. Originally can see all the field of vision, gradually even his hands are unable to face up to see up.

Not only that, after breathing the white mist into the body, the blood flow and Xuanli movement in the whole body become slow without any sign. As a result, the body's reaction ability and five senses of wutrace will drop unconsciously.

In his eyes, the silver swimming dragon with teeth and claws on the void, but its flying action is inexplicably increased several times. Although it is very close, it is easy to evade the attack. At this time, it is even more difficult for Turks to evade.

"Boom!"“ Boom

There were two dull sounds, which exploded from the white fog. Silver dragon head and tail, the huge body now has become extremely light up. The frenzied attack broke out in vain, and the two destructive momentum came at the same time on the no trace, the unknown sword and their bodies.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh With the burst of terror, Wu trace and Jian Ming were hit by the silver dragon at the same time. They were like two broken kites. They were smashed out of the silver fog and sped away in two different directions in the distance.

"Ouch!" The silver dragon roared excitedly and turned to the direction where they fell. Then, the body of the silver dragon soared into the air, carrying a strange silver rising fog. Decisively gave up chasing sword nameless, straight to fall on the ground of traceless body shape attack and kill< br>

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